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Everything posted by auger66

  1. I've always done it the way @MrBill does it and for the same reasons. I leave the device DHCP. I find it in the router and reserve the IP address I want it to be on. Reboot the device and verify it is on that address. I'm done. The vast majority of my devices are on a "fixed" IP in this manner--just a reservation in the router.
  2. auger66


    The link to sign up on that page doesn't work for me.
  3. So this works OK. Just not very elegant. I originally used 5% increments, but that was too steppy. "Group" speaker volume affects them all. I only have one "everywhere" group. Bathroom was alphabetically first on the list. I have this run then embedded into my "exit" program. Sonos volume fade off - [ID 0018][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 27% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 24% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 21% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 18% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 15% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 12% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 9% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 6% Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 3% Set 'ST-Sonos' Pause All Set 'ST-Sonos / Bathroom' Group Volume 30% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The various status boxes on the ISY admin console for each speaker are all over the place when all speakers are playing. For instance, I have five speakers. Two show status playing; three show status N/A. Some other boxes are accurate; some don't appear to be. But all speakers appear to respond properly. The installation log (attached) shows many errors, but everything seems to be working ok. But I've barely touched it so far. Thanks Edit: If the bathroom speaker isn't playing, the volume fade part doesn't work on the rest of the speakers. Pause all does. I generally have all or none playing so this isn't that big of a deal. ST-sonos log.txt
  4. Yeah, that was kind of what I was thinking--multiple steps down to zero. Then a stop and another program to set the volume back up where it was. When I leave I press the "exit" button, which turns all the lights off and stops all Sonos speakers. The music stop is a little abrupt. I wanted to smooth that out a little. I'll play with it.
  5. Does it have a volume fade to off feature? Edit: Or a way to simulate fade to off? I didn't see that feature on Jishi's github readme file.
  6. Yes, that's all correct, and it's online. I did not migrate to IoP, and I'm using the same ISY-994 I always have. It's the only ISY on that account. I just figured it out. The UUID it is showing is my Polisy UUID. I found it on the ISY Finder since that now sees my Polisy for the first time. Thanks. Edit: The target ISY during purchase, and the Polisy ISY the node server it installs to are not the same.
  7. Now that I've gotten PG3 going, I attempted my first PG3 purchase. When I click on purchase on the WeatherFlow node server, it shows my ISY UUID. But when the ISY Portal page pops up, it asks me if I want to add a different ISY not found in my account. I tried different node servers. Always a different ISY and always the same different ISY UUID to add. I only have one ISY per email account. I cancelled the add to my account box, and the purchase cancelled. Thoughts?
  8. Yep, that was it. Thank you! After all the sudo instructions, it upgraded the frontend, but the backend was still showing 3.0.19 and not connected. I did a factory reset. Same. Then while I was poking around, poof! Everything indicated 3.0.61 and connected. Plus, Polisy shows up on ISY Finder for the first time. Thanks again to everyone.
  9. FreeBSD polisy 12.2-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p6 r369564 POLISY amd64
  10. I didn't think to look at the version since I just installed it. I've also tried updating a couple of times. I showing I'm on an even older version of 3.0.19 I tried all three of these upgrade instructions in putty and a couple of restarts: sudo pkg update sudo pkg upgrade (will update all out-dated packaged) or sudo pkg upgrade pg3 (to update just PG3) sudo service pg3 restart I received no errors or updated files. It returns all repositories and packages up to date, zero candidates, and your packages are up to date. I'm still on version 3.0.19
  11. Agreed. Sometimes it's just best to sit on your hands.
  12. No, but I just installed PG3. PG2 works fine and is up to date. I did a sudo pkg update on PG3 a couple of days ago, but nothing changed that I could tell. I just tried a one-click update on the front recessed button. No change.
  13. Yes, Hue shows it installed on the dashboard. I reinstalled the Sonos node server, too. They won't run, though. When I click restart, the node server restarts and almost immediately shuts down. Both have the same behavior, and both logs look the same to me. Full of same errors, but I don't know what the culprit is. They also both show up on the ISY-994 admin console under node servers. Before I installed PG3, I poked around the forum and saw both of these worked on PG3. I have a feeling I'm doing or not doing something stupid. Thanks Sonos log.txt Hue log.txt
  14. OK, thanks for the help. I had uninstalled both node servers. I reinstalled the Hue node server. Same behavior. I attached the log. Thanks again. pg3_5-6-2022_13702_AM.txt
  15. I have a Polisy running PG2, and an ISY-994 with a serial PLM. All working well. I was only running two node servers so I decided to delete them and use them only on PG3 instead. I'm keeping the ISY-994 going. Not planning on ISY on Polisy anytime soon. I thought I had read through everything, but I'm clearly missing something. PG3 sudo installed and started fine ISY found and ISY login information entered Went to the store and put my Portal information in Selected install for the Hue node server It installed fine and shows up on the dashboard and ISY admin node server list. But it won't stay running. When I restart, it starts and stops. It's status is disconnected. Can't add any Hue nodes When I go back to the store, it doesn't indicate the Hue Node server was installed, and I get "failed to get purchased node server" error flag. Sonos node server behaves the same way I'm guessing this isn't a node server problem, and is something more basic. ISY finder doesn't indicate Polyglot 2 or 3. I didn't know this was a thing until now. Polisy and PG2 have always worked fine. I can reboot the ISY from PG3. Any suggestions? What did I not do? I don't have to plug the PLM into the Polisy if I'm still using the 994, correct? I didn't with PG2.
