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GJ Software Products

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Everything posted by GJ Software Products

  1. Oh man, I missed Michael's post in May about the Vue device. That's a cute little device. I bought a device awhile back from Rainforest Automation that is working well, it's become my first Python project, I'm talking to it and logging the consumption to a text file but now I just gotta find the time to write a pg3 or Java Niagara integration. One thing I do like about the Rainforest device is it's got a 568 port on it so it can be connected with copper.
  2. Upgraded to 5.6.2 and 3.1.28 today and all looks good. Problem still all programs tagged Run at Startup don't run, Chris took a look at it online awhile back and confirmed but haven't heard back and haven't had time to follow up. -G
  3. @TechmanThanks. That what I guessed. Does anyone know of a Zigbee to BACnet, LON, Modbus, 802.11, anything that would work. I could bring it into a Tridium JACE. I got a Zigbee bacNET/IP gateway I use to talk to some Viconics stats but I believe those are just built for the stats and I couldn't discover / customize the points plus I don't know if SCE would even open me up.
  4. There’s a link on SCE’s website to a UD HAN gateway device (https://www.universal-devices.com/residential/isy994i-series/) for the 994i but it 404s. I’d like to talk to my residential Smart Meter with my eisy/matter card. Is this available yet? Thanks, Grant
  5. PG3x 3.1.23 IoX 5.5.9 Since the AWS IoT provisioning the other day I noticed my eisy getting very chatty to AWS IoT. Today when looking at the PG3x console I found it continually reporting "Successfully retrived IoX's from database" as if in a loop. Review of the PG3x Log shows: 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: setClientState: id = portal-1 cmd = setClientState data = {"online":true,"remote":true,"timestamp":1679873711011} 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-1" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-2" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] info: Sending message to remote clients 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-1" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-2" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] info: Sending message to remote clients 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-1" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] error: BOBBY: Checking client "portal-2" 3/26/2023, 16:35:11 [pg3] info: Sending message to remote clients which repeats... Does anyone have any idea what is causing all the traffic to AWS IoT (it looks like cert auth requests but I haven't dug that deep yet and then of course the repetitive "Successfully retrieved IoX's from database" messages and the "BOBBY" errors in the PG3x Log? With one node server (Elk) why is the eisy so chatty to AWS IoT? Thanks. -G
  6. @BlackbirdI have a program that locks out some devices when I arm the Elk and restores them when I disarm the Elk, I.E.: OffWhenArmedAway - [ID 006C][Parent 0011] If 'House' Armed Status is Armed Away Then Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 008_ONOFSS_FBA_Heater' Off Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 014_DIMER-1_FMR_SueDesk' Off Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 024_SBRLMP' Off Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 012_DIMER-1_MBR' Off Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 039_MBAHTR_MBA_Heater' Off Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 040_MBRHTR_MBR_Heater' Off Else Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 024_SBRLMP' On Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 039_MBAHTR_MBA_Heater' On Set 'Z-Wave / ZY 040_MBRHTR_MBR_Heater' On This only runs once when the state of Armed Status changes to Armed Away or Disarmed. I believe the ISY is event driven and not in a continuous scan like Ladder Logic. So what if you inverted it and used Status is Unarmed and then set a state variable true, fired the second program, and in the second program in both Then and Else you reset the state variable to false but in the If you had stateVariable = True AND Dark = True Then Lights On before you reset the state variable to false in the Then? Or something like that… That'll turn the lights on if you just disarmed the panel and it's dark and reset the state variable false to keep the action (light on) from happening when Dark = True triggers.
  7. @BlackbirdMaybe use 2 program objects? What about something like: If 'House' Armed Status is... then Run Program 'programName' I want to believe that when Armed Status changes state that will trigger the first program and if it evaluates to the state you are looking for it'll run the 2nd program.
  8. 3rd time hit, I've opened a Support Ticket and will post findings once we have something. Thx, -G
  9. @Geddy I'll wait for it to fail 3 times (2 down & counting) before I open a support ticket. I've also had troubles with ANDing something in the If clause with Last Run Time but if I remember right that was intermittent too. Although that doesn't apply in the example I gave above. And I like "Copy to Clipboard" over Export to..." 'cuz that gives you a nice little text array/field/content quicker to read than the XML from Export... Thanks for pointing that out. It held over the night, we'll see how it goes. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this? -G
  10. Time is Last Run Time @Chris Jahn I have a couple programs that average outside conditions from multiple sensors such as temperature and luminance. These programs use “Time is Last Run Time for ‘programName’ + 5 minutes.” Run At Startup is “On” in the Programs/Summary view for the specific programs. Last Run Time and Last Finish Time is populated, yet many hours ago and not 5 minutes ago. And the cell for Next Scheduled Run is blank. In the examples attached, it is 10:11 AM and the Last Run Time is 2:55 AM. If I manually invoke “Run Then” the program runs, the average variable and all cells in Programs/Summary update appropriately and the programs continue to run every 5 minutes for ? until it fails again. These ran fine in earlier releases. Whaz up? Thanks, Grant
  11. Just went to 5.5.9 on my eisy, all looks well so far, my ("Run at Startup" programs didn't trigger but maybe I was just impatient). No pending update messages (I left it alone for 20 min.), it requested a reboot on first connection, I did so, and everything seems ok. It would be nice if UD added messages to the BSD Unix console indicating update progress. Polyglot and Elk came to life with no intervention required.
