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Everything posted by Xathros
Problems like this often turn out to be a corrupted file on the SD card. Do you have the network module? If so, delete and recreate resource #6 and then try to backup again. -Xathros
The only one that I can think of is eKeypad. -Xathros EDIT: Nevermind. Thats not it. It's Home Automation Pro. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I see a problem with this. Let's say it's just after sunset and you arrive home, open the door, pull in and close the door. I bet the lights stay on rather than turn off in 5 minutes. This is because the status of the sensor changes to Off when the door closes, re-triggering the program and running Else before the 5 minute wait can timeout. Change 'Status' to 'Control' and then it should work as intended. Additionally, you may want to add "Set Scene 'Garage' Off" to the Else section to force the lights off in the case where sunrise might occur during the 5 minute wait. Hope this helps. -Xathros
I think I understand what you mean but let me make sure- When you say devices A,B,C and D you are referring to thinks other than KPL buttons such as Switchlincs or Outletlincs correct? In addition, for each of those devices, you have assigned a KPL button to display they're individual status. Correct? If both of my questions above are correct then all you need to do is include the additional KPL buttons in the scene that the initial Non-Toggle Off KPL Button is controlling. Add them as responders. -Xathros
In this case, the one sample trace shows good comms between the IOLinc and PLM though that one brief trace is not really enough to says all is good there without question. If the relay was off then and given Lee's response above, I find a false status message to be unlikely. Not sure where else to go with this now. Keep an eye on it and lets see if there is any pattern to the problem if it happens again. -Xathros
Can you clarify this a bit for me? When you press a button to turn the devices off, is it the button that you presses that remains On? If so, then the button is NOT in non-toggle Off mode. A button in non-toggle Off will blink twice then go off after being pressed. If the button(s) that is/are staying on are on a different KPL, then you will need to include them in the scene that you are turning off as responders. -Xathros
Another thought and maybe @LeeG can chime in on this, some multi-node devices when queried report the status for the multiple nodes and a duplicate message from one node can be mistaken as status for a a defferent node by the ISY. If your IOLinc relay was on when it was queried, it may be possible that the ISY mistook a duplicate on status message from the relay as the sensor status. I have heard of this happening with the EZIO devices and I vaguely remember a thread where this happened with an IOLinc in a garage door application. Do you know what the relay status should have been with the false sensor On occurred? -Xathros
The proximity of the sensor ON to the 3AM query makes me wonder about the IOLinc trigger reverse option. If Trigger reverse is enabled, this would explain the behavior. As LeeG reported above, Trigger reverse reverses the sensor commands when the sensor state changes but does not reverse the sensor when queried. This has the effect of changing the sensor state in the ISY when the 3Am query runs. Can you verify that Trigger Reverse is not checked in the IOLinc options? -Xathros
I feel your pain. Things never seem to fail at convenient times here either. Another remote possibility is a phantom on message received by the PLM similar to the dreaded ALL ON or random scene On events that some have seen. While unlikely, this could explain the unexpected sensor On state reflected by your ISY. Following that train of thought, maybe you could post your PLM's hardware (Sticker) and firmware (from the ISY) versions for comparison with other known problematic PLM versions. It seems to me that the more RF insteon traffic in any one install, the greater the chance for corrupted insteon messages to mess things up. This is just gut feeling but I suspect it is shared by others here. Anyway, no rush. Whenever you are ready to troubleshoot this, I and others here and at UDI stand ready to help. Do what you can in the interim to document the issues and save logs and error logs that reflect the problems as they may prove quite valuable in determining the root cause when we do get to work on this. -Xathros
I have found that the addition of the BE469 and the FE599's has helped with getting the doors to fully close in my case. The added mass of these locks helps carry the door to the fully closed position. I have had a few instances when the 469 reported a JAM from the door not fully closing but compared to the number of times I found the door partially closed before these locks were installed, thats a big improvement coupled with notification of failure. The bolt on the 469 appears to be slightly tapered as well which when properly adjusted, helps pull the door tight against the weather seal. -Xathros
EricK- My suggestion was that the ISY did not hear the message last time the sensor turned off, not that the sensor was actually on. All of the evidence you have provided so far indicates that the sensor was off but the ISY believed it was still on. This makes me think there may be some comm issues between the IOLinc and the PLM location. The sensor must have sent the off message as the KPL button status was correctly updated. Does the new power strip share a circuit with either the PLM or IOLinc? If so, then this could very well be the issue and could likely be resolved by adding a filterlinc or relocating that strip to another circuit if possible. It may be worth running the event viewer test a few times both with and without that strip plugged in to see if there is a noticeable change in comm quality with.without the strip. -Xathros
Always happy to help. Re: The IOLinc sensor, if you know when it should have turned OFF, check your log for that off message. It's possible that it got missed leaving the ISY thinking the sensor was on. Try running a few tests with the event viewer running at level 3, query the IOLinc and see what the event viewer shows for Max/Remaining hops. This should give an indication of comm quality between the PLM and the IOLinc. -Xathros
