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GJ Software Products

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Everything posted by GJ Software Products

  1. Is this in-fact bad storage and I should request an RMA? The "Click"(s) on the power button also seem to be not working???
  2. I can't determine why I can not uncheck the checkbox. For some reason my admin account is locked out from it.
  3. Yes, the address I would like to use is outside the DHCP scope but I can't get the IP address field in a place where I can change it. I need to move the eisy off my general network and address it to a private/segmented zone.
  4. I just got my eisy and I'm trying to set the static IP address for my network. The "Automatic (DHCP)" check box is greyed out and I don't seem able to uncheck it. I'm logged in to the AC with my new admin account. What am I missing?
  5. For what it’s worth, earlier on in the thread it was mentioned, “I don't know about eKeypad, but I also use Mobilinc and it works fine with 5.x (I'm running on 5.3.4 on ISY994). “ I’m running eKeypad against a 994i at 5.3.4 with Insteon & the 500 Z-Wave board and eKeypad works fine.
  6. Yea, I never got a shipped e-mail but looking at the stamps.com tracking it sez out for delivery.
  7. My eisy just shipped (yaaa!) but the USB Z-Matter hasn't yet. I see talk of the Zooz 700 stick will work with the eisy but if I build using the Zooz stick will that be a simple migration to the USB Z-Matter when I receive it? I've also seen the talk of Z-Wave migration issues. Should I just wait until I receive my Z-Matter USB and/or the migration problems are resolved or plug in my Zooz stick and either start migrating or creating a new build? I've got about ~30 Z-Wave nodes on my 994i that'll be moved to my eisy. What commendations/thoughts can anyone offer? Thanks. -Grant
  8. Where do I find Order Status on UD's site?
  9. Duhhh... I thought my icon was a hyper-link and it's actually a shortcut to admin.jnlp. It's been so long since I set that up. Sounds like I need to get an eisy and start fooling with it. I just hate getting stuck with trying to do everything on my iPhone but it sounds like the same interface as on my 994i will be available on the eisy and udmobile is an enhancement/additional feature. Am I correct? I DDNS/port forward/NAT into my 994i from the internet through my firewall and I want to keep that up & running.
  10. I guess a clearer way to phrase my question is does the Admin Console work the same way on eisy as it does on a 994i with the browser interface? Browse to the IP address of the eisy and wa-lah, there it is same as a 994i?
  11. Can the eisy be setup and configured using a PC connected to the Ethernet port just like my 994i or do you have to use udmobile/wireless? I was looking for documentation but couldn't find anything. Where is the documentation located or is it available yet? Thanks.
  12. Get a Z-Wave board from UD and put that your 994i and use that to communicate with your Z-Wave stuff. In light of the Insteon debacle I upgraded a bunch if my stuff to Z-Wave with the new series Z-Wave board added to my 994i and now I have both Insteon & Z-Wave stuff from multiple manufactures all working well on my 994i.
  13. Thanks. Yea, it took a little practice moving the statements and/or brackets up and down to get it right. I'm just used to "free-form" using brackets and logic in a "one-liner" like you'd do in Java or other languages.
  14. I'm trying to do the equivalent of "IF Button1 is Switched On AND (variable1=1 OR variable2=1) THEN Do this" but using the And (.. ) or Or (.. ) in programs I can't seem to get it right. I got this to work once somewhere but I don't know how I did it. How do you use "Add And (..)" and/or "Add Or(..)" to create nested logic like I mention above? I've too tried playing with "Move Line Up" and "Move Line Down" but just can't get it right. What's the trick to "Add And (..)" and "Add Or (..)"? Thanks.
  15. I'm at 6.82.01 and was told that is the latest...
  16. That makes sense but how did these associations get created in my Z-Wave devices? I removed the Insteon devices from the scene then added the Z-Wave devices. I have to think that the isy created those associations when the Z-Wave devices were added to the scene... Then too, I'm just next to guessing D2D in the Event Viewer is a device to device packet/communication. Like Wes said detailed docu in the Event Viewer shorthand would be great! Maybe I've yet to find it but so far haven't came up with anything.
  17. Nice. I haven't explored REST on my 994i. I'm at 5.3.4 and 6.82.01 too. I just found reference to those D2D Events being Device to Device but I haven't done any direct linking with any of my Z-Wave stuff. I'm wondering if it's artifacts from Insteon because I had put these Z-Wave devices (12 & 13) into an old Insteon Scene and I'm wondering if ISY didn't write D2D links into my new Z-Wave nodes???