  12. Yea, I saw/had this too but it mysteriously disappeared. I think I requested the eisy to update again, a couple of times but if I remember right it went away after I rebooted from the Unix command prompt. It's been a ~couple of weeks and no problems since. Couple of little nuances but that's resolved too. The e-mail thing & a problem w/ a couple Homeseer flood light motion sensors but I've got all that back to working the way it did before 5.5.7 .
  13. This touches on something I've been wondering about. @Chris Jahncan you answer this for me? Does IoX cache all the Parameters of a Device in the eisy database so that your Parameter settings/values persist in IoX, backed up to a file, and when you issue a Write Changes or whatever the button is does it write all the cached Parameter values or just the one selected above? I've never been clear on that and currently I'm just using Z-Wave/SetParameterValue/Set or whatever that is. How does this work? Thanks. -Grant
  14. Nothing has changed, I was connected maybe 30 min. ago, and now I'm getting a 404. 1.0.21 5.5.7 Connects and syncs in Systems
  15. @tlightneI got a Kwikset 914 that I put a Z-Wave+ (500 I think) card in and it's working with 5.5.7
  16. @K-bert I originally jumped on this thread because I too had problems with SMTP after upgrade to 5.5.7 . I fixed my problem by clearing the "From" field and letting it use the default but that still didn't fix the first two, I had to delete and re-create the first two Custom notifications. But now it seems to be working good so far now. After reading your post I wanted to suggest setting up reserved DHCP on your router. I had to do that when the ability to specify an IP addy was removed in the eisy. By using reserved DHCP your eisy will get the same address every time and that worked for me.
  17. @GeddyYea very strange but omitting any text in the From field fixed the problem with all but the first two rows. It's working fine now. Another strange issue appeared with a HomeSeer FLS100 Flood Light Motion Sensor & Switch one that worked like a champ out of the 2 on my Z-Wave network started acting up after the upgrade to 5.5.7, I thought it went back to norm after Sync w/ Interview, Heal, and just verifying (query) Parameter values, it behaved for a bit but started acting up at 1:30 AM. I'm still stepping through that one. I don't know if something happened to theconfig when I went to 5.5.7 but I hadn't changed anything.Gremlins?
  18. @GeddyFixed it in all but 2 by removing/clearing the from field.
  19. @brians @GeddyEdit, change, and save didn't help, nor copy change, and save. I cleared the from field and that fixed all but the one's in index 1 and 2 positions. Those I just recreated from scratch & they worked. I got another problem that may possibily be due to a scrambled database and I'll post that in a bit...
  20. @GeddyI'm using a twc e-mail server, same that I've used for years with my 994i and what is really strange is that as soon as I upgraded to 5.5.7 it looks like all the customization's of my notifications got corrupted. The only way I'm getting them to work is creating new one's in their entirety then they work fine.
  21. After upgrade to 5.5.7 on eisy e-mail notifications stopped working. Yet "Test" in the Configuration tab works. The notifications generated by programs worked before 5.5.7. Is anyone else experiencing this? It don't like any of the existing Customizations from 5.5.5 but if you create a new one it works... Tried to edit, change, & save but that don't work. Appears to need a new name which I guess just creates a whole new object/customization (message).
  22. @briansI included with S2 unauth & S2 auth with key.
  23. @briansI upgraded the firmware to 1.20: Integer DATA devices.47.data.applicationMajor = 1 (0x00000001) Integer DATA devices.47.data.applicationMinor = 20 (0x00000014) And I now have: and it now is working. I gave it the good 'ol diode with sound test on my Fluke for the DOs and the paperclip test for the DIs and it's behaving like it should. Looks like it's flash to 1.20, include, set parameters 2 and 3, exclude, include, set parameters 10 and 11 to 0, and wah-lah! It works!
  24. @briansDoes your .3 node do anything? I'm at: Integer DATA devices.45.data.applicationMajor = 1 (0x00000001) Integer DATA devices.45.data.applicationMinor = 3 (0x00000003) And afraid to upgrade...
  25. @briansIf I recall correctly @Chris Jahnsaid they had discovered a bug in re-including S2 devices so on my last attempt I left none selected. Your experience is interesting, as as soon as I set P2, P3 to 10, exclude, re-include I get 4 "sub nodes" nodes. I just got the freaky gig R1 & S2 on node 2 and S3 does nothing. Update with Interview on mine don't blow up but it didn't add the nodes either, I had to exclude include to get the 4 nodes to show up. Interesting, we're both ad address 45! <lol> I added those S1, R1 suffixes to help me keep track of what did what.
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