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Everything posted by waffles

  1. I am trying to set up something similar to the OP. However, I have multiple lights/scenes in each room that I like to control individually. Each room has its own echo. Example: Bedroom A has 'Scene low', 'Scene mid', 'Scene high' Bedroom B has 'Scene low', 'Scene mid', 'Scene high' When I am in Bedroom B and say "Alexa, turn on Scene mid", it should only turn on that scene in that bedroom (and only there). It seems that above may only work for Lights (Alexa: Devices), but not for Scenes (Alexa: Scenes). Furthermore, the ISY Portal does not allow me to use the same name twice ("The spoken "xxxx" is already in use"). BTW, I am not quite clear that the differences are between Alexa Devices and Scenes. Looking forward to your comments. Thanks!
  2. I recently got a bunch of echo 2nd gen, but also have a Spot on order. More for the fun of it... I pretty much have the syntax down by now, but I really appreciate that the ISY web portal allows me to register a multiple 'Alternate Spokens'. Looking at my track record, I really seem to need them
  3. oberkc, I followed your instructions and ......it works! woohoo! (echo can run programs, control devices and scenes (and more). For multiple things, I believe it is best to create a program that includes these 'multiple things' (I am also still very, very new to echo))
  4. I ran into a snag with my grinder..... I noticed it when I wanted to make me a 'victory espresso', which I feel I have earned after all that hard work here... I have Amazon's Alexa set up to run these programs. However, they now no longer work, as the "Then..." part of a program contains what Alexa triggers. Since my programs now no longer contain "Set Scene 'KP Coffee Bar / mazzer 1' On" the grinder does not get turned on. How can I fix this, without breaking the other parts again? Mazzer-Grinder-double shot Copy Copy - [iD 0026][Parent 0043] If Control '8x CB-A--LivingCeiling / 8x CB-H--Mazzer-double-shot' is switched On Then Wait 26 seconds Set Scene 'KP Coffee Bar / mazzer 1' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. I think I got it now! I truly appreciate all the hand holding the both of you have been doing! I had my old programs already deactivated, but the new ones not yet 'pruned' enough. before: Mazzer-Grinder-double shot Copy - [iD 000B][Parent 0043][Not Enabled] If Control '8x CB-A--LivingCeiling / 8x CB-H--Mazzer-double-shot' is switched On Then Set Scene 'KP Coffee Bar / mazzer 1' On Wait 26 seconds Set Scene 'KP Coffee Bar / mazzer 1' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I took off the red highlighted part, so now it's: Mazzer-Grinder-double shot Copy Copy - [iD 0026][Parent 0043] If Control '8x CB-A--LivingCeiling / 8x CB-H--Mazzer-double-shot' is switched On Then Wait 26 seconds Set Scene 'KP Coffee Bar / mazzer 1' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') It now seems to work as expected. For reference, here are the Scene level settings again - unchanged since above: F On Level 100 G On Level 100 H On Level 100 Mazzer On Level 100 =============================== =============================== On to the next challenge: Variation of the original Second Case: Situation: (2) dimmers control the same lamp: first dimmer (A) is at bottom of the stairs and is wired to the lamp, 2nd dimmer (B ) is on top of the stairs (no load is physically connected). Goal: Both dimmer 'LED status light rows' show the correct dimming status of the lamp, independent of which dimmer was used. ================= Next progression is that if the lamp (, i.e. the dimmer (A)) gets turned on by another instance (program, scene, etc.) the LED status light of dimmer (B ) changes correspondingly. What's the best way to accomplish that?
