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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Keep in mind, a from...to time condition only self triggers at the from and to times. To have it evaluate between those times it needs to be triggered by another trigger, RunIf from another program or manually run from the console. -Xathros
  2. My recommendation would be to plug in an access point/range extender in the garage to provide the wireless Uplink to the powerling for the door sensor and any other wireless devices you decide to add in the garage. I have one in my garage to provide coverage for an open/close sensor, motion sensor and a remotelinc2. -Xathros
  3. Unless they are low voltage Halogen - then the transformer may introduce some noise or cause issues with dimmers. -Xathros
  4. Are these devices dimmers? What kind of load do you have attached to these devices? -Xathros
  5. Beat me to it! -Xath
  6. By this do you mean: You deleted the sensor from the ISY after adding it near the PLM and you are now trying to add the Door Sensor to the ISY with the sensor in proximity of a dual band device with confirmed good communication with the ISY? -Xathros
  7. The info posted above by LeeG is taken from the event viewer running at level 3 (device communications) To get the event viewer select tools / diagnistics / Event Viewer -or- click the empty white toolbar button. Once opened, change the dropdown at the bottom of the event viewer window to: 3 (device communications) With the event viewer open and set to level 3, move in front of your motion sensor. The insteon traffic will be captured by the event viewer. Save and post the event log here for analysis. -Xathros
  8. Are AutoUpdates to battery devices currently disabled on your ISY ? -Xathros
  9. I read the Smarthome ad and found it somewhat misleading in that respect as well. I did make the assumption however that it was one or the other. -Xathros
  10. Why not use: If Control 'Ground Floor / Living Room / Light Switch (Ceiling)' is switched On and Control 'Ground Floor / Living Room / Light Switch (Ceiling)' is not switched Off Then Wait 3 hours and 59 minutes Repeat 2 times Set 'Ground Floor / Living Room / Light Switch (Ceiling)' Fast Off Wait 1 second Set 'Ground Floor / Living Room / Light Switch (Ceiling)' Fast On Wait 1 second Repeat 1 times Wait 1 minute Set 'Ground Floor / Living Room / Light Switch (Ceiling)' Off $i.cnt.LivingroomMainLightOFF += 1 $i.cnt.LivingroomMainLightOFF Init To $i.cnt.LivingroomMainLightOFF Resource 'Pushover_LivingroomMainLightOff' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This should provide the requested functionality AND allow the program to be canceled by manually turning the light off. -Xathros
  11. My contribution was to point out that the data received at 3am was likely due to the 3am query running. This "Qurey All" is built into the ISY that runs by default at 3am. It was LeeG that pointed out that the data is only sent via program query when a value has changed. Now, what need to be done: 1) Open the console, open the event viewer, set to level 3 (Device Communications) 2) Take a hair dryer and blow some warm air at the stat. See if any traffic is recorded in the event viewer from the stat. If not, back to checking link records. I believe there is a specific procedure that needs to be followed when adding a TStat to the ISY. As I recall, the stat needs to be in the "Off" mode when adding for all of the nodes to be correctly added. -Xathros
  12. One thing that may help here is to rename your scenes and devices where similar to include .scn or .dev in the names. This way you can tell them apart more readily. -Xathros
  13. I use one of these for that kind of work. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-Flexible-Drill-Bit-Kit-3-Piece-53721/203913339 -Xathros
  14. The only comm I see from the stat is at 3am - likely due to the 3am query running. At that time, the temp was 61F, the stat was set to heat and 55F and the humidity was 38%. -Xathros
  15. I have heard someone say that Gmail can issue a special device specific password for those things that do not support 2 factor auth. I'll see if I can google that out for you. -Xath EDIT: And Google says: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1173270?hl=en The keyword is: Application Specific Password
  16. smtp.gmail.com on port 587 with TLS checked and timeout at 5000ms works for me. Make sure you haven't enabled 2 factor authentication at Gmail, otherwise you will need to get a special device password set to allow the ISY to authenticate without using 2 factor auth. -Xathros
  17. No Problem. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a step somewhere. -Xathros
  18. See this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13909-call-for-network-resources-crowdsourcing-request/ -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. OK. I'm in! I assume there in nothing more I can do till you post more? -Xath
  20. This is how I would do this: If Kitchen KPL G is 100% Then Wait 5 minutes Enable Program Back Deck Door Open Else Disable Program Back Desk Door Open Program: Deck Door Open If Control Door Sensor is Switched On Then Send Notification Else No Action Hope this helps. -Xathros
  21. Many of the responses I've observed seem to be cut off mid sentence. I'll try to post an example later. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Excellent. 1) At the moment, there is no way to process responses from network resources. UDI is working on the next generation firmware for the ISY (V 5.x) that is due to go into beta around the end of this year. The ability to read responses as well as the ability to use variables within network resources is planned for the new firmware. 2)I don't know why the ISY truncaates the response message and I don't believe there is any way to change that. Hopefully with V5.x, that will be resolved. -Xathros
  23. Anytime! As always, Happy to help. -Xathros
  24. Change the port to 8080 like in the URL that works? Check Encode URL Increase timeout to 1500 -Xathros
  25. Open/Close as well as any other battery powered Insteon device will NOT respond to queries as they are sleeping. They should however transmit control and status when activated assuming that are within range of a suitable dual band device. Move on to near the 2413 PLM or an access point and operate it, see if it works there. -Xathros
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