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Everything posted by Kentinada

  1. @Javi I can log into ring.com and I can open a live feed view to my StickUp camera. Maybe something has changed?
  2. Kentinada

    HomeKit support

    @Michel Kohanim I'm sure you get asking this a lot but can you give us any sort of guess on HomeKit integration availability? I went down the HA Green path but it adds too much complexity for me.
  3. I'm almost ready to bail on HA Green. While it supports a lot of home automation stuff, it has definitely added to the complexity of my environment which is not my goal. If UD would add HomeKit/Matter integration, that would end this entire trial. I know the INSTEON world and how to do what I want with the EISY. If I had: 1) thermostats that were compatible with it (Honeywell/Resideo is dead for me); and 2) and ability to see devices in Apple Home app, I'd be a happy camper. The biggest weak point to the EISY is the dependence on the PLM which is why I have a spare. Just my thoughts at this point. Might be putting my HA Green on eBay soon.
  4. @Javi I have a Ring Stick-up Camera that I have integrated into my EISY environment with the Ring Node Server. There is no way to add this to UD Mobile in the cameras area even though it works with EISY?
  5. @akss I try not to dip down into code as much as possible. While I can still write simple programs (EISY programs for example), I much prefer to have a GUI to work with and keep things as easy as possible. I'm not getting any younger and really am trying to simplify my life rather than complicate it.
  6. I'm not sure if this will be helpful or not but since I recently (a couple months ago) upgraded my old ISY994i to a new EISY and I just this week installed an HA Green, I thought I'd throw in some of my experiences/observations. I have been an INSTEON and ISY/EISY user for many years. I had a least 2 ISY's before recently upgrading to the new EISY. My old ISY worked but was starting to have some sporadic network issues and it was suggested that it might be hardware problem. Since the ISY was no longer supported, I took a quick side journey down the INSTEON Hub path. The Hub is good for very basic stuff but since I had invested lot of time in learning how to use my ISY in a manner that worked best for me (with a lot of help from these forums), I sent the Hub back and bought an EISY. My upgrade experience was fairly painless as I did not try to bring over any Zwave devices. Most recent rabbit trails was learning how to use the Notifications Node Server (Plugin) and get custom notifications to the UD Mobile app. That exercise led me to the Honeywell Home plugin (which does not work by the way) which led me to look into what else I could do to maybe integrate my Honeywell T9's into my home automation environment. They were immediately recognized by Apple HomeKit. And this is what led me to Home Assistant and HA Green. I thought for $99, I couldn't really go wrong even if I didn't end up using it. I got my HA Green and installed it, upgraded it to the latest HAOS, and it discovered many devices automatically. I installed the UD Integration and that bridged me to my EISY. It brought over all my EISY devices. I have discovered that this Home Assistant environment, while very powerful, it's also (to me) very complicated even with the HA Green. I have spent many hours (I'd guess 20+??) just trying to learn the nomenclature in the HA world (devices, entities, areas, zones, themes, etc. There is a huge compilation of integration add/on plugins but my experience has been that the instructions are written for seasoned HA users - not newbies like me. I bridged my HA Green world back to my Apple HomeKit world with an add/on which also lets me see EISY devices from HomeKit as well which is nice. I'm now trying to come up desktop and mobile dashboards that work. My Honeywell thermostats are still not visible to my EISY world. I'm not happy with the Honeywell/Resideo app and lack of support. The thermostats work fine but the app is horrible. I'll probably switch to Ecobee thermostats next time I see a good deal on them. I'm not exactly sure where my home automation path is headed. For now, I'm content to learn more about HA and what all it can do while also keeping my INSTEON world going. Again, not sure this helps but I have gotten so much help within the UD forums that I want to contribute anyway I can.
  7. First, I have never received any response from Resideo Support regarding resetting my old password on the Honeywell Home Developer site. So I decided to try using a new email address. I created an account with my new email address (one I would only use for this purpose) and I got all the way through the node server installation instructions to the last step where it failed. From the installation instructions on GitHub, both my thermostats show up, I click CONNECT and then it hangs and never gets to the point in the instructions below where it shows the User ID. So I'm back to dead in the water with Honeywell Thermostats. Anyone else made it this far and farther?
  8. Thanks all for the info. Looks like for the common eISY user, which I think I am, there is no simple method to test. I guess I’ll have to wait for my current PLM to die (which it more than likely will do) and swap in one of my spare PLMs.
  9. Kentinada

    Test spare PLM?