  6. Here is how I have set them (I did not change between the scenarios above): Button F: G On Level 0 H On Level 0 Mazzer on Level 100 Button G: F On Level 100 H On Level 0 Mazzer on Level 100 Button H: F On Level 100 G On Level 0 Mazzer on Level 100
  7. I implemented oberck settings, incl. setting G and H to non-Toggle On. I tested (2) scenarios for the Scene level settings. Here are my findings: Scenario 1 Scene level setting: F On Level 100 G On Level 0 H On Level 0 Mazzer On Level 100 => pressing F, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, while G and H stay dark ++++ OK => pressing G, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, G lights up for a few seconds, while H stays dark completely ++++ NOK => I want to for G to stay on for the total time its program runs => pressing H, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, H lights up for a few seconds, while G stays dark completely ++++ NOK => I want to for H to stay on for the total time its program runs Scenario 2 Scene level setting: F On Level 100 G On Level 100 H On Level 100 Mazzer On Level 100 => pressing F, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, while G and H stay dark ++++ OK => pressing G, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, G lights up for for the total time the program runs, while H comes on after a few seconds ++++ NOK => I want to for H to stay dark for the entire time => pressing H, turns on MAZZER and F lights up, H lights up for for the total time the program runs, while G comes on after a few seconds ++++ NOK => I want to for G to stay dark for the entire time What do I need to do to get the responses I want? (I have not had a chance to test stu's suggestion.)
  8. Hope that doesn't get too complicated.... Here we go: I am trying to control a coffee bean grinder (Mazzer) on ApplicanceLinc via a KPL (8x CB...): - KPL CB-F is controller for the grinder in a Scene: on/off - KPL CB-H is to launch a program to let the grinder run for 26 seconds (right amount of coffee for a double-shot of espresso) - KPL CB-G is to launch a program to let the grinder run for 17 seconds (right amount of coffee for a single-shot of espresso) The idea is that, e.g. when double-shot programs runs, the button CB-H, but also the button CF-F is lit. Below seems to be working OK, but it looks rather complicated. I wonder if this couldn't be accomplished in a simpler way. ===================================== Program 1: Mazzer-Grinder-double shot - [iD 0016][Parent 0043] If Control '8x CB-A--LivingCeiling / 8x CB-H--Mazzer-double-shot' is switched On Then Set 'Mazzer' On $Mazzer = 1 Wait 26 seconds Set 'Mazzer' Off $Mazzer = 0 Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB F Status Mazzer' Off Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB G Status Single Shot' Off Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB H Status Double Shot' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ============================= Program 2 Mazzer-Grinder-single shot - [iD 0029][Parent 0043] If Control '8x CB-A--LivingCeiling / 8x CB-G--Mazzer-single-shot' is switched On Then Set 'Mazzer' On $Mazzer = 1 Wait 17 seconds Set 'Mazzer' Off $Mazzer = 0 Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB F Status Mazzer' Off Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB G Status Single Shot' Off Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB H Status Double Shot' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ================================= Program 3 Query Mazzer - [iD 0024][Parent 0043] If $Mazzer is 1 Then Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB F Status Mazzer' On Else Set Scene 'Status KP / Status CB / SC 8x CB F Status Mazzer' Off =================================================
  9. Thanks Stu. Maybe I was not very clear. Please let me try again and let's focus only on the first case for now: I have a single device (ApplianceLinc). This device is (directly) controlled by a KPL button (scene with the device as only responder to the KPL button) The same device is also part of another scene, controlled by a different controller (actually it's also controlled by a program). I'd like to use the KPL button illumination as status indicator for the device (on/off). Hope this is clearer.
  10. First Case: Situation: A KPL button is controller for a device - tied together via a Scene (A). The same device is also part of another Scene (B ). Goal: If Scene (B )gets turned on, the KPL button also gets illuminated (status light), as the device gets turned on. Correspondingly, the KPL status light in the button gets turned off if the device gets off. Second Case: Situation: (2) dimmers control the same lamp: first dimmer is at bottom of the stairs, 2nd dimmer is on top of the stairs. Goal: Both dimmer 'LED status light rows' show the correct dimming status of the lamp. So what is the best way to accomplish this? Thanks!
  11. I was afraid of that answer. Thanks much for your response nevertheless.
  12. Thanks much, Paul. This worked. Follow up question if I could: what is the best way to mass-edit entries? E.g. I need to change the IP address for all imported commands.
  13. I have been trying to download some of the zip files from the Network Resource chapter in the wiki, but thus far all the links I tried contained only empty zip folders. In particular, I am interested in the files to control a Denon AVR4308, but also in others, like the one for Integra. I wonder if the issue is on my end, as all I have tried seem to be empty. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  14. Hi gruefood; You can add me to the list: 3 failed, 2 fixed (for now) Thanks!
