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Everything posted by jmed999

  1. Well the help from this forum sure helped and I thank everyone for that. I guess I didn't realize the time it would take to keep my home automated. That's my fualt. Oh and it sure would be nice if the failures weren't as numerous and I sure wish we had a better Android app. Oh well for now it's easier to keep it up that taking it all out.
  2. The lack of a polished android app, comm issues and expensive HA devices are why I wish I would have never gotten into this Home Automation hobby. Constant babysitting of the HA system & programs, replacing failed devices (switchlincs, powerlincs, remotelincs, EZFloras, etc) and lack of reliability have me frustrated. I have spent thousands and I end up disabling programs rather than taking the time to babysit them which defeats the purpose. For me the issues with HA and cost far outweigh the benefits. I wish I would have not spent the money on any of my HA equipment. Anyone else feel the same way?
  3. The first EZFlora started having com issues a month or so ago. I could unplug it and replug it in and it would fix the comm issue. Then the green light stopped working a couple weeks ago so it finally failed. I noticed the 2nd EZFlora light not working last night. I have unplugged them and replugged them and I get no light from the EZFloras. On the ISY admin control it's like the EZFLoras are just not there. This is the same thing others are saying in the reviews on Smarthome.
  4. I have two EXFlora 8 zone sprinkler controllers which control 9 zones total. I also have a Davis weather station and the irrigation module. Both EXFloras have failed and will not turn on. I read the reviews on Smarthome and lots of folks saying they have failed so I expect this to be a recurring issue. Are you guys having the same issue? Is the EZFlora our only option in this case...ie. using the ISY to irrigate your lawn? Thanks for your help!
  5. jmed999

    Program help...

    Thanks for the reply! Instead of a program that keeps the light off, could I have a program to only turn the light on if either remotelinc button A is pressed or the switchlinc is pressed to "On"? Couldn't I also test the remotelincs by sending me an email telling me when remotelinc button A is changed to "On"? I could have 2 notifications setup to tell me which is defective, right? So when the defective remotelinc sends a button A "On" signal, I would get an e-mail. Would that tell me the culprit?
  6. jmed999

    Program help...

    I have a fanlinc in a bedroom ceiling fan. I also have a switchlinc on the wall that turns the fanlinc light on and off as does my remotelinc and my wife's remotelinc. On the remotelincs, button A turns the light on and off. I have an issue with the light turning on in the middle of the night randomly every so often. I cannot determine why this happens so I want to write a program that keeps the light off unless either remotelinc A is pressed to the on position or the switchlinc is physically pressed on. Now I have the remotelincs and switchlinc in a scene where the fanlinc light is a responder to the switchlinc and both remotelinc's button A. Can you help me write such a program that keeps the light off unless we physically press either of the button A's to "On" or physically press the switchlinc "On"? I'm not sure if this would be best to use a variable. Thanks in advance!
  7. jmed999

    E-mail issue

    I updated my gmail password under "e-mail/notifications" to my new gmail password. Now when I test it says, "Mail Server Error" and "Password Not Accepted". I have entered the password a few times but I get the same error. I know I'm entering my gmail's new password correctly. I've been using gmail 2-step verification for months now and it was working correctly until I changed my password in the ISY. Any ideas?
  8. I have a wireless thermostat that has been used for several months wirelessly and has always worked great when providing the temp to the ISY/mobilinc, etc. I have it placed in a foyer gable area to provide the temp up there and programed to control a fan to recirculate the heat. Recently I had to replace my PLM and when I got around to restoring the stat the batteries were dead. I replaced the batteries and restored the stat. It is communicating with the ISY according to the event viewer. The problem is the temp doesn't show up in the admin console. I've tried everything to get the temp to show with no luck. Current State, Setpoint and Humidity are all blank. Any suggestions on how to get it working again? It isn't and never has been plugged in to AC power. Thanks!
  9. I'm wondering how I could monitor a freezer's temp. I would like to get an e-mail if it goes above a certain temp. Do you guys know a way to do this? Thanks!
  10. I get "Socket Open Failed java.net.SocketTimeoutException" very frequently and its very annoying. What do I need to do to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
  11. Thanks!
  12. I have a switchlinc that went bad so I physically replaced it. Now I need to add it to the ISY. How do I do that so that it replaces the old one in all programs and scenes? Thanks!
  13. That's it! I did start going with 2 factor authentication. How can I still get notifications and use 2 factor authentication?
  14. I'm using Gmail. Thanks. I'll double check the email parameters. What should they be?
  15. I haven't been receiving texts or emails from programs in a month or so. It worked great for a couple years then I didn't get any. The only thing I can think of that may be related is I had to replace my PLM about the same time I stopped getting the notifications. Any ideas? Thanks!
  16. We got a lot of rain yesterday. None today. The "Rain Today" is showing 0.0" of rain. This is a real good sign. Since it rained yesterday I was expecting it to incorrectly show in "Rain Today"...but it didn't. I'll keep you updated but this is good news.
  17. My "Rain Today" is 0.26" but my pws is reporting 0.06". The extra 0.20" is from yesterday. I have a good bit of rain predicted this week so I'll keep you posted! So far no fix for me though.
  18. My "Rain Today" has been all over the place as well, IndyMike and as I said early on in this thread, HAM is working on fixing the wrong issue. It's not a rolling 24 hour issue! Oh well...tired of babysitting the whole thing but I'm confident UD will find a way to get it straight at some point.
  19. I got 1.15" of rain yesterday and no rain today. In my admin console it shows 1.15" of "rain today". Still not fixed here.
  20. I had to replace my PLM with a new one. I plugged the new PLM in and ran "Restore PLM" in the admin console. I found the wiki instruction afterwards... http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_.28PLM.29 As you can see the instructions gives a warning about not unplugging the ISY. I didn't follow the instructions since I didn't see them in time so I didn't unplug my ISY like it says to. What do I now need to do to correct any issues this may have caused.
  21. I didn't see the wiki instructions in time so I didn't unplug the ISY before running the "Restore PLM". What do I need to do since I ran the restore without unplugging the ISY?
  22. Did HAM's fix take place a few weeks ago or are they still working on it?
  23. The irrigation req wasn't set to 0. Not sure where that came from. The ET was 0.
  24. My irrigation system would have run this morning but for some reason my ET was 0 for yesterday. Not sure why. Don't think it has done this before. I've also been having rain issues for a couple months... http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13646-rain-today-issue/ Before that it was the transition to HAM. I know you guys have worked hard on these issues but frankly it's becoming a pain. I constantly have to switch between my manual 3 days per wk program and my program that uses ET. Because of this I have days that it irrigates after a rain and other days I thought it was going to water the grass but doesn't (like this morning). I'm wondering if the water/cost savings is worth the hassle and babysitting. Not trying to complain...just giving frank criticism. Anyone else not getting an ET?
  25. Anyone?
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