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Everything posted by Kentinada

  1. So I tried the other momentary settings and they all seemed to behave the same. I left it on B. But I have 2 programs set up let me know when the door goes up or down. Open Program: Notice the Query on the sensor after it sends the message. This resets the Relay back to off so the next press of the Relay will work. Garage Door Open - [ID 001A][Parent 0019] If '06-Garage / Garage Door-Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message To Kent Sound 'UI Notification' Content 12 Notification ID (ID=12) Set '06-Garage / Garage Door-Sensor' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Close Program: Same story on the Query as open. Garage Door Closed - [ID 001B][Parent 0019] If '06-Garage / Garage Door-Sensor' is switched Off Then Set 'Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message To Kent Sound 'UI Notification' Content 13 Notification ID (ID=13) Set '06-Garage / Garage Door-Sensor' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') In UD Mobile I set the Sensor and Relay as favorites. I changed the icon of the Sensor to be a garage door and the Relay to be a push button (of sorts). When I press the Garage Door Button, it will operate the door either up or down correctly. What I want to do now is figure out how to change on the Sensor "Off" to "Closed" and "On" to "Open". If anyone has any ideas on that, please let me know. Thanks!!
  2. Here are the settings within the AC for the Relay.
  3. @Brian HBrian the opener is an older simple push button opener. The button on the wall works just by pressing it. I don't know how the I/OLinc is set. Is there a way to check? What should it be set as?
  4. I just put my old IOLinc 2450 with SECO-LARM Sensor on our garage door of our condo we moved into about a year ago. The addition of the device in the AC creates 2 devices: a Relay and a Sensor device. Sensor: the way I have it wired, in the Off state, the door is closed. When the door is opened, it changes to On. Relay: to trigger the garage door through UD Mobile or an AC program, I have to change the state of the Relay from Off to On. If the Relay is in the On state, and I change it to Off, the door does nothing. It only operates (up or down) from Off to On. Is that expected? I'm wondering how I can program this condition into an AC program which will always work if this is expected behavior.
  5. @dwengrovitz How hard was it to use Home Assistant? Any pointers?
  6. After spending many hours trying to understand all the information I could find about setting up custom notifications for my Eisy, I decided to write this "Notifications for Dummies" help file in the hopes that if there is some other person out there who is struggling with this, then this doc will help. This is also applicable to UD Mobile but I am posting here and will let the moderators decide if it should be moved or stay here or be in both forums. If you have any feedback or suggested improvements, let me know. Notifications for Dummies.pdf
  7. Still no response from support after 11 days. This can't be good.
  8. I just installed a Ring Stick Up Cam and the Ring Plug-in (node server). In the Configuration section it says: shared = Set to "true" to include shared Ring devices (Re-run device discovery after) Is this talking about Shared Users within the Ring device?
  9. @Bumbershoot Thanks. I just ordered a single camera from Ring that was on sale for $69. I'll give it a try.
  10. Are there any recommendations for outdoor video cameras I can add to my Eisy environment that will basically give me the functionality of a Ring doorbell? Right now I have a motion sensor pointed at my front door from my porch that turns on the porch lights at night. I'm half-way to a ring system there. All I need is a compatible video camera for the other half. Suggestions?
  11. @gzahar Thanks! I knew it was out there. I just couldn't find it. But the doc you referenced doesn't define the ${alert.event} system variable. I have searched the wiki with ctrl-f but don't see it anywhere either. Do you know where it is defined so I can see if there are other event types?
  12. I looked in the UD Mobile wiki but didn't see any documentation. I'm looking for a list of the system variables that are defined for use in custom notifications. See screen shot for a few examples: things like ${sys.node.#.name} and ${alert.date}. Is there a complete list? And what is the node # for ${sys.node.#.name}? I use this notification below for geofence info and it comes through to my iPhone as: "node[#]".
  13. @Javi I sent you via private message a copy of my wife's iPhone backup file. Her phone continues to be sporadic in reporting her location to the geofence. After I rebooted her phone the other day, it worked the first couple times and then quit. Yesterday, I did a hard reboot of her phone. It worked the first couple times and then quit again. Today I did a reset of her Location & Privacy services and re=enabled UD Mobile to Always for location services. It will probably work once or twice and quit but we'll see.
  14. @gzahar you are correct! When I filled in the missing message numbers with spares (see screen shot), everything worked again. I marked your message as the solution but this is really something that UD should fix. Give us a button on that customization page that renumbers when we delete something.
  15. I'm not sure of the best way to do this. I just posted a topic to the Notifications Node Server/Plugin forum about all my custom messages no longer being selectable in a program. Existing programs that have a non-zero message id selected still get the proper message when the code runs but I cannot change any content. I only see message id 0 available. Here's a link to the other thread.
  16. I just did that. Still doesn't work.
  17. This is the list of Email/Notifications I currently have. I deleted a few. Does that matter that they're not in order of 1, 2, 3, etc.?
  18. This has been working up until maybe an hour ago. I can no longer select the custom message from the Email/Notifications Customizations. Here is the code below. Both notifications (one sent to Pushover and the other UD Mobile) have selected message ID 9 to send. If I run the code, it works. But see the screen shots and you'll see that message ID 0 is the only thing I can now pick from. What happened? Front Door Lights ON - [ID 000F][Parent 0001] If From Sunset To 11:59:00PM (same day) And 'Motion-Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'Front Porch Lights' On // This is a Message sent to Pushover with an Email/Notifications Customized message. Set 'Notification Controller / Service Pushover UDEISYPO' Send Sys Custom With Params To KBM_iPhone Priority=Normal Format=None Sound=Pushover (default) Retry=30 Expire=60 Content 9 Notification ID (ID=9) // This is a Message sent to UD Mobile Set 'Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message To Kent Sound 'default' Content 9 Notification ID (ID=9) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  19. @Jimbo.Automates Jim I understand that. But I have been digging into this so much, I'm trying to understand the various methods of getting a message out so that I might help others. In the end, I'll pick one method and stick with that. Thanks.
  20. @tlightne we're talking two different things. I'm talking about the short messages that appear for the Push plugin defined devices. I think you're talking about the Pushover node within the Notification plugin. And yes, I see the custom messages there.
  21. All my INSTEON environment is made up of dual band devices. Can I dump my old 2443 Access Points?
  22. @tlightne I defined a test message as you said. See screen shot 1. Test Message is not in the list of short messages. See screen shot 2. I did save it. Do your custom messages show up in this dropdown in your programs?
  23. I looked in the UD Mobile wiki for the answer to this but didn't see it. I know I can ADD an Enter and/or EXIT comment for UD Mobile geofence that will run an AC defined program. There are 3 parameters: Node: which is the program name Command: Enabled appears to be the default Enabled: True appears to the be the default For Command: The options are Enabled, Run at Startup, Run If, Run Then, Run Else, & Stop. I assume these all directly correspond to their right click counterparts in the AC and that Enabled means the program will run if executed. Correct? Is there a good example of why I'd choose something other than Enabled? For Enabled: Is this different than the Enabled under Command? It's a bit confusing. Thanks.
  24. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask or not but I have 2 old 2456S3 ApplianceLinc devices. I don't think they're dual band. Is that right? And if not, I can't see why I shouldn't just toss them. Thoughts?
  25. Can the prefedined messages be added to or customized by entering a key in the configuration section of the plugin?
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