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  1. Are you looking for an icon for start.jnlp on the desktop? You may just need to create a shortcut on the desktop from wherever the file installed. Look in Downloads. Right click & choose Send To/Desktop (Create Shortcut)
  2. Michael said they had too many support calls for static addressing. You can still build a VPN and get remote access. The problem I see here is I know for a fact I could not deploy this on the network at my place of employment. And I'm seeing a fair amount of stuff on here in reference to IP & WiFi connectivity that someone with experience & access should be able to fix. Documentation may be a solution, one of my manufacturer's has a whole manual called Network Guide which explains basic TCP/IP and something like that may help for those without a CCNA or NET+ to understand static addressing. And the button-press restore factory network settings would be a way out, but have it set a default address like or the last octet the last 3 of the SN or something instead of DHCP.
  3. Agree. I really need Ethernet config; addy, ports, mask, gateway, DNS, NTP, ...
  4. Yea, I'm not even using Finder, I just open admin.jnlp downloaded from the eisy. My Config window used to show the IP address assigned by my router but at 5.5.2 it don't no more. Of course you can't get focus on any of the text boxes because static IP assignment has been locked out.
  5. Try to find the IP address in your DHCP Clients list in your router and see if you can reach http://[ip addy]:8080/admin.jnlp , download then try to open it.
  6. Yea I had quite the popcorn effect awhile back from this lock, every once in awhile I'd get ~20 notifications door locked instead of one. But not always. That seemed to settle down over time, I haven't experienced it in awhile, but it sure looked like too many messages floating around out there on the air waves.
  7. @lilyoyo1Thanks. I had a pretty good idea distance was going to be a hurdle. Of course my front door lock is one of the furthest away. Through the most solid walls. Murphy's Law, right? I thought I read somewhere those Aeotech Range Extenders forward regardless of HomeID. Do you know if that's true? I've got a fair amount of those spread throughout the house from when I originally deployed Z-Wave.
  8. @asbrilI like the switch box idea. Back when I moved to Z-Wave it was a PITA when you installed a switch in it's final resting place then had to take it back out and move closer to the hub to associate the new device. Thanks, Grant @lilyoyo1Thanks. Yea I was thinking about that messing up the routing tables and how long it would take to heal. Will Update Neighbors or Synchronize help speed things up? When I first deployed my Z-Wave as expected, the longer it ran the better it got. I forgot if there is a "Heal" action in the ISY. Or will it just take time? I was going to look at the devices neighbors and try to build a strategy/sequence depending on who is supporting who...
  9. @larryllix @asbril Great Comments! <roflmfao> A lot of times you'll see these new technologies emerge, get published, then marketing & finance is pushing engineering to get something out the door, too many times I've gotten stuff that would appear to still be in Alpha test and way too early for formal release. Plus I too work with manufacturer's in Alpha sometimes and Beta for sure. While I don't know UDI's business model but I doubt such a bureaucracy exists at UDI, sure they want to be first but they are their own pressure. And at least here UDI told us it was a Beta release so hopefully those didn't spin it up in a production environment without being ready for any consequences. That's why my 994i is still running my house and when I get my USB-Matter I'm gonna go one device at a time to my eisy. Run them both side by side so I only risk loosing one node at a time. And while I've read that each Z-Wave dongle has it's own HomeID and you can run them "side-by-side" I really don't know if that's going to work. If anyone has comments on that please reply. But it does make sense, two homes next door in an apartment complex both running Z-Wave was a good example. I looked at, but haven't even started to read the Silicon Labs docs, and I'm no ISY Guru as you see on the board here, I still got a lot to learn to get proficient at ISY. -Grant
  10. @lilyoyo1Thanks. That's what I thought but when the GUI (menu bar) and the docs didn't match I figured I'd throw a request for clarification out there with all the problems I'm seeing out there I definitely can't risk bricking my 994. That's why when my Matter get's here I'm gonna move one device at a time. Fortunately I don't have any 15' ceilings and I'll exclude/reset/add the devices one at a time maybe just fire up my laptop and walk around the house.
