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Guy Lavoie

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Everything posted by Guy Lavoie

  1. I don't know anything about it myself, but there are many videos on youtube that cover it.
  2. I added a dual band lamplinc in the garage to help with signal reliability. Has been working fine.
  3. If you can ssh into it, you might try this (though it's not UDI's preferred official approach...your judgement call). It worked for me. Scroll down to tokenworker's post, describing the pkg install commands in bold. Please read the whole thread first.
  4. Great, glad it helped! You really gotta view the KPL buttons as miniature Insteon switches, and their backlights as loads switched by them, or by scenes they are responders to, just like regular Insteon switches. Being a bit of a status tracking nut, I have many scenes that I call "reverse" scenes that exist just for the purpose of updating a KPL backlight for a button. Any other thing that might activate a switch(es) controlled by a KPL button gets added as a controller to the reverse scene, to keep the button's backlight up to date.
  5. Yesterday I configured a Matter bulb with an android phone.
  6. If the light is triggered from another scene it won't work. You would need to add your KPL H button as a responder to that other scene.
  7. I'm sure most of that will become clear over time. This is still beta. Just getting the communications and device linking working reliably is certainly the most important first step. UDI is arriving at that. Most of us here already have working systems so going to an all-matter setup would be the exception. I want to enjoy learning and understanding the topology early on. I'm in no rush to set up anything in particular at this point. I'm quite confident that the eisy will indeed be able to make all device types work together. We already see it with scenes. Insteon is the "mother tongue" it's designed around, but you can put zwave, zigbee, Matter devices in scenes and they work. I did test the Matter bulb as a scene responder yesterday, worked fine. For other things, programs can be used. It will be interesting to see if as you say, other devices can be mapped to a Matter equivalent directly. If not, as scenes or through programs.
  8. The ISY doesn't seem to have a Matter sharing function, yet. That's why you need to choose your root device wisely. I still need to test some other things, one of which is to encode the Hue hub's Matter sharing pin code into a QR code, and try adding it to the eisy using UD Mobile. I'm looking into a QR code encoding utility for that. I don't have a border router yet (looking into getting a used 4th gen. Alexa Echo for this), so the Thread bulb will have to wait. Not sure I understand your question. The Iox launcher hasn't changed. Still the same as it has been with 5.8.4.
  9. A few more notes: - Following the eisy upgrade from 5.9.1_12 to 5.9.1_13, I was able to add the bulb to that controller too. So make sure you have 5.9.1_13 before trying anything else. So Matter over wifi works without needing the ZMatter dongle, as it should (though the default device name will start with ZM...). Deleting the bulb from the Polisy wasn't enough to make it configurable, I really needed to factory reset the bulb itself. So it looks like Matter devices can only belong to one main controller, and then shared by that device. So choose your main controller carefully if you have more than one that can add Matter devices. - I tried adding the Thread bulb to the Polisy (because it has the dongle) but that didn't work. In fairness, the release announcement does say that a border router is needed, at least at this time. - When adding a Matter device, it does take a bit of time to first find the device after scanning the QR code, and then you will see that your controller does an "interview" process in a pop up window of the admin console. - It would be handy to allow the UD Mobile app to also accept a pairing code instead of just the QR code. Some devices like the Hue hub only offer a pairing code for doing the share process.
  10. I decided to upgrade my eisy this morning (after successfully upgrading my test Polisy when 5.9.1 first came out in February). I ran into the same problem. ssh login worked, but no show in the IoX finder. Tried the power off/power on suggested by Michael above, but no go. So I went ahead with the pkg install instructions you posted, and it worked. Now fully operational again. I now have 5.9.1_13, which allowed me to configure a Matter bulb for the first time. The funny thing is that this morning it installed 5.9.1_12, and then redoing the pkg install after lunch upgraded to 5.9.1_13.
  11. I made some progress, and got a Matter wifi bulb working. See here:
  12. Hear ye hear ye! I managed to configure my Matter Cync bulb!! (start 15 minutes of fame) 🤩 Following my post above, I thought I'd look into the eisy upgrade I just did, looking at version numbers, etc. This is because the Matter addition process had gotten further than on my test Polisy before ending in the error I mentioned. The sysconfig.txt file showed me that I had IoX version 5.9.1_12. So I checked the Polisy, which I had upgraded just after the release announcement had come out in February. It had 5.9.1_7. So UDI has been quietly updating it. So back to the Polisy, since it does have the ZMatter board in it. I click on "Update Packages", and nothing updates, being on 5.9.1 already. Ok...so I ssh into it and run "sudo pkg install -f isy". That did identify that there was an update to install. Updated and rebooted it. Did an ssh back into it to view the sysconfig.txt file and...(funny stuff) it shows 5.9.1_13! Did UDI just issue an update in the last couple of hours? I factory reset my Cync bulb and fire up UD Mobile, and try the add. Same process, entering my wifi ssid and password to configure the bulb. The admin console also pops up a message saying it's adding a Matter device. Crossed fingers, toes, anything I could cross...and it successfully added the bulb! Interesting that it appears as a ZM device, even though it's wifi. Next I'll try the Nanoleaf Thread bulb (in case the dongle is really able to talk to it directly). Just before posting this, I also ran the pkginstall command on my eisy, and it did upgrade to 5.9.1_13. So I'll be testing that too. Maybe the ZMatter dongle is really needed, even for wifi. Other notes: - Looks like they fixed the ssh access, so "ssh admin@eisy.local" works again - Matter device addition really seems to be a bluetooth thing, which would explain why it's done only in UD Mobile. - The Cync bulb only shows up as an on/off device, even though it's a color bulb.
