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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. I remember now. You mentioned that previously. Sorry. As for the 14V to IOLinc, Pick up a 12VDC relay and drive that with the 14V and use the relay's NO contacts to run to the IOLinc input. -Xathros
  2. If your on iOS 8.2 or later, you can do exactly that with the free CtrlHome app listed here on the forums. You would need to use some state vars to interface to your programs but it's quite simple to do. -Xathros
  3. As I suspected, just got a notice from Amazon - Mine has been rescheduled to June 15 -Xathros
  4. Heh - how do you get special treatment? -Xathros EDIT: Nevermind... Mine looks exactly the same from the mobile interface. My guess is it will be on time ... until its late.
  5. You can count on it! Could you provide a link to your sensor model and source? -Xathros
  6. The ISY could certainly post back dated data to SEG with a network resource assuming we can get date and time values that SEG will accept. That said, I'm not sure how to detect the gap, determine whats missing, then look up and post the old data. This is not an ideal thing to attempt with the ISY's event driven logic. As for my setup, I'm not seeing any gaps in data however I am seeing bad (out of range - low values) values coming from my CAI Board on a regular basis. Getting closer to pulling the trigger on the Autelis box. -Xathros
  7. Xathros

    Range extender

    If that is the case, it would be nice to see the same capability in the ISY. I have had an access point lock up once or twice. Would be nice to check them with the 3am query or other program and fire off a notification if they fail to respond. Otherwise there isn't much value to adding them to the device tree. -Xathros
  8. Still waiting for my Echo but this is now bookmarked! Thanks for sharing. -Xathros
  9. Xathros

    Range extender

    I suspect it is required component of Insteon communications much like the MAC address of any ethernet capable device. My Access Points have ID's too. Neither the Access Points or Range Extenders are linkable devices however. -Xathros
  10. Based on the description of the problem, there appers to be a link between the Nook switch and the LR Slave switch that the ISY is aware of. I am assuming that you want the LR Lights and Slave to respond to the Nook switch - just more slowly. If that is not correct then disregard the following: Since you have also done some set button linking, I would recommend hard resetting the 3 devices (Nook, LR and LR Slave) then restore each from the ISY. Once that is done, test again. If the slave still responds too quickly to the Nook switch, Click on the nook switch in the admin console and look at the right to see what scene it is a controller of. Then for that scene, select the scene then select the nook switch within the scene. Adjust On Level and Ramp rate for each responder (LR Slave in this case) to your desired level. If it appears to be already correct, change the ramp rate, wait for the isy to update then change it back to the desired value and again wait for the update. The ISY will not write a change to a device if it believes the value is already correct. Test again, enjoy. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  11. Seg will accept a CSV file with data easily from what I read. As long as you have the data and format it correctly, no problem putting it into the charts. Select a stream, click the exchange tab: This is not something that would be done with a network resource. -Xathros
  12. Xathros

    FanLinc Idea

    The Fan section of the Fanlinc has 4 speeds: Off, Low, Med and High so 50% is not possible but you could use Low or Med in place of the 50%. With a 6 Button, I would use the main On button for my 100% light, A for the 50% Light and B,C,D for the fan Low, Med, High. -Xathros
  13. I'm on Yosemite with Java 1.8.31 and cannot reproduce here with 5.0 or 4.3.1 Just checked and Oracle may have pulled update 45 as my Java control panel says I'm all up to date and last check was this morning. I was ignoring the update 45 update when it released as others were reporting issues. Guess I waited long enough that it's no longer available in the auto update channel. I see it is still the version you get if you go to the java.com site however. I'm gonna hold off on update 45 until a few others can confirm its OK. -Xathros
  14. Awesome! Thank you. -Xathros
  15. Are you referring to the ISY not being seen by the Finder? If so, that is one issue I don't have. Both at home and the office, my ISY's show up just fine in the ISY Finder. Now the inability of the admin console to remember the theme settings and window positions is another story... -Xathros
  16. Same here. I've been living with lost preferences at reboot for quite some time now. If there is a solution I too would like to know about it. -Xathros
  17. The upgrade, just like all previous, went without a hitch on my MAC running Yosemite. -Xathros
  18. Not sure why your finder is not seeing the ISY. Possibly UPnP disabled in the ISY network config? As for the theme, window position and size being lost, that is life with Java on the MAC. Same here from Mavericks on up. -Xathros
  19. Haven't tried anything to autoconnect the VPN but it does work over a VPN connection. -Xathros
  20. I'm using the new CtrlHome app to create Today widgets that set state vars in the ISY. Then I have my programs react to the change in the state var, run then reset the var for next use. Only issue right now is this only works when on my LAN as there is no https support in CtrlHome yet. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  21. The Hub is "Entry Level" remote control with a pretty Smartphone interface, the ISY is real "Home Automation". There is a free App called CtrlHome that can connect your Apple Watch to your ISY when on your home network. I suspect in the future, it will grow to support https and remote connectivity as well. In addition, I suspect Mobilinc will roll out support for the Apple Watch too. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with the ISY. -Xathros
  22. As per what Paul stated above, the ISY needs to know that you intended for the door to close. If you initiate that action via the ISY with a KPL button, then the method described by Paul will do what you want. If using the opener's button, the ISY will be unaware that you asked the door to close until the door actually IS closed. This is assuming that your door sensor is installed such that the sensor state changes as the door arrives at or departs the fully closed position. There is a way around this problem but it requires another sensor and IOLinc or Triggerlinc/OpenClose to be installed at the fully opened position. This way, the ISY can be aware that the door has moved from either the fully open or fully closed positions. Then a simple delay while waiting for the door to arrive at the opposite end of it's travel and alert if the delay expires: If Control 'GarageFullyOpenSensor' is switched On (Off when fully open - switching on indicated door moving toward closed state) and Status 'GarageDoor_IOLinc_Sensor' is On (On until fully closed) Then Wait 15 seconds. Notify 'You' 'GarageDoorCloseFailed' Else -Xathros
  23. Which button? A KPL button or the GDO Open/Close button that came with the door? -Xathros
  24. Though I still have occasional frustrations, I'm happy with my system for the most part. It's still growing as I integrate more and more things. I haven't had very many failures and the few that I have had I will be repairing and re-purposing as I get the time to tinker with them. There was a time that I could have scrapped the whole thing but I stuck it out and learned why I was having problems and how to fix them. Now I can generally fix most of the issues that pop up fairly quickly. -Xathros
  25. I'm sorry. I'm out of ideas. Hopefully MWareman will spot something. -Xathros
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