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Everything posted by auger66

  1. I updated to it yesterday with no issues. It would be nice to have release notes beforehand. The update didn't require a power cycle to function this time. Just the usual reboot. No differences noted, but my setup is pretty basic.
  2. Coming back to post the fix that worked for me if anyone is interested. Someone on Reddit said he had the same problem only on keypadlincs and stated LED dimming stabilizers helped but didn't fix the problem completely. I remember reading about them on this forum last year but forgot about the post. I have 4" retrofit cans with two lights on one dimmer and four on the other. I ordered the sample pack. The company recommends trying one yellow, then one blue, then two yellow, and lastly two blue. On the two light circuit, I installed one yellow in one of the light housings. Fixed the problem completely. I tried the new lights I bought. Same--worked perfectly. On the four light circuit, I tried one yellow at the keypadlinc. Slight communication flicker. Same with one blue. Removed the device. I put the remaining yellow in one of the cans. Fixed the problem completely again.
  3. Thanks. I actually did that almost six years ago. Wagos were indispensable for testing (and installation.) Current lights had good dimming, no flickering, etc. I didn't see the communication flashing until after installation. I was hoping someone found something that works without the trial and error again.
  4. I did a major remodel almost six years ago and put all LED lights in. I have some 4" cans on keypadlinc dimmers. When the recessed can lights are dimmed, they flash bright with Insteon traffic and only Insteon traffic. You would think it's lightning if you didn't know what it was. After all this time, I thought I would try to find a replacement. I found some nice but expensive Halo lights tonight at Home Depot to try out. They dim great, but flash even worse. So does anyone have a suggestion for lights that don't flash? I wish I could disable powerline communication on those keypadlincs, but I don't think that is possible. Light requirements: 4" gimballed and flat retrofit 3000K 90+ CRI dimmable to at least 10% (5% preferred) Thanks
  5. OK, sure thing.
  6. Looked into it. They did. CEO of Sonos: For now, Google Assistant is absent from both speakers. Sonos says this is due to changes that Google has implemented for companies that want to run the voice service on third-party hardware. Patrick Spence claims it’s unrelated to the ongoing legal battle between the two companies and insists Assistant is now more of a “heavy engineering lift” than it was before. “Right now, we don’t see it being worth the effort. We hope Google will take another path that will allow us to continue to offer it in more of a lightweight manner the way we do today. But we also feel well covered with what we have with both Alexa and Sonos Voice Control.”
  7. Not that it helps at all, but I found it interesting Sonos dropped support for Google Assistant on their latest speakers. I'm guessing Google pulled a vintage Apple.
  8. Thanks. I looked for but didn't see that support thread, but my comments are still the same about 3.1.25 on eISY. All good, except having to repower to get everything running again.
  9. I assume this topic is for eISY and ver 3.1.25. Upgrade went fine, except the restart after upgrade didn't work. I couldn't open the Polyglot page. I tried three restarts and then repowered the eISY. That worked. I haven't had to repower in the past few updates, just restart.
  10. Making Hue scenes, rather than programs, work well for me.
  11. Funny thing is when I see a golf course, I think, "What a great runway that would make."
  12. Definitely. I never understood why Smarthome treated UDI like they did many years ago, especially since UDI was the reason many of us used Insteon at all.
  13. Mea culpa. I missed that part. Good to know Insteon is more helpful than in the past. And to answer your question, no. I would rather support come out as it is able to like it is now; even though, I have no near-time use for i3 products. I'm just glad UD support for Insteon is continuing. Especially considering past UDI comments saying they would never go through that again with Insteon. Clearly now, I see things have changed for the better.
  14. I'm glad to see UD working on this, too. But Insteon--meet the new boss, same as the old boss. What is initial support? Although support is almost complete, but due to lack of documentation, the following is not yet working:
  15. Only via email. After the first two failures, they said that was really unusual. They don't comment on reliability now. I was going to give up on the third one at each location, but tech support talked me into another try. They said they had made some recent hardware changes that should improve reliability. The last two failures were with the new hardware. Both baro sensor failures. Just to reiterate, I had some sudden complete failures, and some baro then complete failures. After those experiences, I replaced the stations right away when the baro pressure dropped. I didn't wait to see what happened next. It's possible the baro sensor was all that was going to fail those times. WeatherFlow tech support is great. As others have said, they will send you a replacement right away and pay for shipping both ways. They have a station replacement function in the app that makes it really easy to swap stations and carry on without setting everything up again. I can do it in my sleep. It's similar to the IoX Insteon "replace device" function, except even easier. So this station is in NW Georgia. The weather isn't as mild as Fort Liquordale but far from extreme. This station is in a shallow valley and receives much less wind but more rain and temperature variation. I think the reason you don't hear much about Tempest failures is one; I believe the big problem started around a year ago; and two, people love the company and want to support them. I really like the units when they work. Frequent complaints are the wind readings are way low, and the rain accumulation isn't accurate at all. I thought the winds were spot on, except possibly wind with rain. I think rain was in the ball park, but I didn't track it. Many people thought the rain accumulation was accurate; many didn't. If your station registers heavy rain on a clear day, a bird is probably sitting on it. If you look closely, you can see a bird deterrent attached. I haven't had any vibration-induced rain readings at either location. Here's the public link to the station in the picture with its apocalyptic barometric pressure. If you click on any parameter, it with show you the history. I also really like how WeatherFlow presents its forecast data. Click on the cloud icon in the upper right corner to see the forecast. From what I've read over the past few months, Davis seems to be the best. AcuRite has a pretty bad reputation. None will last for many years without maintenance or replacement. I believe WeatherFlow is the only company without a fee for internet access to the station. If you do put up a Tempest, make sure you can get to it easily. Edit: Oh, and this mount is chain link fence top rail. Ten feet long pounded 3.5 feet into the ground with a fence post driver and filled with sand. Tech support remotely reset the unit twice today with no effect. I've personally never had a reset fix a problem but some have.
