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Everything posted by n_sievers

  1. I initially bought a Zooz Zen31 RGBW controller to experiment with and paired it with an inexpensive roll of of RGBWW led strip that I purchased off of Amazon to create a TV backlight. I was very happy with the integration of the ZWave control of the LED strips in ISY so following my successful experiment, I proceeded to purchase 3 more Zen31 controllers and and aluminum channel with diffuser for a clean LED strip installation in various other areas of my home. I have been running them for a few months now and am very happy with these controllers.
  2. n_sievers

    IoX reboot

    This could be due to the setting under configuration for "catch up programs at startup". A program(s) containing those devices may initiate or possibly the "query at restart" is indicating a state change/update that initiates a program containing those devices.
  3. I have 2 Venstar thermostats in my setup. One is a T1900 with the Insteon dongle. I have had this in my system for 15+ years and has been great (I did have to replace a failed Insteon dongle many years ago and have another spare if ever fails again) but unfortunately they stopped making the dongle and fully Insteon-integrated Venstar many years ago. The other one I have installed is a Venstar Voyager with Z-wave module. This too works very well and have been using for about 4 years. These particular Venstar thermostats are not “glamorous” but work very well and have the features that I need such as direct connection/integration to ISY (I am not interested in using a node server/wi-fi connectivity) for my particular integration, native humidifier control, wired outdoor temp sensor and terminals to connect a contact closure to as to place in vacation mode.
  4. I am having some erratic issues occurring where the device status is not updating on my favorites page when connected remotely (outside my local network) but when I click on the individual device, it will enter its control page with status updating correctly and properly controlling the device. When I back out to favorites page, that particular device will then show correct status but all others are still blank. This is only happening when connected remotely and not when connected on local network.
  5. Insteon used to actually have a specific 8-button keypad version of a countdown timer 2484D for uses such as a bath fan. The timer capabilities were built in to it but I haven’t seen one around for many years.
  6. Sorry for the delay as I got tied up with work meetings. I checked a bit ago and noticed everything is back up and working as it should again! Thank you! I was moving a bit slow due to the weather in Denver today as well!
  7. I have noticed this morning following leaving my local network and trying to access UD Mobile, initially the connection was painfully slow and all nodes did not populate. I closed out the app an reconnected but took several minutes for it to connect and was still exceptionally slow and only a couple other nodes populated. I had checked multiple times and the last time I tried going on about 15 minutes ago, it would not connect at all and the error that I get when this occurs is: "Connection Type: oAuthPortal. Error code 404". I am back on my local network and everything connects and works perfectly fine. I do have at the local address set up and my wifi network registered so that it can properly and quickly change over from local to remote as soon as my local network is not available. I tried logging into my portal to see if that was showing delay as well but all I good there. It was working properly over earlier this weekend and I updated UD Mobile this weekend so not sure if it related to that or not since I was on my local network all day yesterday and just discovered this upon connecting remotely.
  8. I have confirmed that although the UI sunrise/sunset times are incorrect, my sunrise/sunset scheduled programs are running at the correct times.
  9. I have the same issue occurring. I rebooted with no success.
  10. Upon checking to make sure everything was good this morning, I found that the sunrise and sunset times displayed in the admin console are actually an hour earlier than they should be but the actual time is correct. I have no other obvious issues at this point and no disabled programs so I tried rebooting the Polisy but upon coming back up, the sunrise/sunset are still displaying an hour earlier than they should be. I am in Denver so on Mountain time.
  11. For me it took several reboots, 2 of which I actually power cycled my Polisy, before the update was reflecting 5.7.0_5. Everything seems to be working well now and no further issue with all programs being disabled at this time.
  12. I believe this is the device: http://resetplug.com A quick Amazon search came up with this option as well: https://www.amazon.com/Connect-Monitors-Connectivity-Required-Necessary/dp/B07MCRQPCS/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=wifi+reset+plug&qid=1697229665&sr=8-5
  13. A number of years ago I had the same issue with recurring loss of connectivity with my Centruy Link DSL connection/modem due to CL's failing copper infrastructure. The only other option was Comcast but for the same reliability issues neighbors were having and also that they would not allow residential customers a static IP (CL did allow for this) and quite frankly for more reasons than I can explain, it was not an option and was holding out for fiber which was on the adjacent block but unfortunately not mine and no commitment to be bringing it to mine! I finally gave up and went with a local point-to-point wireless internet provider that came available to the area and have never looked back as have been extremely happy, not to mention a local person that I can speak to if/when there is an issue. I digress, but during my stint with CL and the ongoing issues, I found a unique device that would intermittently ping sites to confirm connectivity and then would power cycle the attached outlet at the outage time interval you set to do so following drop-out and then come back on after the time you programmed it to remain off. I traveled a lot for work so this worked great and got me through that time with an inferior internet provider. They even had a portal/service you could set up to notify you when internet was lost and then again restored. It has been quite a few years so I can see if I can find out the info for this device and let you know.
