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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. No the question was if you had a previous version of ST-Inventory running making this an upgrade to that pre-existing NS or if this was a new install. Is the Polisy new? Is it up to date? Do you have any other NS running, specifically any other Simplex Technology NS defined with ST in the beginning of the name. The error in the log is clear that the Polyglot API is not current which would cause the NS to fail on startup. What is unknown is why this would crash the entire ISY as you have stated it did.
  2. I'm afraid I don't know how a NS is crashing the whole ISY. I recommend you opening a ticket with UD support about the ISY crashes. The log however does show that the Node.js Polyglot API is not a current version and needs to be updated. Were you running ST-Inventory before and then updated to the newer version? If so then it would seem that the Polyglot API is not being updated on NS updates or installs which is a problem outside of a single NS.
  3. I'm not sure. I'll have to look.
  4. This should be possible through programs.
  5. That is interesting. Please do send me a private message and attach the log file to the message. Do you have any other Sonos players besides the Roam?
  6. It is what it is. It's a inventory list of the nodes and devices within your ISY. Common use by many was to know how many nodes were in their ISY994i and whether they were close or over the node limit. If they were they knew what was now causing node add failures and they could upgrade to the ISY Pro. Knowing how many devices of different types is just a metric that many find useful or interesting. The error log entries was added from a request as it is good to know and then clear the log so it doesn't continue consuming system space.
  7. Looks like the speaker was not available (likely after the firmware update/reboot) and at the same time (during the restart) a connection failed. I thought I had caught everything around the speaker restarts. Looks like something is not being caught.
  8. They need to be placed on the file system on Polisy. Example: /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/00:0d:b9:4e:37:d0_4/node-sonos-http-api/static/clips Replace the Node Server 00:0d:b9:4e:37:d0_4 with the location that matches your installation.
  9. Sounds good to me.
  10. Interesting. This gives me a thought that perhaps there should be a forum for Node Server requests? @Geddy any thoughts on this?
  11. One of them I (that I have) is Z-Wave Plus. The others are not. I installed them with numerous systems including the ISY for testing. I no longer need them for any testing and I use Smokes connected to my Elk panel so... no use for them.
  12. Two of the errors (log level) are debugs that I left in and should remove. The other "error" related to the Node not found is because of the async nature of changes/things happening and the nodes not being created/existing just yet. Things have to "catch up". Initial "status" of the Nodes is set when they receive information related to them. So not all nodes will have any information if nothing has happened from that Node/Speaker yet.
  13. I'm not aware of any native Sonos capability for 'fade to off'. Might be able to simulate one with a program or could be a simulated addition that could be done within the NS code and taking fade time as a configuration parameter and lower the volume at pre-defined increment until it hits 0....
  14. Welcome. I went through and changed all nodes to report proper status (ST) for those that like looking at the overall system status from the primary ISY node in Admin Console
  15. Best offers on the Z-Wave Smoke/CO being accepted. Otherwise these go in the trash on Tuesday 5/10/22 (Tomorrow).
  16. Do you have a Personal Weather Station or plan on getting one? If you do then use a NS based around your PWS. If not then use a NS based around a Weather service you prefer. @bpwwer is the defacto "Weather Man"
  17. No... Pi Zero will not work. If you can't source a rPi 4 then go for a Odroid which is supported by easy installation. Another alternative (more work to install Home Assistant) would be a Rock64 board. When in doubt... read the docs: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/
  18. I don't like "all-in-one" systems. I run Mikrotik gear at home and it's what I'll install for others. Now if you want "easy" then you probably don't want Mikrotik as there's a pretty steep learning curve and networking knowledge is very helpful.
  19. Well said.
  20. Lutron does not make any z-wave or wifi switches. Are you perhaps confused with Leviton?
  21. Kinda old news as the Insteon Hub has been used as a PLM by HomeSeer plugin and Indigo for years. I guess others are "just now" figuring this out. Problem now with Insteon being dead is getting the docs and access to interface with the API.
  22. Go to the rticontrol.com website and find local dealer. Or talk to a dealer who does remote management or travel installs. A lot more details of what/how things are configured/wired today would be needed by anyone looking at this project and possibly a site inspection for anyone who is going to be responsible for this. It sounds.... very hackish DIY (no offense) I have plenty of this myself but nothing I would ever support for someone else. In either direction of rip/replace or integrate/augment this is not going to be cheap with any professional system. Doesn't matter if it's RTI, Control4, URC any of them are going to be much more expensive than Home Assistant.
  23. Ra 3 is work in progress... waiting on Lutron.... Sonos is work in progress as with other PG3 node servers.
  24. Maybe take a look at RTI?
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