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Everything posted by io_guy

  1. Following the guide should get you there. Raspbian and Ubuntu are both Debian.
  2. Really not concerned about security for light switches. Door locks are S2 Z-Wave anyway. For me nothing beats Insteon for switches. They work and have a small form factor. I just pulled these from my house today to bring to the new house. Now if Inovelli would just make a dimmer the same depth as Insteon, I'd say good-bye.
  3. Can't answer that question, but you could always install NodeLink and EmonCMS on the Polisy instead of using a Dashbox.
  4. Glad to hear there's no issues so far. I've squashed a number of bugs over the last few days, amazing how many differences/quirks there are between Framework and Core. Anyways I'll convert everything over officially in the next week or so. I have it running on Docker as well so that now covers Windows, Linux, Linux Docker and OSX. Did discover that my Hue Emulator is broken, but it looks like it was pre-conversion that it stopped working. Need to dig into that one deeper.
  5. Yep, that was always the plan. It needs to be compiled for BSD but shouldn't be difficult.
  6. Glad to hear. Once we get a few more days runtime on it I'll release this officially.
  7. I updated the script to create everything as pi (with the exception of the symlink which has to be root). I chown the xml so that it's to pi.pi in case an old install created it as root. I've left the rc.local as root - a user can switch to pi if they want but I'm really not too concerned about running as root. I suspect that once dotnet 3.1 comes around (which is LTS) end of 2019 that distros will make packages for it. I really don't mind the binary lump though since it requires no compile and gives full flexibility on the install script.
  8. The issue is with the rc.local since it starts NodeLink as root, it'll create config.xml as root. Suppose I could change this to su pi -c 'dotnet /home/pi/node/NodeLink.dll &' Or I could drop everything to pi so that first-time install runners would start NodeLink as pi, hence ownership of the xml would stay as pi.
  9. No issue changing location, just need to charge startup script(s) as you mentioned. The install script extracts dotnet into the folder /home/pi/dotnet. It also creates a symbolic link to /sbin. So, you could either use /sbin/dotnet or /home/pi/dotnet/dotnet
  10. No rain sensor here either but it works fine. Your system must not be returning values for the qpf info. I'll add some error handling.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. In theory .NET Core should run better and have less chance of breaking between revisions. There are performance improvements they made and all versions are written by the same core team (and it's MS's plan going forward for replacing Framework). I did remove serial port support in this version. Serial port support is an add-on which is platform specific so I would have needed to distribute separate files for every OS. I'm sticking with the core runtime for simplicity. This affects the CallerID module and if anyone was using serial port for GEM. The easy solution here (I use both) was to apt-install ser2net on the Pi, which handles the serial port work and exposes a TCP socket for each comm port.
  12. Sure I just don't have a script for it. The files can be downloaded here: http://automationshack.com/Files/NodeLink.zip Just extract it into your NodeLink directory, it'll use your existing config file. You'll need to install the .NET Core 3 Runtime, they have binaries or an installer for OSX: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.0 Then to run it's "dotnet NodeLink.dll".
  13. So with the issues with mono 6 and the fact that .NET Framework will be replaced with .NET Core in the future (just called .NET 5), I've moved NodeLink over to the newly released .NET Core 3. NodeLink will not auto update to this version since it's a big change. If there are any brave testers with a Raspberry Pi out there, you could try the new script: sudo curl -sSL http://automationshack.com/Files/install-core.sh | bash This will download .NET Core 3 Runtime and the new NodeLink. It will also switch your startup script. You current config will stay, as will the NodeLink.exe as the dotnet runtime uses a NodeLink.dll file instead. .NET Core has many performance improvements over mono and a smaller install footprint.
  14. Should be ok. NodeLink auto-names nodes so unless you have multiples of the same device type you should be fine. If you have multiple's you'd want to add them in the same order you did last time.
  15. If your password is > 6 characters only enter in the first 6. It's a stupid EVL thing.
  16. Just a note. I updated the install script to now support all Raspbian versions (such as Jessie, Stretch and Buster). It'll detect which OS version and install packages as required.
  17. io_guy


    My next RPi project is to toss one inside my hot tub to interface with the old school (non-wifi) Balboa spa controllers. They're also helpful for other HA such as replacing the sketchy MiLight hubs, OWFS, and connectting direct serial to a GEM (to ditch its crappy network card).
  18. io_guy


  19. io_guy


    @TexMike, Yes, I'm working with UDI to include a one-click NodeLink install for Polisy.
  20. io_guy

    Digital I/O

    Assuming you mean using a Pi and Webcontrol you don't need to learn APIs and Python. On your Pi you could use NodeLink (v5 ISY firmware) or WCLink (V4 ISY firmware).
  21. io_guy

    Digital I/O

    One that that needs to be considered here is the voltage. You haven't mentioned what your "low level" is but the WC will only handle 5VDC. If it's any greater or AC you'll need another solution.
  22. I use 24VAC duct dampers to open/close mine. Could work with any HA relay. Only register I know works is the Flair Smart Vent which could connect to ISY V5 through NodeLink and a Raspberry Pi.
  23. The default, notice. Logs are only saved if you check the option. Otherwise just cut and paste the light window.
  24. Buy a pro if you have a way of getting an Ethernet cable to it. More stable than the wireless.
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