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Everything posted by macjeff

  1. It is in the first message of this post f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.14/admin.jnlp - Java application I use OS X. We are a mac support company (www.midatlanticconsulting.com). We can always help with Mac Specific issues. Make sure you clear the cache before the upgrade and after the upgrade. How I recommend to do this is 1. quit all browsers 2. Run JAVA Preferences in /Applications/Utilities Click on the Security tab and delete anything that says Universal Devices. 3. Open up your user folder/Library/caches/Java folder. Inside that there is another cache folder. Delete its contents. 4. Choose the option in the applet (link above) to manually update the firmware. Its in the last menu to the right at the bottom I think. **Note- you MUST be logged in using HTTPS on a mac for this to work or you will get an error. 5. Run the backup 6. Choose the new firmware file you downloaded and upload 7. Repeat steps 1-3 while the unit reboots. 8. Wait a couple minutes and login. (Verify your firmware was installed) Thanks, Jeff
  2. I really wish the icons in the Java Applet matched all units like a Lamp Module would show a light bulb maybe in a rectangle and a regular dimmer switch would just be a light bulb. An icon for applicance modules and relay switches, etc. I want at a glance to see what type of devices are on and off. MacJeff
  3. Also I have a 6 button remotelinc. I did the option to rename all 6 buttons with a suffix. Name was Basement Remote Button- 1, 2, 3, etc. Each time it asked me for the suffix, it took over 30 seconds before it asked for the next button. I swear yesterday I added one before the upgrade and it was type 1,2,3,4,5,6 really quick and THEN it updated them all. Was this a change?
  4. This is kind of strange but I am adding scenes today and I swear yesterday they added very fast. Today after the 2.8.12 update when I click new scene and title it, i get the system busy bar which takes at least 30 seconds to create the empty scene. Is that correct? I really think it was seconds yesterday.
  5. Your welcome Michel. This may or may not be a bug but I have a couple of controlincs I just setup. They work fine but if I use a switch to control a device linked to the controlinc the status of the control linc does not change. It wont let you add it as a responder and if you add another device with it as a controller in the same scene it wont even change the status. I even tried a program with no luck. Only way seems to be to hit the button or ignore the status of the actual button. Jeff
  6. I just got the unit so I dont know if the bug existed in previous versions but if you link to a motion sensor 2420M and go to the settings, the checkbox for On Only Mode is incorrect. The manual is correct in that checked means only ON commands but the checkbox says checked is ON/OFF. Since it is ON only mode it is logical that checked would be ON ONLY. So I think its just a matter of reversing the text there. Will keep testing 2.8.12. MacJeff
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