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GJ Software Products

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Everything posted by GJ Software Products

  1. Never see a DOF: Sat 05/28/2022 09:16:40 AM : [ZW023_201N002] DON 0 Sat 05/28/2022 09:16:40 AM : [VAR 2 3 ] 1 Sat 05/28/2022 09:16:50 AM : [ZW023_201N002] DON 0 Sat 05/28/2022 09:16:50 AM : [VAR 2 3 ] 0
  2. I was fooling with my test ZEN32 today and found that when added to a scene, the On event will turn on / activate the scene but it looks like it just sends a button pressed event, an On, but never sends the Off to turn the scene off. I added the Relay (Big) button to the scene and that 'kinda worked but is was inconsistent. I wrote my own flip/flop - toggle and use programming do drive the scenes. It would be nice if Zooz would configure the 4 small buttons to have an on and off state and report the on and off events to the network. I'm still new to Z-wave so as far as I know the standard may not even allow something as this.
  3. After my original post I found that Simplicity Studio has a very nice one-click procedure to display parameters and it even provides descriptive information. I wonder if this is stored on the chip, as much as I doubt it which leads me to believe that either the specs for the device are installed with Simplicity Studio or maybe it queries an online manufacturer database at z-wavealliance.org? ROI is another matter, but something similar to what you can get in Simplicity Studio would be cool.
  4. FEATURE REQUEST: I was just working with Zooz troubleshooting/understanding why the Relay button seems to track with the 4 smaller buttons and they asked me for all the Parameter settings. I had to do this one by one and thought it would be nice if you could display all Parameters in one click. Understanding this may not be possible if the Z-Wave device doesn't give you a total count of available Parameters you wouldn't know when to stop the loop through the Parameters table or whatever. Just a thought, but if there was some way to "Display All Parameters" that'd be cool.
  5. You can view the firmware version using Simplicity Studio (free) from Silicon Labs. When you select a node it will show "Z-Wave device firmware" x.x or "Firmware ID" and Firmware version. Check out https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/253-how-to-perform-an-ota-firmware-update-on-zooz-devices/ .
  6. Yea they look nice and also what's cool is you can programmatically change the color of the LEDs on the buttons that adds to the visual fluff...
  7. I'm in somewhat the same boat, looking to find a solution for all my Keypadlincs, I bought a Zooz ZEN32 and got it working with my isy994i. Took programming as the 4 smaller buttons looks like they only send keypress and you have to write a flip-flop and write (set) to the Parameters to control the LEDs but regardless I got it working like I wanted. You'll want to upgrade the firmware so Paramater 23 will work (I've heard) but overall it seems ok. I went ahead and bought a 2nd one for experimentation before I replace all my Keypadlincs. I only found two 4-button controllers out there and the Zooz looked to be the better. It's still not a Keypadlinc, but close.
  8. Yea, I was doing a little reading on the Z-Wave protocol, the WAKE_UP Command Class allows a battery powered device to notify another device that's it awake... not necessarily a "wake up" command to bring the device to life. It looks like it is just used to set the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL, the time between Wake Up periods. Looks like maybe Command Class, version 3 introduces the capability to request a wake up on demand, but the node has to support it too. I don't know if ISY supports Command Class version 3 and I can't find any detailed specs on the device. So, more reading & experimentation and consideration of getting the Silicone Labs Dev. Kit. Finding the time to learn a new protocol is what is difficult.
  9. In the Z-Wave Node View for a battery powered device I see a button labeled “Wakeup” which I guess is a Device Command to wake the device up. Where I’m not clear is to the right is a box “Interval” along with a Drop Down for the units of time. The wakeup interval is configurable using a Parameter. Does pressing the “Wakeup” button simply send a wakeup command to the controller or does it overwrite the Parameter in the controller with the values contained in the boxes to the right of the button?
  10. I went ahead and bought one to test, it worked, so I got 5 more and now have 6 integrated. They all appear to be working but it was a bit strange on the first functional test, 3 out of the 6 I had to trigger twice to get the state change and it too adds a couple more nodes that don't come in when you Include the device. Had a feeling like the device wasn't awake but the blue LED was flashing. Then the last 3 worked first time. I'm no Z-Wave guru at all, since Insteon went down I've been moving to Z-Wave but a lot to still learn/understand. I'm thinking let them run for a few days, maybe some self-healing - re-routing will happen, and I'll Functional Test again.
