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Everything posted by giesen

  1. What I said was not a knock at Z-Wave in general, just a knock at Z-Wave (or any RF-only technology) inside metal electrical boxes. Is that the case with@asbril? Perhaps I'm being dramatic, and the impact of the boxes is not quite as bad as I fear, but I don't plan on being the Guinea pig to find out Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  2. If memory serves me correctly, Insteon is primarily powerline, and the RF serves to expand range and add reliability to combat noise on the power line. All of my Insteon devices are dual band, and have been extremely reliable, and I'd be loathe to switch to anything RF-only. I have a handful of plug-in Z-Wave devices to support my Z-Wave door locks but otherwise everything is Insteon. I have very little confidence even if I did swap everything for Z-Wave that anything would work reliably at all. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  3. I really hope Insteon does not go the way of the dodo. Besides the substantial investment I have in Insteon, I do not hold high hopes for Z-Wave (or any RF-only technology) in Canada where the plurality (if not the majority) of our electrical device boxes are metal and therefore pretty effective Faraday cages. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  4. Uh did you forget about Node Servers, Polyglot, and PGC? UDI also reworked some of the logic, and created universal Z-Wave/Insteon scenes. There is a ton of changes in 5.0 besides just pure Z-Wave support... Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  5. If it's any consolation, I'm in the same boat as you. After spending years in the 5.x beta and only recently gaining a Z-Wave network that is stable, it's very disappointing to see ISYs with a 300-series module will never see a "release" 5.x. My ISY is tucked away in a 42" Leviton can and am using an external antenna to get the Z-Wave signal out. So I'm left with only a few options: 1) Stick with my 300-series and 5.0.16 and at some point not be able to take advantage of new ISY features (I realize the delta right now is only 500-series Z-Wave features, but that won't last forever). I can hope I can hold out until ISY is moved to Polisy (who knows when that will come). 2) Move my ISY out of my SMC and buy a 500-series Z-Wave module, which I'm really loathe to do. 3) Dump ISY and Polisy altogether. I've been in the ISY ecosystem for the better part of a decade, but the protracted Z-Wave problems and 5.0 beta, the inability to sort out node server definitions with the mobile app developers (or creation of their own app), the inability to sort out packaging problems on Polisy for .NET Core, and the lack of movement on getting the AC off of Java have me seriously considering #3. I'm sorry to thread-crap here, but the lack of 300-series support going forward (without a suitable replacement) has me seriously miffed. I know in general Z-Wave hardware has been nothing short of a nightmare for UDI, and they're probably glad to see the 300-series board go. I feel UDI has tried to be as supportive as possible to mask their other shortcomings, but I think it has reached the point where other projects like Home Assistant have attained critical mass, and the small team at UDI can no longer compete. Feel free to change my mind (or conversely, wish me farewell) Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  6. I just took a look at Tilt to see if the Somfy setup I'm planning is still the right choice... - They have no API, so unless they choose to write the integration, it may be very challenging or impossible to integrate to the ISY. They've been saying integration with SmartThings has been coming for at least 2 years but still hasn't landed. - Control outside of bluetooth range is all cloud-based - No hardwire options (power or control) - So while they have a few timer options, they have no method for automation (except perhaps through Alexa?). So they're really just remote-controlled shades, not automated shades. While the price may be attractive, I'll stick with my current plans. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  7. UDI has transitioning the Java client to a Web-based editor on their roadmap, but they currently have their hands full with v5 and Polisy, from what I gather Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  8. They're just using the portal for single signon. I believe you can create a portal account without associating an ISY (and associated charges). If not, I'm sure that'll be the case when this thing goes full production. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  9. I believe it's still available but you have to email Autelis... I picked one up a couple years ago even though they had long since shown out of stock on their website. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  10. giesen

    Elk m1

    I agree with this sentiment. The Elk should be the eyes and ears, and the ISY is the brain. The only programming I have in my Elk is for security/flood alarms/etc Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  11. The problem with blocking outbound ports is that unless your firewall can resolve DNS names in its rules, your ISY access will break if the host name of the ISY Portal points to a new IP (which is entirely possible and even common in a cloud environment such as AWS). Also, your ISY will at a minimum need outbound access to your DNS servers (to resolve hostnames) and NTP servers (to synchronize its clock) unless your router or some other device on your LAN is providing those services. There are also other services you may want it to talk to, such as SMTP, and any services integrations you have from the Network Module (Pushover, etc). Probably the best way to determine which services the ISY needs to talk to is to open up outbound access on your firewall and log all outbound connections from the ISY. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  12. giesen

