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    Elk Rapids, MI

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  1. @walkman9999 Forgot to remind you to run “discover new devices” in Alexa so it would find it immediately Anytime you add something to the portal you need to run it cheers glad you got it working onto plugins next!! 😀
  2. @walkman9999 It's under smart Home.. just look for the device. in my case it's called "TuckerinGarage" In the portal link, did you specify 1 as motion? In Alexa you will be asked "when motion is... Detected or Not detected." which is 1 for motion if you set it as that, and anything else for not.
  3. If you are open to Alexa, it is by far the easiest way to accomplish. Steps: 1) create a variable in ISY ie: Door open 2) using the portal, link this variable as a Motion detector in Alexa where the value can be 0 or 1 3) In Alexa, create a routine that when the variable becomes a 1, have it speak what you would like. ie The rear door has been opened. When a 0, have it say, the rear door has been closed. 4) in Isy, create a program that monitors the door sensor and when it opens, change the above variable to a 1, then have it change back when closed. Here is an example... I have an Insteon motion sensor that monitors a doggy door. Once the system is "armed" to watch for the dog coming in, a separate program that sees the motion senso,r triggers the following program. Dogs Home Alert LD - [ID 004D][Parent 01B1][Not Enabled] Then Repeat Every 3 minutes $TuckerInGarage = 1 $TuckerInGarage Init To $TuckerInGarage Wait 30 seconds $TuckerInGarage = 0 $TuckerInGarage Init To $TuckerInGarage Wait 30 seconds Tucker in Garage variable is linked to Alexa Routine to speak. The variable I used for this is $tuckerinGarage. In the portal it looks like this: Notice that I make the Spoken gibberish so that Alexa never hears it. In Alexa, this is what the routine would like like where you use the "motion Sensor" that you established in the portal as the trigger.
  4. ok.. perfect.. then I can use that number to check to see if hte data is current. that is what I was looking for.. thanks!
  5. Deleted the WEbcontorl 8 beta, Installed 2 instances of Webcontol 832. First one worked as expected. The second one would not take the Json Names, but did recognize the nodes. Had to delete it and reinstall... all working now as expected. Just a FYI.. cheers.
  6. To verify, the problem is simply that I am running 8 vs 832 so it wont see it, even in the beta store. I will have to delete 8 and just start over with 832. No worries..:) . Thanks for a great plugin!
  7. The above doesn't tell me if my station is actually online.. all it says is the Plugin connection to the hub. It's the hub connection to the Weather station that keeps dropping that I am looking to monitor. I get emails like this: Your WeatherFlow Tempest device named ST-00049763 at station Elk lake stopped sending data. Check that it has power and/or try moving your Tempest closer to your WeatherFlow Hub. The plug in will still report connected. Am not sure what the Hub Seconds is actually referring to. But I may be able to use that as currently. mine is reading 165469.
  8. Yes thst is probably the problem I have wc8. Beta will upgrade tomorrow and then switch to production thanks!!
  9. My weather flow unit is having a power / battery issue. It comes and goes offline. I cant fix it until spring as there is 2-3 feet of snow on my roof! . I would like to be able to know if hte data I see from the ISY is fresh or old. Weatherflow is able to send me emails when it drops and when it reconnects. But I do not see any fields for this in the plugin. Just to be clear, this is NOT a plug in issue.. it shows connected at all times, but its providing old data bacuse the weatherlfow unit isnt communicating with the hub. Thanks.
  10. Instructions: 3) On the install page, verify your beta version and slot number is listed. Then select install. This does not show up.. I have two installs, slot 18 and slot 19... this is what I get when I click on install.
  11. With Alexa? I know the ISY can do that. the question is: if I don’t have a hub, then the Alexa skill won’t work. Therefore does the UD skill allow you to change the color via Alexa
  12. Just one less piece of hardware jammed into my system shelf. The direct connection of Hue bulbs was announced a while ago https://www.universal-devices.com/nohub-hue/ In UD mobile, you can also designate it as a Hue bulb, which will give you color control. But what I really want is to control color with Alexa as we have several bulbs that we like to change the color independent of other scene settings. Thanks for fooling around with this.
  13. The goal is to remove the Hue Hub from my system and still have the ability to use Alexa to change the Color of the bulbs. Not sure if Matter will change anything. The need is for the ISY skill for Alexa to be able to manage colors and hence having Alexa thu the EISY change the color directly w/o the need for the hub. This may already be possible and I just dont know it. Looking to see if anyone who has eliminated their hub can control the color via Alexa. Thanks.
  14. Am currently using the Hue plugin... works great. But in trying to evaluate a simplification change, I am debating about switching my Hue bulbs to a direct connect through zigbee to my Eisy. What is holding me back though is the current Phillips HUE integration with Alexa. While I use the IoX to control the bulbs in scenes / programs, the Phillips Hue Skill for Alexa also allows me to easily change the bulbs in the following manner: -On/off/ Brightness -Color Does anyone have experience through the direct Eisy connection, if you can still adjust all the above after linking the bubble to Alexa via the portal? I am guessing that you lose the ability to change the color. Any confirmations? Thanks!
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