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Michel Kohanim

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Everything posted by Michel Kohanim

  1. Clarence, Thanks so very much for your vote of confidence and your feedback. As you may have noticed, feedbacks comprise 90% of what's included in our releases. All your requests are queued for version 2.2 (please checkout the topic: What's included in 2.2: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=31) to be released by 6.20.2007. X10 support will be released in our releases 2.3 and 2.4 but no dates have been set yet. In all likelihood, we will have some preliminary X10 support by end of July. With regards, Michel
  2. sfhutchi, You are right ... also, we have taken your suggestion vis-a-vis Wiki and shall implement one within the next month (after we are done with triggers and X10). Thanks so much and with regards,
  3. heatvent, my pleasure. Yes, I think we might have to do as you suggest. We are deliberating! With regards, Michel I have to quote my own quote since I just realized that we do actually provide that feature File->Restore Devices! This feature was put in there precisely because of cases where one needs to synch up Device Links to what's in ISY. For instance, let's assume you had a party where there were a lot of INSTEON experts and they decided to go around your house and do some manual linking (which would not be reflected in ISY). So, after the party, all you do is File->Restore Devices and all your devices will be in synch again with ISY. With regards,
  4. heatvent, my pleasure. Yes, I think we might have to do as you suggest. We are deliberating! With regards, Michel
  5. sfhutchi, We acknowledge the fact that starting afresh is a drawback of using ISY. As a side note, the functionality to "interrogate" a device is already there and that's what we started with but after a few use cases we realized that it's going to cause more confusion than good: If you have a scene with more than one controller and some responders then, interrogating is not sufficient; you would also have to "figure out" if all the responders really belong to the same scene which is something non-trivial. In most cases, we ended up with many disjoint scenes for the same group only because "one" of the devices had an inactive link (for each controller, keep an array of all its responders. At the end of interrogation, go through all the responders for each controller with the same group and see if the resulting set is the same). To make the very long story short, we pulled out the functionality because the users would then have to "merge" scenes and "delete" those not working properly. I hope this clarifies the situation further. With regards,
  6. Heatvent and GPG, I am not going to feign mastery of this topic and I urge others to chip in. Each INSTEON device has a database also called a "Link Database"; this is a flat structure of 1024 bytes (1K) which holds all the linkages between this device and other devices. In this database, each link record is 8 bytes long. When you create scenes, using ISY, manual mode, or through HouseLinc, this is the location where all the links are written/read from in a sequential manner. In order to achieve higher performance rates (not having to go through all the links), each link record: 1. Could have an inactive flag (it's neither a slave nor a master) 2. There's a high watermark beyond which no links are valid When you use ISY as the linking tool, ISY starts at the top and overwrites existing links at those addresses but any existing links beyond where ISY last wrote remain intact. If you wish to reset the device (to get rid of all the old links without having to do a reset), all you have to do is to followup with Restore Device (when you click on a device in the tree and right mouse click to get the menu) in which case your device will be in synch with ISY 100% and the highwater mark is moved to where it should be. All INSTEON devices also have some variables that dictate the way they should operate/behave such as on level and ramp rate presets. For KPLs, there are also button grouping, back light level, and toggle mode variables. You can set these variables programmatically but, unfortunately, for these variables to take effect, they have to be written to the volatile memory (load RAM from eeprom). At the moment, the only device that supports reinitializing the RAM is KeypadLinc. As such, when you change the on level/ramp rate for any other device (such as LampLinc or SwitchLinc) you wuold have to do an airgap or unplug the unit and plug it back in for the changes to take effect. ISY, currently, has the capability of updating the following memory locations: 1. On Level -- all devices; requires airgap for any device except KPL 2. Ramp Rate -- all devices; requires airgap for any device except KPL 3. Button Groups -- KPL only; does not require airgap We are thinking of adding support for: 4. Backlight level -- KPL only; does not require airgap 5. Toggle vs. non-Toggle -- KPL only; does not require airgap So, if you use your HouseLinc (or other programs) to program the backlight and toggle/non-Toggle, not only ISY would not "care" but also it would not even touch those memory locations. So, you can use your HouseLinc (till we add support) to program the Toggle/Non-Toggle and backlight level, shutdown HouseLinc, and continue using the whole system as nothing ever happened. Lastly, I think there's a misconception that ISY is directing traffice between devices. I have to emphasize that this is not the case. All the programming/linking is done between devices. As such, you can unplug ISY and the whole system should still operate the way you had it designed within ISY. For the sake of completeness, ISY creates a maximum of two links: 1. A group controller link for any device within any scene. This enables you to control the whole scene from ISY (or your computer by extension); i.e. a schedule to turn on the whole house to 10% 2. A master link only in a controller (such as KPL) and a slave link in the PLM. This allows ISY to "listen" in on the activities of the controller (i.e. button pushed) and thus let you do triggers based on those "events". Again, ISY can be totally taken out and the whole system should work as designed. ISY is only there if you need "trigger" and "scheduler" functionality. I hope I've been able to answer some of your questions, With regards, Michel