I've had my 469 for 6-8 months now and am planning on a second one soon. I also use the FE599 (4 of those installed) and will be adding another of those as well. The FE599's get the most use and I've replaced batteries on one of them already. Two are currently between 40 - 50% and still running fine. Don't remember what the fail point was on the first one but will record that going forward. My BE469 motor runs on avg 6 times daily and it still at 86% on the stock batteries. -Xathros
Excellent. Glad we could help. -Xathros
If this program is DISABLED and only called by your Geofence program then you should be OK. Otherwise, if this is enabled, I suspect you may have trouble opening your garage door as this will want to close the door as soon as it opens. -Xathros
EricK- Anything notable in either the Log or Error Log around the affected times? -Xathros
Thanks Lee. That is what I meant -Xathros
You bet. Since the secondary buttons on the KPL (A-D) are not directly addressable like a switchlinc or the main On/Off buttons on the KPL, they need to be controlled by a scene. Create a new scene called ROG_KPL_A and place the KPL-A button in it as a responder. You don't need to put anything else in this scene. Then modify you program as follows: If Status 'ROG Other KPL / ROG Other KPL A (Bedtime)' is On Then Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' On Set 'Mom's Bedroom KPL / Mom's Bedroom KPL 1 (Light)' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' Off Set 'ROG_KPL_A' Off Else Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' Off Set 'ROG_KPL_A' Off Notice the last line in both the Then and Else sections. That should do it or you. Hope this helps. -Xathros
Hi EricK- Can you describe the conditions on the programs that didn't run? Are they in folders with conditions and if so, what are the conditions on the folder(s). I have never seen the ISY miss running a time based program unless there was a power loss or another unmet condition in the program or enclosing folder. -Xathros
Are all of the failures with notifications? If so, this could be an issue with notifications not sending rather than programs not running. Check your error log around the times these notifications were to be sent for any errors. -Xathros
Smokegrub- If this is a 6 button KPL, the KPL-A is a secondary button and would need to be controlled by a scene. Create a new scene and make the KPL-A button a responder. Then in your program, also turn off that new scene. -Xathros
Thanks LeeG. As always, your insight on these things is invaluable. My example scene contains only a sensor and a single SLD. I was trying to keep it simple to make it as understandable as possible. As you point out above, if there are more responders in a scene, that would require additional Adjust scene statements with those responders as the target devices. Based on the OP's and Others goals in this thread, we weren't concerned with how the scene would react from controllers other than the motion sensor so I limited my example to only that function. -Xathros
Larry- Change the Scene in the "In Scene" drop down to the Motion Sensor (Device) instead. As I said in my example - this is NOT intuitive at all. You need to select the controller (MS) as the scene rather than the Scene itself. What we are saying here is: when the scene is controlled by the MS, then the SLD should respond with xx OnLevel and XX ramp Rate. By selecting the Scene instead of the MS, you are only affecting the outcome when the ISY calls the scene, not the MS. See my second screenshot for an example. -Xathros
Now, back to our regularly scheduled topic... HOWTO: Disable a scene controlled by a motion sensor using Adjust Scene statement in ISY Purpose: To achieve an instant light response via motion trigger yet maintain programmatic control over timeout and ability to disable motion response. A Switchlinc Dimmer and an Insteon Motion Sensor both added as controllers of a scene called 'OfficeMotionLights' Motion sensor is configured: On Only, Sensing Mode, Night Mode Disabled. A program is in place to watch for motion sensed and then turn off the scene after a timeout (15 seconds for testing purposes). And, there is no load connected to the SLD so my office lights do not resemble a Disco while I'm working on this. If Control 'Office / Office Motion-Sensor' is switched On Then Wait 15 seconds Set Scene 'Office / Office MotionSLD' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When I trigger the motion sensor, the SLD turns on to 100%. 15 seconds after the last motion triggered, the SLD turns off. So far so good. Next to Enable/Disable the "Lights" on motion, I created another program: Program: OfficeMotionLightsEnable/Disable If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then In Scene 'Office / Office Motion-Sensor' Set 'Office / Office SLD' 0% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Office / Office Motion-Sensor' Set 'Office / Office SLD' 100% (On Level) Here is a screenshot for assistance on this one: Here is the critical and not very obvious part: I selected the Motion sensor as the Scene and set the SLD OnLevel to 0%. I don't want to adjust the Scene, but rather the controller of the scene here - the motion sensor. If I were to adjust the Scene instead, only the scene when controlled from the ISY is affected. This is where is is misleading in a big way. Motion Sensor is NOT a scene but rather a Device. It happens to be a Scene Controller. In fact, there is no scene called 'Office Motion Sensor'. By selecting the device 'Office Motion Sensor' in the "In Scene" drop down list, we are adjusting the responder link record in the SLD that matches the motion sensor's Insteon address. Now to test. I run Then on the Enable/Disable program then trigger motion. The event log shows the motion sensor activity but the SLD stays off. I manually turn on the SLD then move in front of the sensor again and the SLD turns off with the motion. Running else on the Enable/Disable program restores the previous behavior. Thats it in a nutshell. Let me know if you find this useful. -Xathros