  11. I'm moving from Insteon to Z-Wave using a 994i and so far so good. I haven't found anything as nice as the Keypadlinc(s) but so far I've got Kwikset, Leviton, Zooz, and GE Enbrighten stuff on my Z-Wave (500) network and all is well. And a few remaining Insteon devices.
  12. Has anyone out there integrated a (few) Zooz 700 Series ZSE42 Water Leak Detectors into an ISY994i with a 500 Series dongle in it? Does it work? Overall what do you think of it? How did the integration go, fairly simple? What comments may you offer? Thanks.
  13. <lol> Yea sometimes I'm the only one who will listen. I really thought I had this down & working last night but this morning I began to work on the "relay" button. I could turn the LED on and off using Parameter 1, change the color using Parameter 6, tested the "If" statements in my couple of programs, all worked as expected, then when I went live it got all jacked up and I've yet to get it back to where all the "Then" clauses worked like they did. Has the feel of some kind of Race or Loop condition. Fooled more with Parameters 19 & 20 to no avail. I'm really spending quite a bit of time on this like the others speak of. It doesn't need to be this complicated, button on do this, button off do that. I'm looking at an Eaton RFWC5AW Scene Controller. Has anyone out there used the RFWC5AW? Any other recommendations to replace me Insteon KeypadLincs?
  14. Ok, I got it. Don't try to reach the the Scene Button but reach into the Binary Switch object, that's where the Parameters reside.
  15. Well, I trap On for On and Fast On (double press) for Off but now I want to change the LED colors to indicate state, I.E. On or Off. But I can't figure out how to update the Parameters of the ZEN32 to change the LED colors. The only Set action I get on the ZEN32 in thr drop down is Query.
  16. Ok, on a re-read I see roberthleeii is trapping the button press and using that to toggle / flip-flop but what a PITA. I'm just looking for something Z-Wave to replace my 8 button KeypadLinc(s) and figured I'd give this device a spin... Not too impressed at the moment.
  17. How are you trapping the Scene Button Press Off? "Is not switched On" doesn't seem to work and I don't get an option "is switched off."
  18. ISY 994i V5.3.4 Z-Wave (21100) Trending I just Included a HomeSeer HS-FLS100-G2 into my Z-Wave network. I would like to trend the two values “Temperature” and “lux”. These variables come in under “ZW011_118 - Multilevel Sensor” in the Inclusion process. How can I get at these and say add 15 minute samples as you would in other BAS? I can't find any details in the Wiki here... Thanks, Grant
  19. Is that node number local in the ISY and get cross referenced to a physical address of the Z-Wave device like say the MAC address or does that node number get pushed down to the Z-Wave device when you Add it? Something made me think the node number gets pushed down to the Z-Wave device when it is added???
  20. Yea, I 'kinda figured that. I'm just anal about stuff like addressing with no missing address numbers in the sequence (from the RS-485 days) and was just looking to see if I could adjust the addresses to be in sequence with no missing numbers. Maybe one of these days if I ever find time to learn the Z-Wave protocol I'll write an address editor. I was thinking there might have been a way to tell the ISY to start at # x when you request an Add.
  21. I'm sorry, I didn't post application & release. This is an ISY994i at 5.3..4, Z-Wave 6.82.01 .This not Polyglot cloud. Not knowing the internals of how Z-Wave works while it didn't appear on the surface I figured I'd throw this out and see if it was possible. Thanks. -Grant
  22. Is there a way to change the node numbers assigned in the Add operation? I've excluded/deleted a couple of devices but when I add something new it just increments the last node assigned by one and uses the new value. I'd like to get my node numbers sequential without any gaps but I'm afraid I may have to factory reset my new 500 dongle and all the nodes that were associated to it. And I don't know if that would even work. Say I've got a hole, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, [ ], 6, 7, 8 and I would like to add the next device at node 5. Is there a way to do that? Can you edit existing node numbers?
  23. I want to upgrade(transfer) my existing in-production 4.9 994i using my spare 994i and PLM to 5.3.4 . Both have Z-WAVE, the in-production ISY at 300 and I just put a new 500 card in my spare. I'd like to fool with 5.3.4 first but is it safe to run both of these side-by-side (or in the same house) provided I don't restore the in-production database into the hardware running 5.3.4 until I'm comfortable with 5.3 and turn off my 4.9? Could standing up two systems side-by-side jack up my currently running installation? I've got maybe two dozen Insteon devices and three Z-WAVE devices online and I don't want to mess up my existing installation. Would it be safe to learn a couple new Insteon devices into my new 5.3 box that are not in the 4.9 database while 4.9 and 5.3 are both running? Any comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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