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GJ Software Products

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Everything posted by GJ Software Products

  1. That makes sense, AP mode only for configuration. Darn there goes my idea to use eisy as an AP for WiFi home control stuff. I hadn't looked at Settings/WiFi because I really haven't been too interested in WiFi but I'll scope that out. Thanks. -Grant
  2. Have you tried a Factory Reset on the PLM? My USB adapter goes from USB to DB-9, I think DCE? Regardless you got to go from the DB-9 to RJ45 and be sure the wiring is right. Somewhere on here are/were the pinouts and instructions for making your own cable. The USB to 232 adapter UD is selling is the same as the one I've been using for years to connect to other manufacturer's products so I'd like to believe almost any old USB-232 adapter will work.
  3. I have to agree with @JMakowski, some of us need to be able to configure our network settings, etc. and locking the end-user blatantly out like this is unacceptable. Now I'm hearing ssh don't work in 5.5.2. This really sucks! My 994i was a great product for many years, I hope I don't have to start looking for another Platform.
  4. @JaviWithout a passphrase being configured how is the WAP to see the eisy? I'm also using MAC address filtering. I've been thinking about scanning WiFi and looking for an AP on the eisy but haven't tried/had time for that yet. I'm thinking about/looking for a typical WiFi configuration dialogue where the MAC would be available and I could set the passphrase, Security type, etc., maybe even allowed MACs. When I scan for APs, if I see the eisy come up, what do I need to know to connect to it with my laptop? Or is it 100% open? I'm really not 100% sure I want to enable WiFi on the eisy but I was thinking I could maybe use it for a separate network for home control only WiFi stuff. But I'd have to statically address that too and DHCP reservation is a PITA. This isn't urgent, I haven't gotten to needing WiFi, but this thread did get me thinking... Thanks, Grant
  5. For some reason the PLM couldn't talk to the bulb until I factory reset the PLM. No dimmer switch in the circuit. Same location, same phase. After factory reset it worked like a charm. Didn't even have to re-boot the eisy. It works by populating the address field in the Add Device(or whatever it's called) dialogue, I didn't have to put the lamp in linking mode. Thanks. -Grant
  6. Hummm. I took my PLM off my 994i, plugged it into the 485-232-USB adapter kit from UD(btw, same USB-232 in my fix-it kit) into my eisy, and eisy could see it right away. Couldn't add any devices(Insteon engine not found error) so I did the set button press factory reset on the PLM and hooked it back up and it worked like a charm without even having to re-boot. I'm still at 5.5.0(afraid to upgrade) and I've got one Insteon node that works fine, a night light par38 lamp that I turned on last night and it went off programmatically this morning at sunrise. It sounds like you did everything I did plus. My 2413S PLM on a USB converter to my eisy seems to be working fine. I'll be interested in what you find. Good Luck! -Grant
  7. Here's my raw notes from during the procedure: When trying to add an Insteon 2674-222 Insteon LED Bulb PAR38 12 Watt First using Auto Discover for Device Type then choosing the Device Type from the drop down I receive the message “Cannot determine Insteon Engine.” Tools/Diagnostics/PLM Info/Status shows the PLM Connected. PLM Links Table Count = 61 after you choose Start. Reset to factory settings. Reinstall. No PLM links found. Try to add, it now works.
  8. <lol> As soon as I logged on to add to this thread to post my solution I saw your message pop up. I haven't followed your link yet but I will. I had to factory reset the PLM and it worked like a charm! Procedure: Unplug, hold set button down while plugging back in, unit beeps, wait for beep to stop, release button. Then hook it back up to the eisy. Wah-lah it works. Thanks, Grant
  9. Actually USB to RS-232 on a USB to DB-9 to RJ-45. You could build one but UD is selling a kit, https://www.universal-devices.com/product/serial-plm-kit/ I bought the kit for 30 bucks I think it is even though I had all the parts somewhere in my garage, for 30 bucks I got the "official" kit from UD, Such a deal! -Grant
  10. I figured I'd throw this out for comment as I couldn't get any hits on a search and before I screw something up. I've only got two(2) Insteon nodes left, I might want to add a 3rd, but can I just unplug the PLM from the 994 & plug it into the eisy and rebuild the 2 devices & links? Is there a procedure to re-initialize it when I move it to the eisy? Or just plug it in and it'll take off running ready for me to configure the two nodes, add a new one, and link them up? Thanks, Grant
  11. Looks like it talks to an AWS EC2 instance on TCP 443 for the Portal. I'm having trouble determining a CIDR block and although there's a FQDN option in my firewall I don't know how that'll work. Plus I guess I'd have to get the FQDN out of the DNS packet. Never tried that before...