  16. FWIW https://staceyoniot.com/insteon-is-down-and-may-not-be-coming-back/
  17. Pretty sure USB PLMs haven't been in stock for a while. I think I bought one of the last ones as a backup to do just what you're talking about here if I need to.
  18. So this topic kept going so I dug out the actual programs I have running in a hangar. The idea is when it's warm and humid, the concrete floor gets wet. So I wanted a program to run when "wet floor" conditions were met and turn on a big floor shop fan. The values that mattered were 60% humidity and 60 degrees. If both of those conditions or above were met, then I wanted the fan on. Otherwise, off. So this is to set the humidity variable Set humidity variable - [ID 000B][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If 'Thermostat' Humidity >= 60% Then $Thermostat_hum = 60 Else $Thermostat_hum = 59 This is to set the temperature variable Set temp variable - [ID 000A][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If 'Thermostat' Temperature >= 60.0° Then $Thermostat_temp = 60 Else $Thermostat_temp = 59 And this is to control the fan based on the temperature and humidity conditions. The wait 30 minutes is to keep the fan from cycling on and off too often when the humidity drops. It's not unusual for the humidity to be near 60%. Humidity fan control - [ID 0002][Parent 0001] If $Thermostat_temp is 60 And $Thermostat_hum is 60 Then Wait 30 minutes Set 'Floor fan' On Else Set 'Floor fan' Off
  19. I have something like this I programmed a few years ago with an Insteon thermostat to turn a shop fan on at a remote location. It's still running. Since the humidity changed constantly and restarted the program every few minutes, I made one program to set a variable if the humidity value was 60% or above, and else if below. There is also an above or below temperature value to the variable. The next program just looked at the variable. I also put a one hour wait on the "if" if the humidity cycled between 59 and 60, which it did surprisingly often since the fan would almost immediately drop the humidity. I didn't want the fan cycling on and off rapidly. However, I haven't put near the thought into this that @MrBillhas, nor do I have his ISY ability. The OP just reminded me of what I did to solve a similar problem back then. Works perfectly.
  20. Awhile back in a post, some helpful person bought a USB PLM and just swapped out the daughter board of the failed serial PLM. It worked and looked like a simple job, but I haven't done it personally. I've never had a PLM failure. Smarthome still has USB PLMs. I got one on sale a few months ago just in case.
  21. I thought that, too, after my first X-10 installation. I haven't seen a lot of progress. But I'm very happy with the six Insteon/ISY systems I have going. All of them are fairly basic. Nothing the ISY can't handle on a really easy day. But my personal system is more complicated. Someone remarked a few posts back about Smarhome's extensive product line. I used a lot of the less popular devices that are no longer available. My current place that I did a gut renovation on is perfect with all the Insteon devices I had back then. Most of them aren't available now. Unexpectedly, I'm thinking about moving. The problem is I can't redo a new place like this one because the Insteon parts just aren't available. And I really like how everything is working now with the ISY/Polisy/Insteon/Hue/Somfy/Alexa. Nest on Polisy is abandonware now, but Alexa routines have filled that gap nicely. My place is essentially perfect, but I can't replicate it now.
  22. Thank you for this. I have six different ISY/Insteon installations that have been running for awhile now. I've never had a PLM failure, but I just ordered a defensive USB PLM. Cheap insurance. Kind of like if you take an umbrella with you, it will never rain.
  23. Neither one of you are average users. I'm an enthusiastic average user supporting six ISYs on a very basic level. I've learned a lot from both of you. Teken put out a defensive home layout plan years ago that I should have saved for posterity but didn't. I would love to see an updated version. It doesn't apply to me being in a condo, but I thought it was well-thought out and worth saving for future use. Y'all are mostly in agreement. Can't we all get along?
  24. Maybe Nokia won't be so third-party adverse
  25. I started over with Polisy after Polyglot crashed on a RPi after an upgrade. The Nest node server never worked again. FYI . . .
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