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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Item #1 is the smart move. I moved my garage doors off to an ethernet controlled relay (DIN Relay) that I can control from the ISY or directly if needed. This eliminated my garage doors from being affected by an all on. Since you have an Elk, I would recommend moving control of the garage off to the Elk. Thats where it should be to begin with. As for the whole house fan, I would consider a ZWave option for that or a load controller relay tied to the Elk. Either way, you can maintain ISY control and eliminate the threat of an All On hitting those devices. -Xathros
  2. It's actually not the ISY randomly sending an All On to a scene. It appers to be a collision/corruption of an insteon message that looks to all of the responders like an AllOn message. See this thread for more: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/10516-random-all-on-event/ -Xathros
  3. Pick your top level scene that has all of your devices in it. Turn it on. Additionally, there is an All On and All Off button on the main scene at the bottom of the console. -Xathros
  4. I do. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I have both and am quite happy with both solutions. If the wireless remote if the preferred solution, simply make sure you have sufficient RF coverage from access points or dual band devices in the area in which you plan to use the remote. The battery in the RL2 is a rechargeable. The RL2 can be charged from any MicroUSB charger and runs for months on a charge for me. -Xathros
  6. I would suggest the following change to the example program: If ( Control 'Door 1 Sen (2C.73.62)' is Switched Off Or Control 'Door 2 Sen (32.8E.CE)' is Switched Off Or X10 'A12/On (3)' is Received ) And $i_Alarms_On is not 3 Then Wait 3 seconds Run Program 'Alarm Audible' (Else Path) Disable Program 'Garage M1 Motion' Disable Program 'Garage M2 Motion' Disable Program 'LT Bldg M1 Motion' Disable Program 'Front Driveway Sensor' $i_Alarms_On = 3 $s_Alarms_On = 3 Send Notification to 'Donald' content 'Alarm Disarmed' Set 'X10 Devices / A12 Disarmed' On Set 'X10 Devices / A11 Silence Delayed' Off Set 'X10 Devices / A10 Arm' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This way it's not based on status but rather door events. This doesn't solve the unknown state after a power cycle but should not be confused by it either. -Xathros
  7. Not sure. I have never tested this myself. Another user on this forum was unable to make a dualbrite unit work this way but I have no way to know if your sensor units are the same kind/brand etc. -Xathros EDIT: See: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13863-in-linelinc-briefly-turns-on-then-off/?p=114887 That was using an InLineLinc but it mentions the sensor model.
  8. Because the output of the dualbrite sensor is variable. The MicroModule sense line expects full 120V signal. -Xathros
  9. Remote light control. Shared with the sensor. Sensor will still turn it on. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sorry, missed that one. I had one of these set up with the old InLineLinc with Sense. Same thing as MicroOnOff but bigger and older. The way it works is you put the micro relay between line and the light fixture just like any Insteon switch. Then, you tie the sensor part of the original fixture to always on power (Upstream of the micro module) and the output of the sensor goes to the micro module's sense1 wire. Now, you can remotely operate the light via Insteon and if the sensor fires it operates the micro module locally via the sense1 input. Adjust the timeout and sensitivity at the sensor as you have up to now. -Xathros
  11. No problem Happy building... -Xathros
  12. Thats fine for now. Even if you do decide to enable remote access to your ISY, you may want to manually configure your router for that and in that case, the ISY will always report Internet access disabled in there. -Xathros
  13. no. It is a dual band device and can transmit and receive RF but is does not DEPEND on RF like the Insteon motion sensor. -Xathros
  14. Do you mean it says Internet Access Disabled? If so, that simply means that it is not using UPnP to automatically configure your router and share itself on the Internet for remote control of your system via apps like Mobilinc or remote admin sessions when your away from your home network. It does not mean that the ISY does not have access to the Internet. If you go to the system configuration page in the admin console and try to sync the clock, that will tell you if your online or not. -Xathros
