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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Is his computer MAC or Windows
  2. Techman

    Zooz Battery Status

    The settings are different depending on which model and firmware you have. 700 or 800 series ZSE11 ZSE11 Q Sensor Advanced Settings - Zooz Support Center
  3. Can you post the steps taken to resolve the issue, it will be helpful to others
  4. Techman

    Zooz Battery Status

    The battery voltage usually has its own node. Here's a screenshot from a zooz sensor
  5. @elliott9 Try removing power from the eisy again. If that doesn't work then you should probably submit a support ticket
  6. Are you on a MAC or PC? ISY Not Found If IoX Launcher cannot find your device (ISY994 [EOL], Polisy, eisy): Most importantly, you need to reinstall the IoX Launcher VPN software is running on your computer or you're on a VPN network Unit is not on the same network as your compute. Perhaps you changed routers? If so: follow these instructions If not #1, please open your router page and see whether or not you see ISY994-EMS (for ISY994 [EOL]), polisy (for Polisy), or eisy (for eisy) in the list of LAN clients. If you find the IP address, then, in IoX Finder, click on the Add button and enter ISY994: (replace with the actual IP of ISY in the router) Polisy/eisy: (replace with the actual IP of Polisy/eisy in the router) If not #2, then perhaps the unit is not powering on: ISY994: Please make sure the LED pattern is as outlined here Polisy: Reboot the unit, all 3 LEDs should get lit and then only the left most is lit. Wait for 30-60 seconds. You may hear a beep. eisy: Reboot the unit, allow 2-3 minutes for everything to boot and stabilize before attempting to open IoX Launcher If not #3, the issue is that you might have firewall/VPN or antivirus software (especially VPN) blocking network communications.
  7. Techman

    Zooz Battery Status

    @balli Both the Zooz ZSE42 and ZSE11 report battery voltage. The battery should be replaced when the voltage drops to 2.6v. You can write a simple program to send you an email when the voltage is 2.6 or below. It may take up to 24 hours, after poweing up a device, until you first see the battery voltage in your status window
  8. @elliott9 It's normal for your admin console to shut down after a firmware update. After you clear your java cache download the admin console from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp The admin console always needs to be updated after a firmware update
  9. It's best to wait for a response to your ticket. Be sure to do a PG3x backup.
  10. Link to Q and A with Insteon. Running time is 1 hour. Includes new product updates. Passcode Required - Zoom Passcode: y=w4U5mP
  11. You can't use a static IP address. You need DHCP enabled in the router, and you can then use a reserved IP address for the EISY in the router.
  12. Is the battery operated remote the only option you have to connect your blinds to the EISY. Can you connect your motors directly to the EISY without the remote. I'm thinking that the remote is the Zwave to the Somfy RTS interface, and if that's the case then your remote needs to wakeup in order to report the blind status to the EISY, which is why it wakes up every 3 minutes.
  13. Appartently Bali incorporates ZDMI technology into the somfy motors. Here's what I've found. As to why your remote is waking up every 3 minutes, I don't have an answer. It's best to talk to Bali customer service. Somfy makes a Z-Wave Digital Motor Interface (ZDMI) that converts Z-Wave signals into motor commands for Somfy motors. The ZDMI can be used to retrofit existing motorized window coverings. How does the ZDMI work? The ZDMI connects directly to the motor for power It receives Z-Wave transmissions from a home automation system It converts the Z-Wave transmissions into motor control commands It receives feedback from the motors and sends it back to the Z-Wave network ZDMI compatibility The ZDMI is compatible with Somfy's Sonesse 50 ILT2 (AC) and Sonesse 30 RS485 (DC) motors It can be used to integrate Z-Wave control to existing motorized window coverings It can be used to control up to one motor at a time ZDMI technical specifications Maximum range: 75 feet, Operating temperature range: Ambient, Frequency: 908 MHz,
  14. Do you have Bali or do you have Somfy blinds? In your previous posts you mention Somfy, and in your last post you mention Bali. They use different protocols. I'm only familiar with Somfy.
  15. Somfy has always used a technology called RTS (Radio Technology Somfy) which is an RF protocol. It's also possible that the Somfy RF technology uses Zigbee. I'm not aware of a Zwave Somfy motor. The Somfy blinds always required a RTS to Zwave interface. It's possible that whoever installed your blinds also installed an interface. It's probably best to speak with your installer. How are you controlling your blinds, are you only using the battery operated remote that came with the motors?
  16. What interface are you using between the shades and the EISY, i.e. ZRTSI
  17. Here's an example If you want to partially disable the light sensor (see attached screen shot example): Put the sensor into the lnking mode In your EISY on the tri-sensor device window: Set parameter number to 24 Set parameter value to 32767 Set byte size to 2 Then click on set configuration I use the Zooz temperature and humidity sensors. They're small and compatible with the EISY Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range XS Temperature | Humidity Sensor ZSE - The Smartest House
  18. You can't use the setting parameters from another device for your tri-sensor. Attached are the available advanced configuration settings for the (discontinued) Aeotec tri-sensor Aeotec-Trisensor Engineering Specification.pdf
  19. @jkraus If you have any zwave, zigbee or matter devices installed and you're using the UD Zwave/matter dongle then you should do a Zwave backup prior to updating your firmware. It's your insurance policy.
  20. A simple program will work: IF Batheoom fan is on THEN wait 15 minutes turn bathroom fan off ELSE
  21. @Tmc Try doing a "restore device" on the devices you're having issues with. This will rewrite their link tables. When you replaced your PLM did you follow the attached procedure, if not you may want to run the replace PLM procedure again The 2413S is far superior to your older PLM. If you bought it directly from Insteon then it's most likely not defective. Replace PLM (ISY994).pdf
  22. Why not just use a Zwave 800 amplifier/repeater. Placing the Zmatter dongle outside of the house, and exposing it to weather, is probably not a good idea Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Plus Range Extender ZAC38 - The Smartest House
  23. If the "dimmer switch" works then use that node and disregard the binary node(s) Zwave devices are designed to work with various controllers and not all the nodes are compatible with all the controllers. It's not unusual to have left over nodes.
  24. Probably best to delete the remote, factory reset it, then re-link it. Whrn you want to add the remote to a scene you need to first put it in the linking mode.
  25. @andrew77 It's possible that when you installed the remote you may have had an additional device in the linking mode at the same time wihich would have crossed linked the devices. You also have a lot of pending writes that need to be resolved. If they include your remote then put the remote into the liniking mode and write the pending links.
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