I can confirm that this is possible with the beta ISY-99i/IR PRO. The control commands are FADE UP and FADE DOWN.
Can you confirm now that the ISY99/ir is out how one would control the Dim/Bright buttons? I am now trying to setup my ISY99 using the beta 2.6.3 firmware and the dim/bright do just that - right now the dim/bright function is not working. When using the fade/up command the lights from off level go to full on 100% softly and then fade down does from whatever is the on level to off. I cant seem to get any programs to work properly with dim/bright using the Hold command. I can press a ton of times to get it to work but thats is a pain. I would like it to act like an X-10 command - where you can select a light or whatever then hit one button for on, one for off, press and hold one for bright and same for dim. I am using a pronto TSU9600 remote and want to be able to control individual lights if I want. I also have one TSU9400 in my master bedroom and like to be able to control the brightness when watching TV or what not.
Maybe if you can give me a sample code? For example what I have is a Scene called "HTR - All" with a program of On then a separate on for Off - when I leave the room I would like to hit a button on my remote called "HTR - All Off" (I know how to setup the IR stuff) - when I hit the All off button it would be nice for all the lights in that scene to dim maybe 25% or twice 15% then 15% so that you can see the command has been received, then have time to leave the room without it going dark on you.
Right now this is what I have but its not working (I also tried Fade Down too without it working properly - see above comments)
IR 'TV : 2' is Pressed
Set Scene 'HTR - ALL' dim
Set Scene 'HTR - ALL' dim
Wait 1 minute
Set Scene 'HTR - ALL' off
- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')