  15. With the MicroModule, you get sensing and light control plus the setup is independent of the Insteon network and continues to work just like the standalone sensor in the event of Insteon network problems. This solution also does not rely on any RF communications. -Xathros
  16. I still think the micro module added to your existing sensor is a better solution. Keep in mind, with the Insteon MS, you will still need an insteon relay switch of some type on the circuit to the light fixture. -Xathros
  17. And if you go that route, you won't ever need to go out in the rain or snow with a small Phillips screwdriver to replace a 9v battery in your sensor. -Xathros
  18. It will prompt you automatically when a new Official Release is available. Beyond that, not automated and no notifications for beta versions of which there are many between official releases. I have probably run nearly 50 beta ISY versions and never had a problem that made me roll back. -Xathros
  19. Any Insteon dimmer or Zwave Dimmer will offer both local dimming capability and remote control. No need to add any additional devices with either one. Adding a micro relay to a manual dimmer switch will get remote on/off and local dimming only. Why not have on/off/dim local AND remote? -Xathros
  20. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2443-222-micro-on-off-module.html -Xathros
  21. From the specs section on the page linked above: Operating Temperature Range: Indoor / Outdoor, 0 to 120°F. Note: PIR reliability may vary with temperature -Xathros Not an IOLinc, A MicroOnOff module with Sense. -Xathros
  22. In that case, you don't want the WiFi proximity solution either as that will tell you when his phone/device is on your network, not when he is in that room specifically. I think using your motion detector with a smart delays makes more sense. I do something very similar-ish in my basement laundry area which also leads to my basement exit. I want the light to come on when motion is detected in the area but turn off in 30 secs if no additional motion. This way if I just walk in the door to head upstairs, the light will shut off after 30 secs. If i'm working at the laundry in the evening, I can be still enough to be in the dark after the initial 30 seconds. If there is enough initial motion detected, it bumps the timeout up to 5 min with a reset the counter with continued motion. Very hard to stay in that location and not trigger motion at least once every 5 mins. In the below example, you will have to trigger motion in the boy's room 8 times within a 2 minute period for the stat to turn up. Once that happens it will stay up as long as there continues to be motion at least once in a 20 minute period. Thermostat will set back again 20 min after last motion detected. This way, as long as you don't have more than 7 random triggers in a 2 min period, the stat won't turn up. This example assumes that the motion sensor is using sensing mode. Define a state variable: s.BoyRmMotionCnt. Init value: -1 Program: BoyRmCntMotion If Control 'BoyRmMS_Sensor' is Switched On And $s.BoyRmMotionCnt < 8 (Will need to experiment for this value. Depends on MS sensing more and timeout config) Then $s.BoyRmMotionCnt += 1 Wait 2 minutes $s.BoyRmMotionCnt = 0 Ese Program: BoyRmTurnUpHeat If $s.BoyRmMotionCnt >=8 (Will need to experiment for this value. Depends on MS sensing more and timeout config) Then Set 'BoyRmTS_Heat Setpoint' to 70 s.BoyRmMotionCnt = 29 (This will be the number of minutes the heat will stay on without additional motion detected plus the Off count value in the last program. 20 min in this example.) Else Program: BoyRmHeatRun If $s.BoyRmMotionCnt > 9 (This value should be one greater than the minimum motion count used in the above 2 programs.) Then Wait 1 Minute $s.BoyRmMotionCnt -= 1 Else $s.BoyRmMotionCnt = 0 Set 'BoyRmTS_Heat_Setpoint' to 60 NOTE: You should place the following line in the then section of a program that runs at ISY startup. This will ensure that the heat does not stay turned up if the ISY were to restart during a heat run. $s.BoyRmMotionCnt = 0 This will change the value from the init value of -1 and force the last program to set back the heat. I hope this proves useful. -Xathros
  23. Reboot the ISY then issue a File / Restore PLM from the admin console. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Actually, now you've got me thinking about this, maybe all the OP needs is to insert a short delay between motion detection and ISY action preventing the need for proximity detection. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Don't think that solution works here unfortunately. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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