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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment... I also agree that simplicity is better and usually try to find the simplest answer to a problem. The current limitations however often dictate multiple programs to solve seemingly simple problems. I'm quite hopeful that the 5.X features will allow me to drastically simplify things and reduce the overall number of programs that I have now. Many of them are used to integrate with external devices (Din relay, Ubi, Hue etc) and when I can use one program and network resource combined with variables in many cases 10+ programs could easily become 1. -Xathros
  2. Pull the Airgap switch on the KPL, wait 10 seconds, push the airgap all the way in and hold it in until the KPL beeps. Then go to the admin console, right click the KPL and select Restore Device. -Xathros
  3. Instead of using a Scene or the IOLink directly in ML, you would set up a program like: Program: GarageOpenClose (Make sure you set this program as DISABLED) If 2Car.sensor is On (Assuming sensor is on when door is closed - otherwise change this to Off) Then Set '2Car.relay' On Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'Mudroom_Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Mudroom Lights' Off Else Set '2Car.relay' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Mudroom Lights' Off Set the program to RunIf on the ML Dashboard. Pressing the Icon on the ML dashboard will open the door and turn on the mudroom lights for 5 minutes if the door was closed. If the door was open, it will simply close the door, wait 5 mins and turn the light off just in case you forgot. Hope this works for you. -Xathros
  4. You will want to make sure that the IOLinc Relay Options are set for "Latching Continuous" rather than any of the momentary modes. If Time is Sunset Or Time is 10pm Or Time is 2am Or Time is Sunrise Then Set 'IOLinc Relay' On Wait 35 seconds Set 'IOLinc Relay' Off Else That should do it. -Xathros
  5. Hi Jeff- The system cannot distinguish between the remote or the GDO keypad. You could tell when the GDO is activated by Mobilinc if using a program. You could easily trigger a lighting routine based on the door opening by using the IOLinc sensor but you would need other criteria to decide if you are coming or going. Geofence may not help as you will still be in the region regardless of direction. If you have a sensor on the door between the mudroom and garage, you could turn on the light in the mudroom when the mudroom door is opened and the garage door is already open and not turn on the light if mudroom door is open while the garage door is closed. This probably depends on where your GDO buttons are located in relation to the mudroom door. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  6. I have: 552 Programs 7 Folders with conditions 93 State Mvars 136 Integer Mvars 381 Network resources. Like MWareman above, I expect to drop many resources and a number of programs once 5.x allows wider usage of variables. At that time I expect to increase the number of both state and integer variables in use. -Xathros
  7. Anytime! Happy to help. -Xathros
  8. Try this: If Control 'Garage-Furnace Room / Furnace Room-Opened' is switched On And Control 'Garage-Furnace Room / Furnace Room-Opened' is not switched Off Then Set 'Garage-Furnace Room / Furnace Room Lights' On Else Wait 15 minutes Set 'Garage-Furnace Room / Furnace Room Lights' Off When using Control you need to specify each control signal that you want to trigger on. If you used Status instead, a one liner would have worked. -Xathros
  9. I think, in general, the rule is: add a delay between any Insteon trigger and subsequent programmed Insteon action especially (but not limited to) when the triggering device is an RF device. -Xathros
  10. Looks to me like comm failure plain and simple. Try unplugging the loads and run a few scene tests. Then reconnect and repeat. Any difference? If so, you may need to place filters on the loads. -Xathros
  11. A router that supports VPN and is configured to do accept VPN connections, a VPN configuration on your mobile device to connect to your router's VPN server and usually a DDNS service so that you can find your router's VPN server from outside when you have a dynamic IP from your ISP. -Xathros
  12. You don't need the connect features if you can port forward the https port through your router or use vpn as you stated. No scam at all here and the Dev of Mobilinc is very upfront about not requiring a connect subscription. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Set it to non toggle then set it back. Also check the on level in the scene when the button is selected. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Was your relay On at the time by any chance? -Xathros
  15. In your situation, I see no need to use a scene. Just add the IOLinc sensor in place of your tilt sensors. Wire the switch so that the IOLinc sensor is On when the door is Open. -Xathros
  16. No, for the IOLinc. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. You could create a new "AlmostEverything" scene and include everything except the IOLink then edit the 3am query to use your new scene instead. -Xathros
  18. Kush- Is your IOLinc and mag switch set up to have the sensor On when the door is closed? If so, this could be an issue where the Query returned the correct state for the sensor but the ISY instead heard the return of the Relay state (Off) and mistook it to be the state of the sensor. I know this has been discussed on these forums a few times before. LeeG can likely explain the reasoning better than I but I believe it comes down to timing of the status messages mixed with duplicate messages from the IOLinc being received at the PLM. The PLM Queries both the sensor and the relay in separate messages and can mistake a duplicate response from the first query as a response to the second. -Xathros
  19. The best solution is to replace the magnetic switch as mentioned previously, then uncheck Trigger Reverse in the IOLinc options dialog. If you don't want to replace the switch, then I believe there was a program based solution offered previously as well for reversing the KPL Button state on any IOLinc status change. -Xathros
  20. sandpiper- This is NOT normal by any means. If you have a good backup, you should be able to recover all of the links both in the devices and the PLM. Do you have any motion sensors or door sensors that could be creating traffic during the Show PLM links or restore PLM processes? If so, this traffic could very well be interrupting these critical processes. II have found it best to ensure no traffic happens during these processes. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  21. The status check in your program is the problem. It forces a reevaluation when the light turns on and cancels the wait. This will do: If Time is sunset Then Set light on Wait 4 Hours Set light off Else -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Glad it's working for you. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I think you also need to set the button to non toggle on mode as well. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. The IOLinc options have an option for how long the relay stays energized in momentary mode. Make your program delay 1 or more seconds longer than the selected momentary delay. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Both are normal. The door status depends on the type of reed switch used on the door (Normally open vs normally closed). The relay, assuming you are set using one of the momentary modes is normal as well. The relay turns on then off again after the delay you specified in the IOLinc options dialog. It simply does not send a status update to the ISY after turning off. You can test this: Open or close the door then issue a query against the relay, it will update to show off. Again, this is normal given that the relay portion of the IOLinc is a responder only device, it does not issue status messages and the ISY simply tracks the status based on what it last told the relay to do. Hope this helps. -Xathros
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