  11. In preparation for my move from 994 to eisy and the matter board when it gets here, I was looking at excluding a Z-Wave device. Throughout the documentation, I find “Select Remove/Exclude a Z-Wave Device.” It even shows that in a screen-shot. However, from the menu bar I only have “Remove a Z-Wave Device”, missing the “/Exclude.” Is this is just a typo, versioning, or am I missing something? As I’m going to re-build my ~30 device Z-Wave network I was hoping I could perform exclusion without having to visit every device and press a button. Then again, this is probably just a “safety” feature requiring physical interaction with the device to prevent excluding the wrong device. Must I physically visit each device? 994i, FW is at 5.3.4, product Z-Wave (21100) is installed, ZW Version 6.82.01 . Is the missing “/Exclude” in my menu just a typo, and/or I can or cannot exclude just by address without paying the Z-Wave device a visit a button press event? Thanks, Grant
  12. @lilyoyo1Ahh... That makes sense. I haven't changed the FW on the 994, it's still the version from when I had Z-Wave & Insteon devices on it. So I guess if I change it I can disconnect the PLM? I guess that's available on the Current Version page. I guess I could still replace the Insteon FW with the Z-Wave only on the 994. I never had a problem adding the bulb, first time via the address & 2nd by discovery or create links or whatever it is called. I reset the 1st plm before I plugged it into the eisy and added the bulb by address. I'm wondering that since I did the remove modem after I disconnected the plm #1 there were still links in the 994 that when I plugged the 2nd plm into it, it overwrote the settings in the lamp... Thanks a bunch for all your time & help. I really appreciate it. -Grant
  13. @lilyoyo1 Yea, these are both 2413S(s) and the 994 is on it's own power supply, but without a PLM on the 994 it boots into safe mode and none of the Z-Wave devices show up and when you choose the Programs tab it starts to load then blows up. The plm was not even connected to the 994 when I issued the File/Delete Modem (PLM) on the 994, it was already working on the eisy. It wasn't until I hooked up my 2nd PLM to the 994 that the eisy quit working. I never did a thing with the plm on the eisy, just removed the node that worked before I had 2 plms online and re-discovered it which worked like it should as long as the plm on the 994 wasn't plugged into the wall outlet. The working link table on the eisy never got cleared until it failed after running for at least 24-48 hours after I brought a 2nd plm onto the airwaves. The plm talking to the lamp was factory reset before connecting to the eisy and then the bulb was connected and worked fine. It didn't die until I connected the 2nd plm to the 994 to stop it from booting in safe mode. I wouldn't think the 2nd plm would have touched the links in the 1st plm, they were both on separate isy's, but it definitely was corrupted somehow. I just don't understand how bring the 2nd online, on another isy, jacked up the 1st one on a totally separate isy. The 994 already has/had Z-Wave 500 on it, just getting it out of safe mode all the Z-Wave devices then showed up. I don't understand what the zwave firmware would have to do with the insteon bulb falling on the eisy. I didn't restore anything to the eisy as I don't have the USB-Matter yet. Maybe the 2nd plm jacked up a link table in the bulb? Does the bulb maintain an associated plm address in it that maybe got overwritten when I brought #2 up and that's why I had to "hard" re-link it again?
  14. @bmarsh Yea, I'm old too, first box was the 1130 then 360/40 in the 70s. Yea, eisy good for tinkers. eisy must get DHCP then you can find the address in your clients table & see if you can ping it. then try to open https://[ipaddress]:8080/admin.jnlp and see if that gets you the admin console.
  15. Yea, I tried ssh on 5.5.2 and it worked.
  16. So, my first real Oh S moment in my move 994i to eisy. Having moved the PLM to my eisy and issuing File/Delete Modem (PLM) the 994i starts in safe mode and I can’t see any nodes or programs nor are my programs running. . I discovered this when some of my notifications stopped. Oh O! I was still planning on manually copying my z-wave network and programs to get rid of any old artifacts over the years from tweaks & mods. Fortunately, I have a spare PLM. So, I hooked that back up to the 994i and I can now see all my z-wave devices and my programs. Now, whether the PLM on the 994 is plugged in or not, the eisy can no longer communicate to the one Insteon device. So, I re-boot the eisy while the PLM on the 994 is still unplugged from the wall outlet. Nope, still can’t talk to the Insteon device. The PLM shows connected on the eisy So, I File/Restore the PLM on the eisy. Nope, no good. Well, it looks like my programs on the 994 are now running with the PLM unplugged from the wall so let’s see if I can see anything in the 994. Yah! I can. And now I can see the programs referencing the removed Insteon nodes so I can clean those up. “Not Loaded” – “Out of Memory”. Interesting error message for a device no longer there. So after cleaning up the programs the backup seems to run a little faster. It looks to be all my critical stuff still on the 994 is working. Now, what to do about this one Insteon night light on the eisy that it can’t see. If I recall correctly there is a power connection on the RJ-45 between the 994 and the PLM. Maybe that is why even with the PLM unplugged it’s getting powered by the 994 and that’s why the 994 still behaves even with the PLM unplugged from the wall outlet? Anyways I drop the connection to the 994 and connect back to the eisy. Nope, still can’t see the Insteon light bulb. Query clears the red bang(!) but if you command it, it fails again and the bang comes back. So, let’s remove and re-add it and see