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Michel Kohanim

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Everything posted by Michel Kohanim

  1. Mark, Thank you. With kind regards, Michel
  2. sceaton, Thanks. Already done and will be available in the next release. With kind regards, Michel
  3. Hi Mark, You are quite welcome. Well, the load button slider do actually work but they only change the "local" settings for the KPL (as they should). Taking them out might cause more confusion but, as you know, we are always eager to hear what our users think. With kind regards, Michel
  4. sceaton, Sounds good. We shall review and implement. With kind regards, Michel
  5. GPG, I think for what you want accomplish, you can simply put the 'Wait' and 'Set Office - Test LL' statements right below the first statement in your Then clause. With kind regards, Michel
  6. Mark, If it works, then I wouldn't worry about it. With kind regards, Michel
  7. Mark, Have you run out of the return period? With kind regards, Michel Darn I just replaced my wireless with the linksys router I suggested above and I only have an issue with the signal strength. I get 65% signal strength in the family room with the router in our bedroom closet mounting up high on the wall.
  8. aLf, You get an A+ immediately! That's precisely what you should do and ISY shall take care of the rest (get rid of anything else that's not in ISY). Routers, well, if you are not ever going to have remote access/notifications, then the router is immaterial. I personally recommend DLINK DIR-625 for the following reasons: 1. Its range and signal strength are unbelievable (compared to Linksys) 2. It's Wireless N, so I won't have to change routers when I get my Wireless N network card 3. It has never crashed on me 4. It works beautifully with ISY Talk to you soon, With kind regards, Michel
  9. Mark, Reproduced the problem. No worries ... it's a bug! So very sorry for all the exercise in ISY. With kind regards, Michel
  10. Mark, I am so sorry to hear that; we'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. Ok, maybe I misunderstood the whole thing. So, let me see: Are you trying to assign different on level/ramp rates for the same KPL load button, when controlled by another sub-button from the same KPL? If this is the case, then you cannot (and I am so very sorry if I misunderstood your original question) because the linkage between the KPL buttons is not a group command; it's simply LED "follow me" logic on the KPL. If this is not the case, then please send me an email to tech@universal-devices.com so that we can discuss it over the phone and figure out the next steps. With sincere apologies, Michel
  11. Rand, We shall do our best! Thanks so very much for the feedback. With kind regards, Michel Alright this time, just don't let it happen again Restore Devices took a normal amount of time (~20 minutes) and then displayed the failed devices by name! Thank you for that. I put my two RemoteLincs in linking mode after the failure and again selected Restore Devices. In v2.4 this would happen very quickly. I assumed it was only restoring the few missing devices. I waited over an hour and then I saw the Request Failed pop up. After that I had to unplug the PLM for some minutes to regain contact between the ISY and my Insteon devices. Of course, the UDI team has probably fixed that in the overnight update, you seem to always be one step ahead of me When the ball game starts I will play with your program some more, right now I have a railroad to run Thank you, Rand
  12. aLf, My pleasure! ISY is unlike HouseLinc in the following manner: With ISY, whatever you do, is immediately programmed into the devices. This means that you can immediately test and see whether or not your configuration is "what you like". So, for instance, let's say you create a scene called Sunrise and you drag and drop 20 of your devices in that scene. As soon as you press OK, ISY starts programming all of your 20 devices at the end of which you can test and see if everything worked. You can then update your scene parameters to those that you want (on level/ramp rate) and make sure you are satisfied. Again, all of these happens immediately. Yes, it would really be a good idea to write down/print your current settings. When everything is in ISY, you can simply create your own topology (Tools->Generate Topology) and keep it for future reference. And, before you go to your cabin, please send us an email so that I can point you to the latest code (tech@universal-devices.com). With kind regards, Michel
  13. Mark, Thanks so very much for the enthusiasm. That might be true because this release is only trying to cover up a PLM defect (deletes the wrong records). With kind regards, Michel
  14. Hello aLf, Yes, you can do crawl and bring your existing links/scenes. From past experiences with crawl, I personally feel that you'd be spending more time trying to debug that it would take to start semi-fresh (see below). Here are the reasons: 1. In 95% of the cases, there are half links in the devices: a device has a master link and the other devices doesn't have the associated slave link and vice versa 2. You might have added devices that you have since removed but their remnants are still there 3. ControLinc, SocketLinc, and RemoteLinc do not respond to ID Req, so if you start from a device that includes any of these, then you will have to do another crawl starting from them ISY brings in all your links and tries to make sense of them. In most cases it's successful, but if you have too many contradictory links, then ISY simply chooses what it thinks makes the most sense but that might not be the reality. I personally suggest a semi-crawl which means that ISY would try to bring in all your devices but without their links. This way, you will not have to go through adding one device at a time but at the same time you will start with a fresh device database (ISY will overwrite all your existing links). Anyway, here are your options when you add a new device or do start linking: 1. Overwrite existing links --> use this only if you want to add devices one at a time 2. Add devices found in links --> this is the semi-crawl; it brings in all your devices but without their links; it overwrites your existing links 3. Add devices found in links and keep existing links --> this brings in all your links For options 2 and 3 - and if you have any of ControLinc, RemoteLinc, or SocketLinc, please start from them. Also, if you want ISY to find the most number of devices in the first shot, simply start with a device that has the most number of links to any other device. With kind regards, Michel
