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Everything posted by jmed999

  1. Thanks! This is great info! I'm going to use some of this in my programs and hopefully save money My water bill here can be $200/month easy in the summer, mostly from watering grass.
  2. So do you mean solder the internal sensor to the other end of the wire that is soldered to the stat?
  3. This is correct. If the probe's temp was being reported to the ISY it would open many more possibilities.
  4. So you use predicted rain amount. I wonder how accurate this is. I would like to program based on the percent chance of rain...say over an 80% chance. Is there a way to do that?
  5. Yeah, I have the irrigation module. I've been using programs and the irrigation module for a while now and would like to incorporate the forecast info. What rain criteria do you use for today's forecast that will make yours not water your lawn?
  6. Now that we have weather forecasting as part of the irrigation module, I've been thinking about incorporating it into my irrigation programs. Has anyone else used today's forecast into their irrigation programs? If so how? Looking for ideas. Thanks!
  7. I only need one plug to be controlled. The outlet is going in a GFCI circuit. The surrounding conditions in the crawl space can get pretty humid but it doesn't see extreme temps. If it fails due to being in the crawls space I could always use an outdoor module like the one in your link. Do you think it will work fine?
  8. I do have some 12 v transformers sitting around that I could use. Does it depend on the amps of the solenoid valve or will any work? Sorry but my electrical knowledge isn't sharp in this area. Thanks for your help!
  9. Well you got me thinking.... I believe I will use these... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ETPGB8M/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013V1SRY/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I already have a zwave mesh in the crawl space so I think this will work fine connected to my cold water pex line. I will also use a check valve and other appropriate fittings. With this setup the only thing I need is a transformer for the 12V solenoid valve. I'm not sure how many mA that thing will need though. Any suggestions on a transformer? Thanks guys!
  10. Since I have one of these... http://www.smarthome.com/31270/Smartenit-INSTEON-EZFlora-8-Zone-Sprinkler-Controller/p.aspx for my irrigation system with a couple unused zones, I may use a sprinkler valve and an unused zone to control the mist system. Basically zone 6 would be the mist system and I could control it with a remotelinc. Adding a zone/valve could be a pain though. The good thing is the pipe would be in ground thus no worry about freezing here if in ground. Would this work? Am I missing anything? Thanks!
  11. Thanks for your help! My only concern is this controller isn't rated for outdoor use. It would be located in my crawl space which gets very humid. What type valve would work in this scenario? Do you have a link? Thanks again!
  12. I'm going to install a misting system on my screened in porch and I'd like to control it with the ISY. I'm looking for ideas on how to do that. This is the system I'm installing... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FH89EM/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It connects to a garden hose but I may connect it to pex and run the pex inside a column and into my crawl space. There I could connect it to the cold water pex line under my house. Since this is not a pricey project I'm looking for an inexpensive way to turn it on and off. Any ideas? Thanks!
  13. That all sounds great! I would love an app that does all this. I think as more and more people migrate from computers to smartphones, tablets, and wearables, apps like you describe will become a very important part of the HA systems.
  14. Michel, thanks for your interest in Android alternatives! As far as ideas....I would like to see an Android app that has the capability of the IOS apps. Somehow I think we need to contact developers that have created similar apps for Android. Since Android has more of the smartphone market, I would think developers could make a profit creating such apps. It may be somewhat easy to lure the developers into creating such an app.
  15. This thread wasn't meant to bash Mobilinc although the post from Wes is more of the same. Just wait till our next release coming soon...then we are all disappointed about the new release and told wait till the next one. This thread was intended to find developers for Android that could create an app that works with the ISY better than the current options. Heck I wish we had a few to choose from. At this point I don't think we have 1 good one. So lets stop bashing Mobilinc. We all know their limitations with Android. How can we get other developers interested in creating apps for the ISY?
  16. I also find Mobilinc unstable. It takes mine over a minute to sync and even then it reports incorrect statuses. I have Mobilinc Connect and it's not impressive. Now the weather part of Mobilinc is out of date. They have been promising an update for months. It's missing Z-wave, Elk and any cam support. If there was 1 thing I could improve with my HA system it would be to have a good Android app. You can tell from reading the Mobilinc section that Android customers would like another option.
  17. I guess everything IOS has with Mobilinc. If you go to the Mobilinc section of this forum you'll see the frustration from Android users and suggestions.
  18. What other "sites" give you your irrigation requirement?
  19. The barometer is working much better! Thanks! Did they figure out the crazy rain values? I know a ticket was submitted to HAM...just curious if they had a fix yet. When you say the forecast for the next 24 hours is "usually from 7:00AM for the day"....does that mean it could be different than 7AM for the day? Thanks for all your help!
  20. I love Tasker but I'm not a Rest or Networking type of guy. With that said we desperately need an Android app other than Mobilinc.
  21. Thanks Michel! You guys are the best!
  22. Do we have any other app options besides Mobilinc? Their priorities are elsewhere. IMHO, this is the only downfall to my HA system...no solid Android app options. Do you guys no of any besides Mobilinc? Thanks!
  23. You will be able to find some of this using the search function. I'll take a stab at some of it... -You need the climate and irrigation modules. See http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Using_the_WeatherBug_Irrigation_Module -The data comes from local weather stations. ie Airports, personal weather stations, etc. -Go here to see what data is available... http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12558#p97865. Go halfway down the post to MOD CLIMATE. -Yes see the link here... http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14992#p116794 -Go here for a screen shot http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i_Series_INSTEON:WeatherBug. With that said, that page needs updating now that the modules have changed in 4.2.4. -I have a personal weather station and the hardware I used is described here... http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=10176#p77094
  24. Yeah it's coming from my weather station. See original post. My PWS was saying 0.38 inches and my Weather Underground page was saying the same thing. I do have a barometer and it is reporting correctly. I think 24h forecast is from a time ie. midnight to 11:59PM and tomorrow's forecast is the day after. So if my irrigation program says to start at 6AM but the chance of rain is high at 10AM that would report in 24h forecast. If it was going to rain the day after my program was going to run at 6AM then it would show up in "tomorrows forecast". I think it works something like that, I'm just not sure when each (24h, tomorrow) starts. The problem is, I don't see "Chance of rain". That's what I need to delay an irrigation program. ie. if Chance of rain is > 70% then dont irrigate.
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