  16. The condo is in Fort Lauderdale so the climate is mild. 40° F is as cold as it gets, and that's rare. Usually around 87-90° for the highs in the summer, sometimes 95°. It's never hit 100° here. I'll comment on the second location in another post. The station was elevated and sometimes received fairly strong sea breezes. 15-20 knots wasn't unusual; occasionally higher. The extra elevation mount above the building and location on the roof was to minimize architectural wind effects, which are significant for tall buildings. The mount was Sched 80 pvc sleeved with steel EMC for added rigidity. The pole brackets were attached with Tapcons. There's another bracket at the bottom you can't see. The idea was for it to be hurricane proof, or at least, resistant. I never got to try that out. Once I finally decided to give up on the station I pulled on the pole extremely hard. The Tapcons didn't budge. It was a shame to undo all that work. I didn't have convenient access to the roof so I had to have my act together before I went up. It was embarrassing asking for roof access to replace station after station. The management company didn't mind, but it was still embarrassing.
  17. I bought a Tempest for my condo building almost a year ago. I was thinking with no moving parts it would be super reliable. After the fourth failure, I gave up on this location. Some were complete failures, some were baro sensor failures, and some were baro, then complete. Before the first failure happened at the condo, I bought another Tempest for a rural airport location. I've had three of the same type of failures at that location. So seven failures in less than a year. But the fourth Tempest at the airport is still working after four months, which is a record for me. I like the Tempests when they are working and as was mentioned, WeatherFlow support replaced them right away. The hardware failures are ridiculous, though. I don't know what changed in the past year or so, but that seems to be when people started having failures. The WeatherFlow node server is great. I did notice one small issue. The node server reports actual baro pressure instead of altitude corrected pressure. No problem for me but pressure corrected to sea level would be better. Edit: Lol. I just looked at the remaining Tempest location. The baro sensor failed six hours ago. By failure, I mean it reports over five inches too low. This is how the failures usually start. So make that eight Tempest failures in less than a year. 🙄
  18. After a rough start, eisy is mostly functioning normally so I tackled a program running on the ISY that did a smooth fade to off in around three seconds. Not very elegant, but it worked perfectly. However, eisy executes the original program so fast it's like hitting a stop button. Here it is below. Sonos volume fade off - [ID 0018][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 27% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 24% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 21% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 18% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 15% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 12% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 9% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 6% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 3% Set 'ST-Sonos' Pause All Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 30% I've tried: Wait one second between steps Way too slow Wait zero seconds As expected, not a noticeable change Repeat 2 wait zero seconds Unexpectedly very slow I put repeat 1 before each of the volume steps so only the wait would repeat twice Two wait or more zero seconds steps instead of repeat 2 Too fast again Repeat 1 wait zero seconds Same as wait zero seconds Setting 1% volume increments Appears to hammer the node server too much and too fast so the volume settings are all over the place after the program runs I tried 2%. 3% steps in succession seems to be the maximum the node server can handle. This is what I have now after all the experimentation. It's too step-y and too slow but the best so far on eisy. If I take the repeat 2s out, way too fast. Sonos volume fade off - [ID 0018][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Repeat 2 times Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 25% Repeat 2 times Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 20% Repeat 2 times Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 15% Repeat 2 times Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 10% Repeat 1 times Set 'ST-Sonos' Pause All Wait 1 second Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 30% Wait 1 second Set 'ST-Sonos / Office' Player Volume 15% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I've also noticed some other programs and Insteon device status' aren't as reliable as they were on the ISY. Programs running too fast to be reliable? Don't know. I've made a lot of recent changes redoing my network closet so the problem could be related to that. Although I've used UD devices for many, many years now, my programming tends to be pretty basic. Anyone have a suggestion here? @Michel Kohanim, any chance of an IoX wait enhancement to fractions of a second or some other way to slow a program down? Thanks
  19. I didn't even have to do that this time. A first.
  20. Oddly, this is the first IoX version on eisy that started right back up for me after the upgrade. All previous versions required a restart, repower, or something. Weird.
  21. IoX 5.5.6 on eisy has, thankfully, fixed the Hue node server. Previously on 5.5.5, Hue would not survive any sort of restart or upgrade.
  22. I don't know. The various node servers seem to have their own particular issues on eisy. The ST-Sonos server was completely non-functional in PG3x until recently. Hue was OK until IoX 5.5.5. One version of PG3x required a Hue reinstall, then it was fine. This is the first problem I've had when just a restart breaks something. The Hue server is the one I use the most.
  23. Per our posts in the Hue section, the Hue node server with eisy IoX 5.5.5 quits after every restart. Even though Hue says it's connected, it doesn't work. You have to delete and set up again.
  24. Same. IoX 5.5.5 broke the Hue node server. Reinstall didn't work. Had to: Delete Hue node server Reinstall Hue Add the bridges custom parameter I had to add this step one or two IoX versions ago. Press the Hue hub button and restart the node server. It should prompt you for this. Go into the admin panel to add Hue devices back to scenes. Hue steps in programs had to be selected, updated, and saved. Any sort of restart of eisy requires a complete redo of the above steps. I haven't tried a restore yet. I'll try that the next time I have to unplug everything. That will probably be tomorrow since I'm reorganizing my network cabinet.
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