  14. I did. I just did yet another reboot and is now showing as being on 5.7.0_5
  15. I just tried doing the upgrade as I am on 5.7.0_4 and got the confirmation beeps. Upon checking to confirm current version, I found it was still on 5.7.0_4 instead of 5.7.0_5 so I did another reboot and the version still has not changed. I have run the upgrade process a 2nd time and rebooted still with no success of upgrading to 5.7.0_5.
  16. I just ran the upgrade and all went well. Upon completing and logging in again, I was pleased to find that only the intended programs remained disabled. I confirmed it is now on 5.7.0_4 and did a power cycle of the Polisy to ensure the issue did not persist upon reboot and happy to report that all is good!
  17. I have been out of town and during my absence a power blip disabled my programs, some of which are critical so wanted to see if there are any updates on the fix.
  18. Has anyone considered or would consider developing an integration for the Sleep Number Sleep IQ system?
  19. I have just upgraded my Polisy Pro from 5.6.4_8 to 5.7.0 and all seemed to go well but after logging in I found that all Z-Wave was not functioning and the error message under the Z-wave tab indicated that Zmatter Z-wave is not responding. I have tried both rebooting and power-cycling with no success. I have submitted a ticket and am just awaiting a response.
  20. I had the same issue occur when updating my Polisy to 5.6.4. The upgrade executed successfully and upon logging back into the AC, Z-wave was not functioning at all. I ended up doing a power cycle on the Polisy and when everything came back up again, Z-wave was back and functioning properly. I queried all Z-wave devices and all updated/reported successfully.
  21. Glad to hear you are back up and running again! Yes, the Smartenit modules are very susceptible to power line noise and some versions are definitely worse than others. There was a period that they did dual-band PLM’s in their devices but stopped due to the frequent failures. In the areas I have had com issues, I have plugged in either an insteon range extender or can also do a dual-band lamplinc or similar as it performs the same function of signal coupling; just make sure there is another dual-band device on the other leg of your panel within communicating distance. Once I got mine all dialed in, they work very well.
  22. I have several of these in my system and are working without issue on 5.6.2. I would be venture to guess that either the PLM part of the Smartenit device is failing or possibly the daughter board in it. I have had several PLM’s fail in the Smartenit devices in the past (plagued by the same issue as the old Insteon PLM since that was what the modules use) and the last failure was actually the daughter board and not the PLM. If you determine the device is failing, I would reach out to Smartenit to see if they still offer their repair service. I used to just stop by their office in Irvine to drop them off for repair but the last time I was in, they were running low on parts due to the shut-down of Smarthome/Insteon and were likely not going to be doing repairs if was PLM related; thankfully the issue was a failed daughter board and was able to be quickly swapped out. They used to offer shipping turnaround repair service and would reach out to them to see about currently available options. With Insteon bringing back the PLM, maybe there is still hope for rebuild/repair. All of the people at Smartenit have been more than awesome to work with as a side note.
  23. I purchased a Ultraloq Pro Zwave back in June to replace one of my Schlage units. When it arrived I removed and re-keyed the lock cylinder to match my current key which was pretty straight forward and then paired with my ISY. This part was a bit problematic as it would not pair when installed in the door (I was hopefully optimistic this would work but has never with my Schlage and Yale locks) but it would not find it so I moved it next to my ISY and finally paired after running and exclude then then running an include again. The lock worked fairly well, as good as the Schlage with communication which has been an issue even with multiple Jasco outlets and Aeotec repeaters installed in the route. The deal killer for me was that it does not support information such as “unlocked by keypad” and had Michel confirm this with the logs sent over. I reached out to Ultraloq support to see if this was being considered for a possible future update and never got a response so I ended up removing the lock, keying back to its original key and returning it. I was disappointed that I had to do this as I generally liked the lock and loved it robust line of features but not being able to have or access the specific lock status data, it was a no-go for me and that support would not respond sealed the deal as I was willing to hold on to it if there was a remote possibility of future support updates as I desperately want to get rid of all my problematic Schlage and Yale devices!
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