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Everything posted by Kentinada

  1. @TRI0N Thanks for the info. I tried adding the "1" in front of my 10-digit phone number and it didn't help from with Eisy. If I use my mail client and send it to the same 11-digit address, it comes through fine. That said, I have switched to relying on the Notification feature of UD Mobile. I spent many hours figuring that all out and it works consistently. But I do appreciate the response.
  2. @Geddy I think you're right. So I'll turn lights on when the motion is reported, set a wait timer, and then turn the lights off.
  3. @IndyMike The thing I was trying to accomplish was having a seperate program to turn the lights on based on motion and a second program to start a wind-down timer and then turn the lights off when the motion detection went back to no motion. That works with an INSTEON motion sensor. I doesn't appear that the Ring Motion Sensor in the StickUp Camera reports the motion clearing event.
  4. Attaching V2 of Notifications for Dummies with the embedded hyperlink that works and the removal of the Pushover mention. Decided to keep this focused on UD Mobile Notifications. Notifications for Dummies V2.pdf
  5. I had an INSTEON motion sensor there but when I installed the Ring Stick-UP camera with motion sensing, I took the INSTEON sensor down. Didn't think I needed 2 sensors.
  6. Is there a how to guide on writing Node Servers/plugins for EISY?
  7. Do you add the NVMe SSD to your EISY via an external enclosure?
  8. So my Ring Stick-up Camera and Node Server work fine. See the code below which messages me when motion is detected. The test is what I would use with an INSTEON motion detector. But I also wanted a test when the motion detector stopped sensing motion using a '07-Front Porch / Ring / Front Door (Motion)' is not switched Motion but this does not work. I looked at the settings of the Ring camera itself but didn't see anything helpful. Can this be done does anyone know? Front Door Motion - [ID 001D][Parent 001C] If '07-Front Porch / Ring / Front Door (Motion)' is switched Motion Then // This is a Message sent to UD Mobile Set 'Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message To Kent Sound 'default' Content 9 Notification ID (ID=9) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. No I did not because Total Connect Comfort doesn’t support the T9’s. You have to use the Resideo Smart Home app.
  10. I had this one, switched to the 2007 to get S2 support. Same basic thermostat, one has S2 smart start, didn't even need to re-wire anything Do these T6’s still use the Resideo Smart Home app?
  11. @Goose66 how did you pull that off?? I cannot get anyone to return any contact.
  12. Great update, @Michel Kohanim. Thank you!
  13. @stevehoyt I did like the Dashboard of HA a lot! You could customize a very nice looking interface to HA. Hopefully UD Mobile will come along in that regard.
  14. I opened an issue on GitHub for this plugin but have had no response from the author.
  15. Are Zwave thermostats natively supported within the eisy? i.e. no node server necessary? This assumes you have the Zwave add-on for eisy BTW.
  16. @Goose66 yes I can although if you mess up your password, you’re toast because you CANNOT get a password reset. But I do get logged in but the configuration of the node server fails on the last step. See this thread:
  17. I am hoping we can get some dialogue going here on what thermostats people are using and how they interface with the EISY. I am going to be shopping for new thermostats soon so I’d really appreciate hearing things like: what make and model are you using? wifi? Zwave? Other? is there a working node server/plugin if one is required to integrate with the eISY? is there a fee/cost for said node server/plugin? pros and cons you’ve found so far with your thermostat of choice? I’ll start with my current experience. i have 2 Honeywell T9 wifi thermostats installed - one for each zone in my house. they are wifi thermostats and the Wi-Fi connection works fine. the Honeywell Home node server that would let you interface these thermostats to your eISY is dead in the water. Resideo support has gone completely dark. no fee for the node server but as I said, it’s broken on the Honeywell side of things. the T9 does include HomeKit support which works fine but the eISY does not yet include HomeKit support. The Resideo IOS app is terrible. I routinely have to log out and back in again to get the app to refresh to the current state of things. Ok your turn, go!
  18. @tlightne I am going to try and open a new thread that is purely focused on EISY compatible thermostats and see what other people’s experience has been.
  19. @tlightne that thermostat gets 2.3 out of 5 stars on Honeywell’s site. It great. I have a sour taste about Honeywell aka Resideo since their support is totally non-existent.
  20. @Geddy Thanks for the idea. The re-install seems to have worked. I did check the portal remote connection just now too and it's all good. Thanks!
  21. I re-installed the Node Server and it is once again working. Not sure if this was related to the 5.8.0 update or not but at least it's working again.
  22. It is something on the EISY/Node Server side. I enabled notifications in the Ring app and it works fine. But no motion message was sent from my EISY. Very simple notification program: Front Door Motion - [ID 001D][Parent 001C] If '07-Front Porch / Ring / Front Door (Motion)' is switched Motion Then // This is a Message sent to UD Mobile Set 'Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message To Kent Sound 'default' Content 9 Notification ID (ID=9) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I get nothing.
  23. My Ring StickUp Motion Camera which was working fine has quit working or at least the node server/plugin has quit. I did upgrade to 5.8.0 firmware today so I'm not sure if that is related or not. When I test the Ring device from the AC, it fails. See Event viewer log attached. Also attaching the dashboard view of the Ring Node Server and everything there looks OK I think. Any ideas where to start?
  24. @DualBandAid The complexity, for me, was in the nomenclature of the HA world mostly. I found the documentation to be lacking especially for people like me who had no experience with HA. They really need an "HA for Dummies" to kick people off. I did use the HA Integration for UD and it seemed to work just fine. But in the end, UD and INSTEON do all I need (except for my thermostat issues) so I'm going to stay at least mostly in the UD/INSTEON home automation environment for now.
  25. I bailed on Home Assistant. It was just adding way more complexity than I want at this stage. Hoping the HomeKit integration comes soon to EISY. Now I need to find replacement thermostats for my Honeywell T9's. Leaning towards Ecobee.
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