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Everything posted by Techman

  1. OTN - Oracle Technology Network, maybe Avast is a member https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Technology_Network
  2. Stu, take a look at this link that I just found. Strange that Oracle doesn't offer 66 on their update site. https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/oracles-java-8-update-66/
  3. The latest for (my) Windows 7 is update .65. What are you running?
  4. Techman

    Insteon Range

    If this is the only fixture that's noisy then it certainly wouldn't hurt to remove a few bulbs at a time to see if the noise is eliminated. It's possible that one of the bulbs has a bad driver circuit.
  5. Techman

    Insteon Range

    Some LED's include a built-in driver circuit which improves compatibility with different types of "controllers" I've found that the LED's without drivers don't work well with Insteon. I've had good results with both CREE and FEIT bulbs.
  6. Techman

    Insteon Range

    What type of bulbs are you using? CFL's can sometimes generate power line noise. Anything else that's only on in the morning that could be problematic?
  7. You may want to try removing the CFL's to see if that makes a difference. I've had CFL's with noisy ballasts that interfered with the Insteon signals. I've since replaced any CFL's with LEDs
  8. Satwar Try a "restore device" for each of the devices in your scene.
  9. TV's can cause interference on the powerline. Try a FilterLinc on the TV to see if that makes a difference
  10. Take a look at this wiki article http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scene&redirect=no
  11. The second line is related to HamWeather. You may want to take a look at your climate module settings
  12. When I do a 4 tap beacon test the only led that blinks on the KPL is the one on the power switch.
  13. You may also want to try changing the FAST OFF to OFF to test your program and eliminate the timing issue of a double tap. If the OFF doesn't work then I would suspect that you have a communication issue.
  14. If the problem persists after the firmware update then I would try disabling (pull the power) one device at a time to eliminate the possibility of spurious data being sent out from a device. The fact that you have several devices involved, most in close proximity to one another makes me think it's either a device or something on the power line assuming that all the devices involved are on the same power line leg.
  15. Stu, Have you tried "playing" with the LED brightness option to see if rewriting the device(s) eprom changes anything? What ISY firmware are you running?
  16. Well that's a real head scratcher. Try disabling all but one of the flashing devices at a time, by pulling the power, to see if you can narrow down whatever is going on.
  17. I had a KPL with a similar problem, a factory reset and a restore device fixed it. What version of firmware is the KPL running. I've noticed some issues with v.40
  18. Try a RESTORE DEVICE on the Keypad that's associated with the IOLinc
  19. You could create multiple scenes with different brightness levels and then call up the scene that represents the level you want.
  20. You don't need the adapter. Do a search in the forum for t7900, you'll find several conversations. Not sure what you can do via the ISY and Network module.
  21. Take a look at the Venstar T7900. It has built in WiFi and is able to connect to their cloud service but you can disable that function and use it in a local WiFi network environment.
  22. Do you have a red ! or a green 1011 in the ISY tree next to the device in question, if not the try a RESTORE DEVICE on one of the dimmers. Let me know if that helps.
  23. What specifically are you using for a "booster"?
  24. It's was most likely a company in China. I believe they just manufacture the buttons, the etching is done in California.
  25. F.Y.I. Approximately the end of last year Smarthome changed vendors for their buttons. The current white buttons are a few shades darker than the buttons from the previous vendor resulting in a color mismatch with the older buttons and less light shinning through.
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