  7. Hi sfhutchi, At the moment, we do not support "programming" KPL beyond button grouping. There are two more functions on KPL which we are "thinking" about implementing: Toggle/Non-Toggle Backlight level Unfortunately, though, due to major demand for more elaborate triggers we have been putting all our effort on triggers for our next release. With kind regards, Michel I would vote for backlight level. Very good idea. Any chance this is something that can be programmed on a switchlinc. If you look around techmall.com there are many people who have complained the LED's are too bright. I don't think so! KPL, for some reason or another, has more features than SwitchLinc the most important of which is its capability to take in a ramp rate/on level programmatically (with others, you have to do an airgap). And, I think it's this feature alone that allows it to be more flexible: all and all, we are just setting bits in some memory location which, then, the KPL has to read and reinitialized based on them. With regards,
  8. sfhutchi, We are working on a solution. Yes, you can program using HouseLinc; ISY does not touch those memory locations. With regards,
  9. Good day Michel, Putting the floorplan on hold works for me. You know I already requested more branches. Floors, Rooms, etc. For the simpler interface you could use what you have built for UDMobile. Take out the Rename command, fix the Refresh command, maybe add a slider for level. Then it could be a small window that would be available on the Desktop or the Quickstart , like heatvent suggested. Thank you, Rand Hello Rand, Yes, we still have all your requirements and some of them have already been implemented. I still have to think what the best way is ... on the one hand, it has to look simple and on the other it has to look good. Ummm. Thanks so very much, With regards,
  10. sfhutchi, I think we are slowly arriving at a consensus: a. Either totally revamp floorplan to support all the suggestions put forth so far b. Just get rid of it and a) make a grouping tree (without linking) or have a simpler GUI for non-Admins Have to think a littl more and get more feedback .... Thanks and regards,
  11. GPG, As you may have already noticed, we are not that strong in our documentation capabilities! Please bear with us till we iron out the details of our next revisions of our User Guide. Thanks for your input, With regards,
  12. Rand, I see. So, when you click on an icon, you would get a pop up showing you the options you have for that device. Right? If so, that shouldn't be that difficult. And, may I ask what PocketPC brand you are using? Thanks so very much, Regards, Hello Michel! Yes, a menu and a popup. A popup on a double click. I don't like toggle on/off with a left click. A single left click might be used to query the device. I like the functionality of UDMobile, we will need a new thread for that You should make it available on your download page. I am using a Dell Axim X51V. Rand Hi Rand, Thanks ... based on all the input on this forum, it seems that the floorplan may require a lot of changes before becoming widely used. So, then, the question would be (for us) how to prioritize our requirements. As of right now, our most important goal is to support more triggers + scheduling triggers and triggering schedules. UDMobile ... ah, I wished I could put it on our website but since "no one" knows where to buy the license for IBM's J9VM, I am worried that we might get into legal issues. Ummm ... Thank you, With regards,
  13. Heatvent, Good ideas ... I will take a look at Homezix; it sounds very interesting. Thanks and regards,
  14. Hi sfhutchi, At the moment, we do not support "programming" KPL beyond button grouping. There are two more functions on KPL which we are "thinking" about implementing: Toggle/Non-Toggle Backlight level Unfortunately, though, due to major demand for more elaborate triggers we have been putting all our effort on triggers for our next release. With kind regards, Michel
  15. GPG, Buttons inside a group are mutually exclusive. i.e. if you put button 1 in group 1 and button 2 in group 2 then nothing happens. If you want buttons 1 and 2 to be mutually exclusive, you should put buttons 1 and 2 in the same group. I hope this helps, With regards,
  16. heatvent, have you ever tried our MCE (Microsoft Media Center) client? With regards, Unfortunately, I have Vista Premium. I don't think you have a MCE add-on for that yet. I do have a second PC which is running XP Home. I have MCE and plan to upgrade it at some point but haven't gotten around to it yet. Yes, you are right; we do not yet support Vista but we should within the next couple of months. Thanks and regards,
  17. Hello all, Release 2.4 is all about enhanced triggers. Enhancements More triggers. Status: being implemented Triggering schedules/scheduling triggers. Status: being implemented GUI Facelift for triggers/schedules. Status: being implemented With regards
  18. Scott, my pleasure. Your unit will be shipped today. With regards,
  19. Rand, I see. So, when you click on an icon, you would get a pop up showing you the options you have for that device. Right? If so, that shouldn't be that difficult. And, may I ask what PocketPC brand you are using? Thanks so very much, Regards,
  20. heatvent, have you ever tried our MCE (Microsoft Media Center) client? With regards,
  21. Hello, As an effort to make ISY more user friendly, we'd like to dedicate this poll to the subject of Floor Plan. We'd appreciate all your input.
  22. Hi Scott, ISY supports up to 64 schedules in total; each schedule may be applied to an individual device, a scene, or the whole network of devices (globally). In release 2.3 (we are at 2.1 now, so in about 3 weeks to a month), triggers and schedules shall be linked so that you could have scheduled triggers and triggered schedules. I hope I've been able to answer your questions. With regards,
  23. Precisely! i.e. Movie Scene, Party Scene, Vacation Scene, etc.
  24. I think I found a simplier way, I have my office lights in an Office scene. This consists of KPL button E, a switchlinc and an ICON all as controllers (3-way circuit). I created a separate scene called All On/Off and put anything that is not controlled by the KPL in there. Now I have two triggers. If KPL G is on (my all on/off button), turn on All On/Off and Office. The other trigger is to turn things off. Seems to work fine and saves a scene since KPL button E is already in my office scene. On you second bullet point, can a KPL button be a responder? When I drag and drop a KPL button it just goes right into the scene in italics, no choice for controller/responder. heatvent, You are getting to know more about our product that we do! It's not fair. The answer to your last question is: it will be (KPL button acting as a responder) in our next release. Thanks so very much, With regards,
  25. Or, we might even have a better solution. Thanks for your suggestions and we appreciate your patience. Please continue sending us your suggestions. With regards,
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