  15. Hello Michel; Thanks for your help. Yes, I was talking about the back lights. I was able to figure it out. I had a typo in one of my Scene definitions. I also 'bullet-proofed' the programs by adding a line to turn the scene (i.e. back light) ON => example: C wholehousefan-low-ON - [ID 0030][Parent 002F] If Control '8x kitchen / 8x C WHF low ON-OFF' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL C Status' On Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL E Status' Off Set 'Whole House Fan - low' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Not sure if it is really needed, but it does not seem to hurt
  16. Hi Michel; The fan is controlled by an EZFlora. This unit seems to be affected by the "cannot be controlled via Scenes' issue. Therefore I am using programs as work arounds.
  17. a follow up... Situation: I have 2 buttons on the KPL to control the same device (Whole House Fan - low). I want to have their LED only lit, if their state is on. Button C is to toggle the device (fan) between ON and OFF. Button E is to trigger a program to run the fan for a set time. I have created 3 programs: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C wholehousefan-low-OFF - [ID 0032][Parent 002F] If Control '8x kitchen / 8x C WHF low ON-OFF' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL C Status' Off Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL E Status' Off Set 'Whole House Fan - low' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C wholehousefan-low-ON - [ID 0030][Parent 002F] If Control '8x kitchen / 8x C WHF low ON-OFF' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL E Status' Off Set 'Whole House Fan - low' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E wholehousefan-low-20min - [ID 002D][Parent 002F] If Control '8x kitchen / 8x E WHF low timer' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL C Status' Off Set 'Whole House Fan - low' On Wait 20 minutes Set 'Whole House Fan - low' Off Set Scene 'Misc / 8x KPL E Status' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The programs turn the fan on and off just fine. What's not yet working is that the LED lights switch correspondingly, when I use the 'other button'. (The KLP are in toggle mode.) What am I missing?
  18. Another update, in case someone runs into the same or similar situation: Fan and controller is now installed and everything seems to be working fine. The fan motor is an ECM. Therefore I had to modify the wiring a bit compared to the wiring diagram. This motor (for a Quietcool ES-4700) needs: green => ground white => common black => permanent line (120 AC) red => low speed (120V AC) blue => high speed (120 AC) The (2) relays / EZFlora control red and blue. Hope someone finds this helpful.
  19. Ahhh! Thanks fitz! How ingenious! I created a Scene, added the button as the only device and as a responder. Afterwards I added that Scene in my program to be turned off after the timer is done. ....a bit cumbersome, but it seems to work. Excellent!!
  20. Here is what I like to do with an 8 key KLP: Pressing Key B triggers a program that sets a responder ON for 10 minutes, then sets it to OFF again. I got that far... Where I need help is to get the Key LED to be on or off, depending on whether the program is still running, i.e. when the key is pressed, its LED should go on. Once the timer is done, the key LED should turn off again. Is there maybe a tutorial you could point me to? Thanks!
  21. Another FYI, if you have the EZFlora time out running, sending the ON command again seems to reset the timer and you get the full time out period again w/o interruption. Example: timer out is set to 1 minute and running. If you send ON after 30 sec, the module will switch off after 90 sec. It does not compound timer periods, e.g. if you send ON 3 times within 15 seconds, you only get 75 seconds (with a 1 minute timer).
  22. FYI, for giggles I tried a 9V DC power supply. It seems to be working fine.
  23. I got it!! I found the EZFlora, as well as a 24V AC power supply...wired all up.....and it's working. I have discrete on/offs per 'zone', SPDT function is working and I can select individual timeouts long* enough for my needs. *at for least several hours. (I actually like this momentary mode better than the latching mode. This will prevent the fan from running indefinitely, in case I started it not in a timed program and forgot.) Again, thanks everybody for all your help!
  24. Thanks much! Time for some testing (again, once I can locate my EZFlora....
  25. I am not quite clear; would I use the I/O Linc's N/C and N/O to power relay 1 and relay 2 respectively? If so, one relay would always be powered and I would need another on/off switch to control the entire setup, correct? It sounds that a control via an EZFlora would be simpler. (I only need to find that darn thing in the basement....)
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