    No Common

    You can always run a new NMD-90 or a separate neutral to the box. I ended up having to do this for about half of my switches and all of my outlets (to get a ground). It means cutting holes in your walls and it's a lot of work, but can be very rewarding and you learn a lot. My 1958 house has had about 80% of the electrical replaced at this point (slowly over about 5 years), but it adds value (at least in my case) and gives peace of mind. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  13. The question I have is whether he is blocking outbound Internet access from his ISY, or whether he's referring to allowing access inbound from the Internet to the ISY. To answer the question, the ISY needs to be able to initiate an outbound connection to the portal. No inbound connections are initiated from the Internet to the ISY. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  14. It depends on whether you mean inbound to ISY or outbound from ISY Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  15. FWIW this is one mine looks like (just received today): Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  16. FYI I finally saw movement on mine this morning (after no updates since December 29th) when it cleared customs. I'm hoping to see it soon. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  17. Maybe look at a security sensor with a pet filter? They typically will have ranges up to 60 lbs or so. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  18. Yeah I try to avoid buying anything from California. It's murderously expensive for shipping to Canada and takes forever. If I have to buy from the US, I try to buy from NY or NJ-based vendors. I normally buy my UDI stuff from Aartech ( www.aartech.ca ) but obviously that was not an option for Polisy pre-order. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  19. My tracking FWIW (looks to be going nowhere fast): December 29, 2019, 11:21 am Departed TORONTO, CANADA Your item departed a transfer airport in PEARSON INTERNATIONAL, TORONTO, CANADA on December 29, 2019 at 11:21 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination. December 28, 2019, 11:24 pm Departed SAN FRANCISCO, UNITED STATES December 27, 2019, 7:27 pm Departed LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES December 27, 2019, 2:45 pm Arrived LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES December 27, 2019, 12:39 pm Processed Through Regional Facility LOS ANGELES CA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER December 27, 2019, 7:40 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility LOS ANGELES CA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER December 27, 2019, 7:40 am Arrived at Regional Facility LOS ANGELES CA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER December 26, 2019, 1:34 pm Departed Post Office 91316 December 26, 2019, 11:48 am USPS picked up item 91316 December 23, 2019, 12:53 am Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item 91316 Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  20. Ah that answers my question. Thanks! Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  21. Just to clarify, I wasn't concerned about the timeframe for delivery, but that I had not received a tracking number. Will I receive one at some point, or should a just wait for surprise on my porch? Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  22. I received notification of shipment but no tracking number. I presume these were shipped with some way of tracking them in case they got lost? Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  23. Not yet it's not. Currently Polisy is only a box to run your node servers on, basically an expensive Raspberry Pi. In the future it will also combine the ISY function, but we currently have no idea when that is... it will certainly not be the case on launch day. Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  24. You should watch the mail for the suit I'm filing for copyright infringement Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
  25. I'm guessing this is the enclosure: https://pcengines.ch/case1d2bluu.htm Dimensions 168 mm wide x 157 mm deep x 30 mm high Picture of enclosure linked above: Picture of Polisy: However, only UDI would be able to confirm for sure, and it may be that they have not finalized on the enclosure, hence only the rough dimensions provided. Also, it does not appear to have a rackmount kit available, but if the dimensions are accurate, it's only 1.18" high, leaving at least 0.5" for a shelf while still fitting within a 1U (1.75") space. It also appears at least one company (LinITX) makes a rackmount enclosure for the PC Engines APU2: https://linitx.com/viewproduct.php?prodid=12745 Which in theory means you can probably remove the Polisy board from the existing case and move it to this case for a proper rackmount solution (possible warranty issues aside). Here's a rack shelf designed to fit APU2 units (no concerns about voiding warranty) from Atlante Informatica: https://www.miniserver.it/home-page-rack-drawer/rack-drawer.html
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