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Everything posted by AnthemAVM

  1. I was meeting with the installer that is going to install my RTI remote system in my family room. I was telling him about the ISY99i, and showed him the website. He asked if there is a data file so he can program the ISY to the RTI remote. Thanks, I am new to the custom remote programming Michael
  2. Mike B, Is there anyway to make the KPL lights blink during that last minute before the lights shut down? Thanks
  3. Thanks Michael
  4. I want to set my garage lights to go off after 15 minutes of being on. How would I program that in the ISY? I just can not get it to work? The on is a KPL on and off is the off switch on the KPL? Thanks.
  5. Dave, Can you tell me all your browser configurations? Michael
  6. Dave, I am getting it about 5 seconds after I type in the https:isy adress and hit enter. Michael
  7. I got a new message a few minutes ago. The selected server returned an error when attempting to fulfill your request. Do you think this is a timeout issue?
  8. Yes, it was working fine on Tuesday, then Wednesday I started getting the same error message, got in once, got a time out message, and then back to the other messages. The only thing that changed from Tuesday to Wednesday is the firmware update to v4.21.79 on the blackberry. I checked and I can get into the ISY from a ATT tilt, so it is something with the BB. Dave did you change anything on your blackberry on Wednesday? Michael
  9. I tried to clear the Java Cache and that didn't do anything.
  10. I can not locate my ISY on my network in Vista, but when I go into the router I see it. I used www.universal-devices.com/27 and am able to see the admin console, but am getting a XML parse error. Any ideas? Thanks
  11. This is weird, as I am getting the same message today, but with a BB on ATT. "A communication failure occurred with the selected Mobile Data Service. The server may be busy, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your administrator. Michael
  12. Michael, I got a replacement RemoteLinc this am, and went to put it into the ISY. I hit Linc RemoteLinc, warned about loosing all the links, and if that wasn't what you wanted go to New Insteon Device. I put in the address and hit okay, and it just take me back to Admin Console. I put the RemoteLinc in linking mode and it still didn't work. Any ideas?
  13. Thanks Dave, I doubted that the ISY was the problem. I will go back and recheck it again. Michael
  14. Anyone having trouble adding new devices in 2.6.4? I am tryig to add a 2474D 2 Wire Kit, and the ISY can not locate it? Michael
  15. I can get to my ISY from my ATT Blackberry. This is AWESOME. Thanks
  16. I have been working with 2.6.3 for a few weeks, has been very stable. I can get to it from our Iphone, but the blackberry isn't working. I get the message about the SSL, then I say Yes, then the Blackberry comes back and tells me the internet can not connect. Any ideas?
  17. How do I find my port on a Vista machine?
  18. I was wondering if anyone got 2.6.3 to work on the AT&T Blackberry 8810? Thanks Michael
  19. After logging in I am getting the following error Socket open failed java.lang.stringindexoutofboundsexception: String index out of range: 4 Any ideas what this might be? Thanks
  20. I upgraded to 2.6.3, and was able to get acess from the Iphone. I then went into ISY Certificate Manager, and did the first option. I can no longer get the internet to work on the ISY, any ideas? Thanks very much.
  21. AnthemAVM

    EZ Rain?

    I have been using EZ rain and ISY 99 for about 6 months without a problem.
  22. Hello, I just can not figure this one out. I can set the ramp rates in ISY-99, but when you localy hit the switch it goes on 100% when it is set at 60% in the ISY, what am I doing wrong? Thanks
  23. Got it, anyone have any sample programs for my sprinklers? Thanks
  24. As quickly as it started working it just stopped. Michael
  25. It was like magic, all the sudden my email notification is working, and I have the Verizon FIOS service. YAHOO
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