if it comes back. Remove from scene then query hangs on writing. Still can’t communicate. Deleted device. Initiate Linking on the eisy. Cycle power to the lamp & wah-lah, eisy finds it. Eisy adds and writes to the new device, all looks good so far. Yah, manual on and off now work. I’ll add it back to the Nightlights scene and see if it follows the scene. Ok, the lamp controlled through the scene, controlled by a program is working. Now my Insteon night light device on eisy is back to where it was this morning when it went off at sunrise. I wonder what my 994 looks like? Backup eisy, disconnect, and connect to 994. Progress! All my Z-Wave nodes and my Programs are now seen in the AC when connected to the 994. All the programs I tested appear to be running to be running. What a PITA that was. But it all looks to be running. I feel like I just wrote a 3-stage 1500-ton chiller plant program. Actually, that’s even easier these days as I have all that stuff templated. I’ll add to this thread if anything freaks out. The Moral of the Story: Yes, you can move your Insteon devices to IoX 5.5.2 and leave Z-Wave running on your 994i while waiting to receive your USB-Matter but you’ll need two(2) PLMs. Fasten your seat belt! -Grant
  17. Yes, these guys (UD) are up to their ears. And how many times do you get to enter into dialogue with the CEO and CTM on Christmas day working through matters? Heads up to UDI, like I said before, it's not like there are two dozen support technicians waiting to answer the phone. This little black box is only $300 bucks, not $10,000 bucks with a $3K annual subscription. Their product has worked quite well for me in my home for many years, all-be-it there's some things that need to be worked through on these new releases but that's always. We, the community, need to work with and not against UDI to help perfect this little product, unless you're ready to start installing Crestron in your house for $100K! And I've done a few of those too, 1/4 mil home automation system, house not included. <lol> Kudos to UDI for all their hard work, and let's work together as a community to refine this product, stop putting each other and UDI down, we'll make a lot more progress working together. I truly appreciate and recognize your understanding and UDI's efforts. Sincerely, Grant
  18. Yes, I have actually experienced system wide outages due to a single point of failure, DNS.
  19. I saw a lot of chatter about problems with the 5.5.2 update, I have a real basic config at this time, no migration, no matter USB yet and only one Insteon device on my new eisy. Hesitantly I went ahead and pulled the trigger and the only thing I had to do was take down my firewall for a moment as it goes out to at least cloudfront to get the update. Gave it 5 min. or so to complete, turned the FW back on and it's working fine as of now. No brick, no black screen, appears to have taken well. Those with problems probably all had Matter or at lease Z-Wave installed which there seems to be a fair amount of bugs in.
  20. Looks like it needs Cloudfront for updating. Another CIDR block...
  21. Yep, whether it be additional fee, accreditation, or both; there needs to be a way for capable individuals to get a deeper level of access. I'm certified on multiple lines, sometimes it's a 5 day(or more) class with a cost and other times free, just so you'll sell the product, free online training, pass a simple test, and you'll get at least the basic stuff. Most manufactures have multiple tiers of which I have quite a few of. There can still be a need for factory support but at least it lowers the number of loose nuts behind the keyboard on the phone line. Stuff UD needs to be cognizant of so those of us who need a little more can get it. And too understanding UD don't have a help desk with 20 support individuals jumping to pick up the phone. It's all a balance.
  22. FYI, my PLM that is working with the eisy is a 2413S, v2.1 1543 v9E as reported by the ISY994i
  23. I had to reset my PLM before I could add devices to it in the eisy but I didn't do a migration. I'd try it just plugging it in, you could always factory reset then restore the PLM from the backup you put in the eisy, and worst case you could always roll back to the 994 and restore the PLM from there...
  24. I'm guessing you are running a 994? Make sure you make a current backup, that's how you're going to migrate to eisy, right? You can always restore the PLM on the 994 if eisy fails and you have to move back to the 994.
  25. A router is to route, not for individual/local device configuration. You do not use a router to configure settings on a local device, only if you choose to, I.E. DHCP. All Ethernet configurations should be able to be made at the local device level, by the local Network Administrator. Static or DHCP. If you are going to use ISY in a residential only configuration on nothing more than a cable modem or something of the like, with a typical non-tech homeowner DHCP is a better way to go but when/if the device is deployed in a "commercial" IP network environment it needs to be able to be configured to meet the requirements of the specific network. Of the thousands of different IP based controllers I have used and installed in my career, and currently support, this is the first time if I choose, I cannot explicitly configure the Ethernet network locally at the node, nor the associated security certificates and keys. Here UD only, not me has my cert. keys. How secure is that? It makes it very difficult to deploy in the current configuration. I understand UD had problems with static IP support, but now with a simple button press event to reset network settings that should no longer be a problem. Possibly a Pro version or another way to let those of us who need full control the ability to do so... End of rant...
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