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Guy Lavoie

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Everything posted by Guy Lavoie

  1. Has anyone, anywhere successfully linked a Matter device yet? If so, what what is the device? How did you proceed?
  2. There is nothing wrong with using multiple programs, and it's not a question of efficiency. Complex, nested logic requires multiple programs like that.
  3. Plugins are used with the controller itself, to extend functionality and add new features. They're not specifically related to UD Mobile. For example the Hue plugin will allow you to control Philips Hue bulbs, they will appear as devices you can then control. Ask a more specific question.
  4. Sounds like it might be a firmware issue in the opener's controller, especially if the trouble reported by others are for people installing new openers.
  5. Interesting, because I picked up one of these just last week (as an open box item on marketplace, for a ridiculous price). I already have a well functioning garage door setup with an Insteon IOLinc. I just thought I'd give it a try and see how it goes, and learn along the way, for possible use if worthwhile. I installed on on my eisy, which has the Zooz 700 series dongle. It took a bit of fiddling but it linked and installed ok, and does appear as a barrier device as you say it should. Works correctly too, as I simulate the door movement with the tilt sensor in my hand. My device list shows 5 nodes; the ones you listed plus "Unattended Op alarm". Are you using a Zooz dongle or the Zmatter one?
  6. I just tried that (thanks for drawing my attention to it). Unfortunately it doesn't work. If I try to set the color or saturation levels, I get a "could not get brightness node" error. But the brightness level works fine, like a white only bulb. As part of the testing process I switched the bulb over to the Hue hub network and did a software update on the bulb, hoping that it would fix this, but I get the same result after deleting it from the hub and reacquiring it with the Polisy. This might be one of the older versions of the bulb. It had firmware 67.88 and it upgraded to 67.116.
  7. I just tested linking a color bulb. It works, but I can't see any way of changing the colors. It looks like it sees just a Zigbee on/off switch, though dimming works fine on both bulbs I tested. But why are you specifically looking to remove the Hue hub, given that you already have it?
  8. It works! I screwed in a brand new Hue White bulb, fired up the Polisy, and chose "Add a Zigbee Device" under Zigbee. It saw the bulb right away and added it. The bulb also blinked on a off at least a dozen times before just staying lit. Looks like this in IoX
  9. Sounds about right. If you read the other part of the notice, you'll also see that the wifi performance of the eisy had to be degraded to 802.11a/g to achieve Matter functionality. Since the main difference between the eisy and the Polisy is the hardware platform, it seems that getting Matter to work over wifi was difficult on the eisy and impossible on the Polisy. It seems that when you want Matter over wifi, avoid problems by connecting your controller with a wired connection. I don't know how then using your own wifi router for Matter connectivity might be difficult or not.
  10. Interestingly, just for fun I was just going over the Canadian Tire website (large Canadian retailer) and looking over the smart bulb products, to try and spot anything identified as Matter compatible. Nope, not yet. However I did notice that some Philips Hue bulbs sported the Zigbee logo on the box. Some kind of move towards a more generic compatibility? Or just indicating something that was possible all along? I just might try this later today with my test Polisy, that has the Zmatter dongle. I'll start with a spare Hue bulb that isn't linked to any hub.
  11. If you look at a open/close sensor in admin console and go momentarily press the link button on the device, does it blink the LED and do you see it's status update in the admin console? I've had that kind of thing happen (all 9 open/close sensors showing blank status) after a controller reboot, which it does when you upgrade it. Pressing the button on each one updated the status. It would have been nice if it sent a status update along with the heartbeat, just to resync the status over the next 24 hours.
  12. There might be another option coming. Hue hubs received an update to be Matter compatible, some months ago. Depending on how this new Matter integration goes in IoX, you might be able to do it that way. I still have no clear idea of what else might be needed for this to work (the Hue hub is wired TCP/IP, so that already makes it accessible).
  13. What is the HA access to eisy configured as? if it's something like ...@eisy.local, try changing it to ...@<ip address>
  14. I'll add a couple of questions to that. - Where does the Zmatter dongle fit into this? - A while back, Philips Hue updated their hubs to be Matter compatible. Does this mean we should be able to add Hue bulbs (now, or later) as Matter devices?
  15. A strange and mysterious problem gets fixed in a strange and mysterious way.
  16. For now it's in the phone app. Seems the update for iPhones isn't available yet (I have android). For the eisy it's with the external enclosure.
  17. Well the Polisy is still officially supported. I'd get it back in order with UDI support and keep it as a spare.
  18. That's known (and hopefully fixed soon) but in the meantime, you can do: ssh admin@<ipaddress>
  19. Wired ethernet is probably the better way for your controller to be connected to your network. In fact, the release announcement says: -- Polisy does not support Matter when connected using WiFi. For those with apparently bricked Polisys, how did you upgrade it: wifi or wired? Just looking for any common denominator.
  20. Can you ping it? Someone else reported a similar outcome but could still ping it. If so, then it's possibly recoverable.
  21. The release announcement does say "Initial support for light bulbs and plugin modules:"
  22. Same here. It previously was running 5.8.4. Doesn't have much on it, but does have the development files.
  23. Is it a Thread or IP device? This will always come up in Matter discussions
  24. Well as of yesterday, the updated app versions for both android and IOS were said to be "pending approval" by google and Apple. I guess google approved it faster. Keep checking for the IOS version update. In defense of UDI, all the Matter related features are showing as beta versions, so this is an initial release that will certainly be polished up over the next little while. It at least allows the wider user base to start testing it in various environments, something USI couldn't possibly do alone.
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