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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Just got distracted by the day job and spaced the fact that the scene name was the interface to the Alexa command... Glad I could be of assistance! -Xathros
  2. In this case there MUST be a third location(Second switch location or junction box) that both the wall box and ceiling box run to and gather power from. I still have a sneaky feeling that there are more wires in the ceiling box. Can you pull the fan bracket and look further up into that ceiling hole? -Xathros
  3. So between my initial concept and the 2nd rev using different On-Levels, I managed to completely miss the whole point of my point! Of course this will work! Feeling a bit like an idiot.... -Xathros
  4. Well, it doesn't really. My initial thought here was a device or button would represent one activity and allow for On/off = start/stop. Multiplexing many commands into it via brightness levels would require rather odd language with Alexa thus taking you right back to the unnatural usage you are trying to avoid in the first place. Worse yet, you would need to remember what brightness a particular task is assigned. At that point, the "Alexa, tell Izzy to run ..." implementation is better in my opinion. -Xathros
  5. 2 blacks and 2 whites at the wall switch? Or one black and one white? -Xathros
  6. What you describe above makes not sense to me. There needs to be more than 2 wires at either the ceiling box or the wall switch box. Maybe they are hiding above the fan hanger in the ceiling box. The KPL will not directly control any load. Cap it's red wire. Instead, Scenes and/or programs will be used to instruct the Fanlinc based on input from the KPL via Insteon links. Here is what I suspect you have and need: -Xathros
  7. Seems viable to me! Might require some testing to ensure multiple commands are not executed as the Lamplinc ramps up or down through several brightness levels on it's way to the level most recently requested. -Xathros
  8. No. Simply Name a button or device for simplicity with Alexa. Example: Scene "Family Room TV' with only 'FamilyRoomKPL-C' as a responder. Program: If Status 'FamilyRoomKPL-C' is On And Status 'FamilyRoomKPL-C' IsNot Off Then Resource 'AVControl - FR DirecTV DVR On' Resource 'AVControl - FR Onkyo On' Resource 'AVControl - FR Samsung TV On' Else Resource 'AVControl - FR DirecTV DVR Off' Resource 'AVControl - FR Onkyo Off' Resource 'AVControl - FR Samsung TV Off' Then when you say "Alexa, Turn On Family Room TV" she will turn on the scene called "Family Room TV", the program will see the status change on the KPL button and issue your resource calls. Same with "Turn Off Family Room TV" Make sense? In addition, for those who don't like to talk to electronics, you have a KPL button that performs the same function. -Xathros
  9. I can see a workaround involving a physical Insteon device like a LampLinc or even a KPL button. You could name a KPL Button Scene for "Family Room TV" and have a program that monitors the Status of that button. When the button turns on, the program runs then and issues your network resource commands to turn on the AV equipment. When the button turns Off, the program runs else to shut things down. Granted, this would be better with a virtual device but seems like a viable workaround in the meantime. -Xathros
  10. Well no, but, programs can call other programs so it is possible to at least chain things together. -Xathros ]
  11. Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed! -Xathros
  12. Excellent! I'm sure you will be happier with the switch as you have it now. Glad you got everything working. Thanks for posting back. -Xathros
  13. So then the issue with using Izzy would be the humans remembering to call the skill "Izzy" but the device "ISY"? I think I understand. -Xathros
  14. Know several Isabelle's that would take issue with this... Regardless of what we end up calling the ISY skill, the query and switch commands are still going to be odd. "Alexa, ask My Home , Whats my current My Home?" Just saying... -Xathros
  15. Ramp rate programmed for a device in a scene is the same for both on and off rates unless it is adjusted between on and off calls. -Xathros
  16. The expand on what LeeG said above, The programs within the folder need to be triggered by either one of their If section triggers or forcibly called by another program to start them running. -Xathros
  17. I'm really trying to hold out for the Echo support via the UDI Portal and ISY skill, but it's getting harder and harder to resist rebuilding my current setup with the newer tools posted here. The Harmony integration might just have pushed me over the edge... -Xathros
  18. The fact that it is preceded by "Tell" should limit the words/names to match against to only the activated skills I would think. -Xathros
  19. Izzy is my #1 choice. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. In addition: Barn, Deck, Porch, Patio, Driveway, Walkway, Stairs, Stairway, Steps, Attic, Basement, Barn, Utility Room, Shop, Office, Yard, Ceiling, Holiday, Christmas, Breezeway, Entry, Foyer, Boys Room, Girls Room, (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... Floor/Level), Living Room, Dining Room, Pantry, TV, Theatre, Receiver, Stereo, Wall, Sconce(s), Fireplace, Den, Library, Study. -Xathros
  21. As far as I could tell, it connected fine but failed during sync. Much more likely an issue with Mobilinc and my extensive USY configuration. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Roughly 11:20 EST today. Should see several attempts. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I used the unencoded url. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I haven't tested but assumed it would work. I will give it a try and see what I get. -Xathros EDIT: It seems to connect ok but then crashes Mobilinc on the iPhone when "Parsing Devices and Scenes". Also, you need to use the portal credentials rather than the ISY's credentials in the ML settings.
  25. In reviewing the instructions for this, it appears the Harmony hub is NOT supported. Is that correct? -Xathros
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