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Everything posted by waffles

  1. Earlier today my new Polisy and Insteon USB dongle got delivered and I am now in the process of migrating from a ISY994/PLM to the new setup. I have made good progress to far by following the instructions from the community here. I think I am pretty much there. I even have the Alexa - Polisy link working, but even though I did a Modem Restore / Restore Device and Write Updates to Device, I cannot seem to clear out those pending updates on some of the devices. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!
  2. Hello Michel; do those USB hubs, i.e. 1-in-to-multiple-out, work with Polisy? If so, that would mean one would not be limited to connecting only up to (2) USB devices.
  3. Thanks @mmb; until now only Insteon. I found the eBay listing for the eBay stick. This seems to currently be the way to go in regards to Insteon adapters.
  4. Thanks @Techman, not sure I completely follow. I'd like to know how close I am with my current setup to the max. supported number of links of e.g. Insteon's 'wireless USB adapter' 2448a7, which is a 1000 links. So with my 532 give or take I should have a sound cushion, since I am using only half of what's possible, correct?
  5. Thanks for the replies guys! Buying from UDI would be my first choice, but I had not seen any refurb Polisy listed there, whenever I checked. @Michel Kohanim; thanks for the discount offer. This would help with the $$! How would I go about getting the discount? Another hurdle would be to find a compatible modem that is actually in stock or not hopelessly overpriced ...
  6. Is there market place for ISY devices, maybe outside Bay? I am looking for a Polisy with Insteon modem. I am not sure if that exists yet, but I would consider buying a furbished or used Polisy, rather than a new one.
  7. Thanks All, for the quick and helpful comments! What a great community! I don't use IR with the ISY, so I should be good to migrate. From @gzahar's comment it sounds like PLM-USB 2413U or Portable USB adapter 2448A7 performing are equally reliable. Sorry for the dumb question, how can I see how many links I have?
  8. I thinking about future proofing my setup. It seems that I should be able to do most if not all what I can do today with my ISY994 (+ PLM 2413S) now also on the Polisy. My setup is pretty straight forward: some 50 or so all Insteon devices and a few programs, some Alexa control. What would I still be missing with the maturity stage Polisy now has reached? Follow up question: what modem should I be looking for to get to work with the Polisy: PLM-USB 2413U or Portable USB adapter 2448A7? Thanks!
  9. Houston/ @bmercier, we have lift off! It's working now. Thank you very much for the super quick turnaround, in particular on a holiday. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
  10. @bmercier; thanks much for your prompt response! However, I am still getting the same error message, despite a power cycle.
  11. So I am trying to migrate the Alexa settings from the old ISY to the new one. Why do I get this error message: I saw the note in @bmercier link to the wiki-prerequisites There is nothing else to approve in the Admin Console of the new ISY: 2. Question/Observation: does the configuration on the ISY, that gets migrated from, get wiped out as part of the process? When I used the migration tool to migrate Alexa settings from the new to the old ISY, the settings seem to have gotten transferred fine, but the Alexa page on the new ISY is now blank. If this is by design, I'd rather see the existing one to be kept. There is a delete all button that allows an easy purge if needed later on.
  12. Ahh, got it now. Thanks much @bmercier for the explanation and the migration tool!
  13. Found it!. Thanks, @asbril Can you confirm that after the migration Alexa continues to recognize your former configuration or was a purge and 'find new devices' necessary?
  14. @asbril; could you please share exactly which steps you took to migrate? I must be missing something.
  15. Hello @bmercier; could you please elaborate a bit more on the <<migrated>> part? My experience thus far is that Alexa does not recognize devices/scenes/etc. even if have the same addresses, Alexa Cat. and Spoken, i.e. the only difference being that they are associated with different ISYs/UUID. So even the code on the ISYs is the same by backing up on one ISY and restoring on the other one.
  16. ....and to rebuild all Rooms and Routines in Alexa Thanks for confirming my suspicion, though.
  17. Thank you @Michel Kohanim and @bmercier! Not to sound ungrateful, any thoughts on this one? Now, the next hurdle is how to get Alexa to recognize the second ISY. Last night I started duplicating the commands for the new ISY. I also pointed per @MrBill in my Profile to the new ISY . However, Alexa did no longer recognize the commands, named exactly the same, only now associated with the new ISY. Is there anything else one has to do? My line of thought is/was that as long as the name(s) are kept the same, there would not be any addl. steps on the Alexa sided needed. Thus far, the only way I got it somewhat working again is by purging/re-finding ally UDI devices in the Alexa app. Downside is that this killed my Rooms and Routines in the Alexa app, which I now have to recreate. I hope (here it is again :-)) there is a less destructive solution available
  18. Thanks @Michel Kohanim while not what I had hoped for, I still appreciate getting a definitive answer. Now, the next hurdle is how to get Alexa to recognize the second ISY. Last night I started duplicating the commands for the new ISY. I also pointed per @MrBill in my Profile to the new ISY . However, Alexa did no longer recognize the commands, named exactly the same, only now associated with the new ISY. Is there anything else one has to do? My line of thought is/was that as long as the name(s) are kept the same, there would not be any addl. steps on the Alexa sided needed.
  19. I am restoring a backup. So the (only) thing that had changed is the UUID (which associated with the ISY's H/W AFAIK). This results in (2) entries in the Portal (old and new ISY). In my initial post I included a screenshot of what it looks like if I pull up Tools/Connectivity/Amazon Echo....=> fully populated. If I do the same for the new one I get below.... i.e. the table is empty. So how to get this table populated, short of retyping everything?
  20. Thanks Mr. Bill. I had not noticed this before. I have to check this out further. However, this does not seem to copy over/clone the Alexa settings (right part of my initial screenshot) I have on my old ISY and want to also use on my new one. How can I do this?
  21. I am in the process of setting up a second ISY 994 as a 'hot spare' / clone. I was wondering about the best way to copy/migrate the configuration for the Alexa set up. The screenshots shows what I currently have on the existing one. How do I get this copied over to the new one? There is an export function, but I could not find a way to import. I am hoping I won't have to retype everything again. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
  22. I reverted back to RC1 to get rid of the java error. I may just hold of until the f/w update and give it another try then.
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