  18. Check this out. We must be running different versions. I get more details in the Event Viewer when I Query an individual device but I don't know how to truly read these lines. I guess those at the bottom are from an Insteon Device but you do see I get a bunch of packets from ZW013_1. I wonder what a D2D Event is and [D2D-CMP nnnn] is? Maybe a different Property on the node?:
  19. Ok, but look at the Event Viewer output at the hyperlink Wes included, he query's the device, the EXPLORE TX goes out to ZW041_1, you see the TX go out, then multiple RX from the same device address (ZW041_1). I was thinking that the reply from ZW041_1 is being cached for repeat/re-transmission on/from multiple nodes in the network then each of those receive (RX) packets is coming from the multiple repeating nodes in the network. Yea, I believe Insteon is Multicast vs. one packet per node in Z-Wave. All the RX show the same Z-Wave address, ZW041_1 and yet you see not every request has the same number of replies. Maybe ZW041 is just confused and spitting out multiple packets. Or maybe just timing but that don't make much sense to me? Wes, do you see this same thing when you individually query other nodes in your network?
  20. I'm in no way a Z-Wave guru, sounds like we're somewhat on the same path, with the fall of Insteon I'm moving all my nodes to Z-Wave in my 994i, I had the dongle for years to talk to my door lock but now I'm going Z-Wave throughout. There's talk of a "Popcorn" effect which I think I experienced the other day, I think I too loaded up the comm buffer by pressing the button multiple times but once it finally began to talk the lights were on and off numerous times. This "Popcorn" effect I believe they were talking about due to the Mesh topology and it looks like when your nodes respond they hit all the other repeaters then those individual repeaters are all talking back to the controller. This is just a guess. Look for Z-Wave and Popcorn and see what you can find. I've found that the longer my ISY is running the better my network seems to get. You could also force queries on your main network as this may help. I've also used Update Neighbors and Synchronize a few times and that may be helping? One way or another with my network here (~25 nodes) it seems to get better the longer it runs. I've been trying to find "Z-Wave for Dummies" to learn more about the protocol but all I've came up with are the tech. docs. from Silicone Labs and that's going to take some studying to put all that together. Try update neighbors then send a few commands and query's out and see if that helps. And you can too view the network properties of your nodes in the Event Viewer and it shows the last route/path and that has helped me to understand how the nodes have been routing and I've added a couple repeaters to help clean things up. I found a scene controller on my living room that was actually routing through a node at the opposite end of the house. Good luck & I'll keep an eye on this thread and comment if/as I learn more...
  21. I was fighting this "Every Button" turn on the relay status and I got past it somehow??? <lol> I think when I was looking at "Binary Switch" that changes state with every button but if you look at "Scene Button 5" it will behave like the other 4. Just use a flip/flop to toggle a state variable on the button press. I'm not using the relay for anything. Plus, Parameter 19=2 and Parameter 20=1(default). Right now I'd like to believe I have a five button controller and you can either use the state variables to turn stuff on and off or replace them with the physical point. I get a lot of pop corn effect when using the physical digital point for feedback to "Led_Follow."
  22. I've been searching high and low and can't come up with a BR40 Z-WAVE Plus lamp for installation in a Halo H7-410P Downlight. What's out there for a downlight can in Z-Wave Plus sized BR40? What are you using in a Halo H7 for Z-Wave? I could always replace the switch but I don't have a neutral available and didn't have any luck in another installation with a Inovelli Dimmer and the Aeotech Bypass. I've got an Insteon bulb that has been working for years but I'm trying to move to Z-Wave. Found a couple R30s out there but none say Z-Wave plus and the R30 won't fill the trim either. Does anyone know of a Z-Wave Plus BR40 lamp they could recommend?
  23. How did you add the Z-Wave PC Controller in Simplicity Studio as a second controller to your ISY? I'm new to Z-Wave and while I performed an OTA update on a couple of Scene Controllers using Simplicity Studio is was on a different "Home" network and I was doing some digging but I couldn't figure out how I could make PC Controller a second controller on my existing network.
  24. My 994i reports Z-Wave version at 6.82.01 . I was looking to see if this was the latest but I can't seem to find anything (yet).
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