  12. Thanks for the feedback. Yea, if the certs are encrypting traffic between services inside the box I really don't want to get into that, first off I'd need to know how many certs and what services? Too much to undertake. I'd really only be interested in what it's using for external https but I see you mention certs plural so it could be a PITA to get past self signed certs. I'm probably just spoiled to having full cert management capabilities. And it looks like it's using an EC2 instance on 443 for the Portal and I guess it could be using cert auth like IoT or maybe IAM but that's a cert & CA in itself. Thanks again, -Grant
  13. <lol> I could only wish I had to manage only one cert. Port forward to the eisy was just a quick hack to get me in from the outside. Yea, VPN would be the way to go for me, I've got licenses for but I've never built a VPN on this firewall. And that still don't fix self signed certs. Thanks for your thoughts. -Grant
  14. You gotta have DHCP enabled on your router, UDMobile will get you started but you can connect an Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 port, it'll pull DHCP from your router, then you can look in the DHCP clients list to find the assigned IP address. Or, just using ISY finder it should show up. If you don't see it in your clients list after a couple min. check layer 1 (link lights) 'cuz if you got a good connection it should get DHCP and Finder or UDMobile should be able to find it. PLM you gotta connect to a USB port, need adapter if you got a DB-9 like me.
  15. I just saw UDP 53, DNS; UDP 123, NTP, and TCP 587 Secure E-Mail in the firewall log, opened those and haven't gotten any more drops. I'll keep an eye on it and post here if more show up...
  16. Thanks. So no way to install my own certificates, registered to my domain, managed by me, signed by a trusted CA? That just don't sound right. Self signed certs are rejected by the network at work. There's got to be a way to manage your own certs. It's been more than 2 decades since I even managed a Unix box, and in all reality we didn't even think about certs back then. But today, that's a different story.
  17. 8080 &8443 for inbound, I'd expect 123 for outbound NTP, 587 as @Techmanmentions, but I believe there's also outbound connection to the Portal. I believe Michael told me that the Portal is not inbound to the eisy but the eisy maintains (opens) the connection to the portal. I got any outbound connections blocked, I'll see what shows up in the firewall logs... Thanks.
  18. Yea definitely 587 for secure SMTP if your e-mail provider requires secure e-mail (which mine does). Thanks
  19. What ports (and IP addresses if available) do I need to allow outbound connections through my firewall from the eisy to the Internet on/to?
  20. I see talk of (and had to) accept the self-signed certificate for PG3 on eisy. “Dashboard“ is no longer an option from IoX Finder for my eisy. How can I install my own CA Certificate or a Cert signed by recognized CA on my new eisy? Somewhat like you do with AWS IoT. Or maybe you have to use a recognized CA? Are their any CAs already installed in eisy/PG3? How do you manage certificates on the eisy? Thanks.
  21. For what it's worth I only received the order conf. for my eisy, I tracked it down using details/orders, it showed complete and I got it the next day. I had a pre-order on the Matter, received the order conf. & today I just received a "Pre-order available" e-mail but no shipping info. Looking at details/orders it says processing or whatever. I never got this pre-order available e-mail for my eisy. I don't know but it looks like something might be up with the order system, one would typically expect order-->acknowledgement-->[order updates]-->shipped-->delivered. UD's gotta be up to their eye-balls with this new release so bugs in the order system, as long as the orders are getting out, is secondary to working the bugs out of Z-Wave & Matter & stuff. Hopefully I'll see my Matter & PLM Serial kit soon.
  22. Yea, talking with Michael they had too many problems with static IP support calls so they disabled it. And he sez that the ports 8080 & 8443 exposed are also used internally and changing the ports could brick my eisy. I haven't got a solution yet, Michael has been exceptionally responsive here on Christmas Day, I don't know if they are going to give us back the control we had in 5.3.4 but I'm sure hoping so.
  23. I’m migrating from the ELK module on 5.3.4 on a 994i to the ELK Node server on an eisy 5.5.0 (PG3x 3.1.16). Can I run both of these alongside each other until my migration to the eisy is complete or do I have to stop the module running in the 994i before running the node server? Thanks, Grant
  24. Ok, so static DHCP fixed that but I still cannot change the ports either. It’s really a PITA I’m having to redesign my network to accommodate this new “upgrade” because the ability to configure DHCP doesn’t work. I’m hoping this can be resolved, understanding that it could be far between a multi zoned/segmented network running behind a SonicWall in a residential setting. Regardless this is the first time I have ever seen a device that DHCP cannot be turned off locally. And I don’t have the ability to change the ports either. Creating conflict with my port forwarding rules. Plus when my employer’s VPN sees 8080 and 8443 open it’ll drop the connection. I hope there is a way past this. Another thing I don’t see is a way to choose the NTP server I want to use, all you can do now is choose your location. Hoping we get the 5.3 (or like) Network and Clock settings back.
  25. Ok. Thanks. I know UD must be busy with this new release of eisy but hopefully it'll get fixed sometime in the future. -Grant
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