    Is there any way to test a spare PLM to see if it’s any good short of swapping it in for my working PLM?
  10. @Ross I completely agree! UD - feature request?
  11. @lilyoyo1 not sure what Control 4 is. But rather than replace my Honeywell thermostats right now, I decided to try the Home Assistant Green to tie my HomeKit world, where my Honeywell thermostats are recognized, to my eisy world. We see how that goes. I thought for $99, it was worth a shot.
  12. @wmcneil so a little more detail. Sorry if I confused things. I have Honeywell/Resideo T9 thermostats. One upstairs and one downstairs. I wanted to connect them to my eisy through the Honeywell node server. I used this in my old house with RTH95xx (don't remember exact model numbers) thermostats and my ISY994i. The node server instructions have you create an account on the Honeywell/Resideo Home Developer site. I already had an account but my password was not working. I have tried many times to get a password reset to no avail. I have been communicating with Honeywell Home through FB Messenger. They gave me the email address for the support group for this which, by the way, was not anywhere on their website. I have been trying to get a response for 3 weeks and have heard nothing. I told the Honeywell Home people through FB Messenger and they said they'd reach out to them. Nothing. So I assume this is dead. AND even if it's not, I'm not interested in staying with a product that is so poorly supported.
  13. @lilyoyo1 is the ecobee the best alternative? If I am going to switch, I want to do it once. Thanks!
  14. So if the Resideo developer support is dead which kills the Honeywell Home node server, what is the next best way to integrate Honeywell/Resideo T9 thermostats into my eisy environment?
  15. @Geddy this makes more sense. Thanks. I have not had any devices shared with me so I shouldn’t need this.
  16. Yes I knew of the trash can to delete them all. Sometimes, like now, you may me trying to debug something (e.g. entering & leaving the geofence). I want to clear the unread mark but still keep the notification so I can be sure things are working (or not). I will just keep clearing one at a time.
  17. I have multiple new notifications (blue dot) on the Notifications tab in UD Mobile, is there a simple way to clear all the blue dots at once or do I have to select them all individually to clear the dot? If there isn't a way, this would be a great feature addition.
  18. Is something like the attached link an alternative Z-wave solution that could be plugged into my EISY? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GJ826F8/?coliid=I1AHI9E9DDV7AM&colid=1DVG0UXUH8XFG&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  19. Here is the answer posted in the Notifications plugin forum.
  20. I have been trying to get a response from the Resideo tech support for 2 weeks and have gotten no reply. Hopefully next week after the New Year I'll hear from them. But I think their system is locked up somehow. I cannot get a password reset from them no matter what I do. I went to the Honeywell Home FB page and messaged them. They will try to contact that support group and see what is going on.
  21. @Javi The GitHub readme link in your post is returning a 404 page not found error.
  22. @DennisC Perfect! Thanks.
  23. I have started my Favorites in UD Mobile on my iPhone. They do not appear to copy over to my iPad or Mac UD Mobile. Is there a way to do that?
  24. @Javi Hi Javi, just another data point. My wife's iPhone 13 worked for the geofence twice in the morning yesterday both leaving and entering. But then did not work again the rest of the day. The data point is that it DID WORK with the Resideo thermostat geofence I have set up as well. I'm hoping to eliminate that geofence and just have one but so far the UD geofence is not reliable enough. I looked in her geofence log file and saw normal commands for the morning events and then nothing there after.
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