  15. Mark, Ah, I see now. I bet you moved devices in 2.4.8 which had a known bug where it could not remove some of the links (related to a PLM bug). In 2.4.9, we have put a work-around to alleviate this a little bit. So, would you be kind enough to: 1. If you have your old backup from before 2.4.8, expert your programs, and then do File->Restore ISY and then followed by File->Restore Devices. 2. If you do not have your old back, please remove the KPL button from all your scenes, then remove the KPL itself, add it back, and try again. With sincere apologies for the inconvenience. With kind regards, Michel
  16. linuxguy, If you want to enable remote access to ISY, then please follow the process as what "sloop" kindly and thoroughly outlined in this same thread. If you are not trying to use enable remote access, then all you have to do is: a. Do a test to see whether or not you can get a notification through ISY b. If you do, then you do not have to do anything (your current static IP settings work) c. If not, then make sure ISY is in the same IP range as your router ( or Change ISY's DNS entry to that of Verizon's and as you outlined. d. Repeat the test I hope this helped. With kind regards, Michel
  17. Rand, As usual, you are 100% CORRECT. There were no export functions in 2.4.8! Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. Restore Devices??? With kind regards, Michel I can find no way to Export/Import Programs. When I applied the File->Restore Devices a requestor appeared that my RemoteLinc was not found, Thank you! and Request Failed. But contrary to 2.4, Restore Devices is apparently going through all my devices again, rather than only the failed devices. Which means the RemoteLinc linking mode will probably time out before it is restored. In my case, I haven't changed anything, just thought I would make certain all the devices were in sync, so all it is costing me is some time before I can delve into 2.4.9. Thank you and Owl-b-Baac, Rand
  18. Mark,thanks for your feedback. Alf, Welcome. I am going to supplement Mark's feedback only where necessary: 1. Yes, you can enter your own exact lat long. On Configuration, click on Change Location, and then at the bottom enter your own lat/long 2. You can always checkout http://www.universal-devices.com/supp.htm for the latest firmware, download it, and take it with you to your location 3. YES: ISY knows when a button is pressed and updates the status on the console while giving you the capability to create triggers based on the status or button press. 4. ISY - and for that matter any other device - can not turn on/off the backlight on KPL sub-buttons (such as b, c, d, e, f, g, h). But, if you put any of those buttons in a scene, then you can turn on/off the scene and the KPL's backlight indicator will follow 5. WRT54G is a good router and one that we support. ISY is connected with ethernet cable to your router. If your nosy neighbor has your WEP key + your ISY userid/password then s/he can surely access ISY. If you put ISY on the internet (File->Enable Internet Access), then everyone in the world can access your ISY provided that they know your url and your ISY's user id/password Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions, With regards, Michel
  19. Mark, Factory resetting ISY should be your last resort and I don't recommend it now. I am rather uncertain at what the problem is you are trying to solve. The KPL sub-buttons (a,b,c,d) do not have levels. Are you trying to turn on the KPL load button using one of its sub buttons? If so, why? With kind regards, Michel
  20. Neil, Yes, looks like a regular AC outlet with one difference: One of the outlets is INSTEON controlled and the other is not. With kind regards, Michel
  21. Mark, This is quite nice. One question though: What you have is strikingly similar to just putting the keypad button in the same group as your lights and assign different onlevel/ramprates for each button light combinations? With regards, Michel
  22. Hello Neil, No worries. These are Beta units and we have not yet been given a date for general availability. I don't know why outletlinc can be against electrical code since X10 + UPB have had similar products for a long time now. With kind regards, Michel
  23. Brian H, With pleasure. With kind regards, Michel
  24. Mike, It's quite simple. You have two choices both of which are outlined in the Advanced Configuration Guide (on the CD or http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/p ... 0Guide.pdf . In short, you have to connect to ISY's shell which can be accessed either by a serial connection to your computer or by telnet. Since you are already on the telnet, simply go to your command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd) and type: 1. telnet isys.ip.address 126 2. enter your user id/password 3. When you get into the shell, type CT (stands for Configure TCP/IP). Notes: 1. For security reasons, the shell commands timeout every 10 seconds so you will have 10 seconds each to enter your ip/netmask/gateway/dns 2. In the shell, all commands and responses are CAPITALIZED ... so, 'y' will never do what you want. Make sure you use 'Y' 3. Please note that some routers do not allow you to use them as a DNS server if you have not been assiged a DHCP address. So, if your notifications stop working, then try using your ISY's DNS server With kind regards, Michel
  25. Hi jbev, UPnP does take care of "the world accessing ISY" but it does not take care of "ISY accessing the world. That is where I think the problem lies: if you've assigned a static IP address to ISY, then - and depending on your router - you have to assign the ISP's DNS address to ISY instead of the router's address. With kind regards, Michel
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