  13. Update: I just went ahead and updated my production eisy (I had only updated my test Polisy up until now). Then I tried adding my Cync wifi bulb to it. Still not working, but got farther. I first deleted the bulb from the google home mini (as told by the Matter adding function in UD Mobile). It detected the bulb and prompted me for my wifi ssid and password. I entered those, and the screen was showing "adding Matter device" with an animated radio wave pattern, but then ended in an error saying "Could not get ZMatter RX Requested ISY not online. 500". Interesting that it mentioned "ZMatter" since this is a wifi bulb. I also don't have a ZMatter dongle on my eisy (It's the board version I have, installed in my test Polisy).
  14. Interesting that during the first days of the 5.9.1 update, no eisy's had problems. But now, what looks like two new, out of the box units have the same issue. Did anyone notice if they were running 5.8.4 when first powered up?
  15. I'd start with the java clear cache (all 3 checkboxes) first. Then manually adding the eisy in the finder "https:/192.168.x.x:8443/desc" Try that
  16. Thanks for that. I just listened to the whole thing. Not very heavy on technical details but it does give a sense of how they're seeing the future. I like how at the very end, they do acknowledge that their hub can only do so much and for the real techies, eisy is the way to go 😀 They do mention the current tariff war at the beginning, and how it will put pressure on prices.
  17. Homekit support will likely be something that will come in a later version, so could be a little while yet.
  18. I just read through your linked post. Wow...looks like lots of early adopter issues cropped up, but you stuck with it! Firmware updates, etc are the bane of early use of new technologies. But it looks like perseverance paid off, and I'm happy for you. The vlan thing is particularly interesting, and sharing your experience will certainly be helpful to others. I'm sure Matter will turn out to be great, but still needs time to get there. Your loose neutral issue in your Powerwall thread can certainly be the cause of many problems, and not just noise. If the two phases of your panel aren't well balanced, it means the many electrical appliances might have experienced high or low voltage spikes. Problems might crop up later. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  19. Well don't forget that 5.9.1 is a beta release for Matter support, and hasn't worked for users yet. You'll also notice that the ZMatter dongle isn't even mentioned yet in the release notes. So the network requirements will likely change as the Matter support evolves. We'll just need to be patient. In the meantime, tell us a bit about your Matter devices, notably the Thread switches. What brand and model are they? How is the reliability? Did you migrate from another smart switch type, and reasons that motivated the choice. Matter is still new and we need to learn from other's experiences.
  20. No reported Matter pairing yet (or if someone did, they're so excited that they forgot to come and tell us!) The mention of wifi settings change was within the eisy itself, to get it working with Matter. I'm theorizing here, but with a controller like the eisy having both hardwired and wifi connectivity, the vast majority of those using it hardwired will already have a wifi router in their setup (who doesn't have wifi at home now?). Remains the Thread support: Some (most?) will probably have a border router somewhere. If not, the ZMatter dongle should provide that capability, at least between the eisy and devices. Most of us will likely get the dongle anyways because it's the only way to get Zigbee. In theory, the eisy could also act as a border router, device to device. Matter is IPv6 whether it's wifi or Thread, so it's a simple packet forwarding function. Maybe there will be a configuration checkbox to turn on routing.
  21. Oops, look like I got ahead of myself. The QR code isn't just an encoding of the PIN code. Other than including some additional information (Vendor ID and product ID) there is also Base38 encoding. Detailed information here: https://www.matteralpha.com/article/how-does-matter-qr-code-work
  22. Join the club. If anyone has had success, they haven't said so here.
  23. You can create a QR code here: https://qrfy.com/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=17317470455&utm_term=make a qr code free online&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA5pq-BhBuEiwAvkzVZfy_UW8SDHl3_jj1ioTPcJ5J-vaRQYxDKxsh6VysN1mk_7Pd19OsphoCPfQQAvD_BwE Just choose "text" and enter the code as text, as I've done here:
  24. Wikipedia has some links, and describes the evolution of the standard from it's beginnings. There is a link to github for developers https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip There is a certification process, etc. Read up on Matter here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_(standard) For most of us here (as UDI users), having Matter compatible node devices is almost secondary, as we'll already have our systems established around one or more existing technologies, whether it be Insteon, Zwave, etc. Matter isn't really introducing any new topologies. Again, the appeal of Matter is interoperability of existing systems. If you have both Google Home and Amazon Alexa devices, you'll be able to get them communicating more easily, without reverse engineering, plugins, etc. You'll also notice that UDI's announcement mentions "HomeKit plumbing". That must be linked to the addition of Matter support. Apple has always been the outlier. The fact that they're part of the group that got together to create Matter will only help in making home automation more consumer friendly and widespread.
  25. Long press? In UD mobile? You should look for them in the Admin console.
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