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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Glenn You should upgrade your ISY firmware, 3.3.10 is outdated. This assumes that you have a 994i and not the 99i which was discontinued. The current weather provider, HamWeather, will not work unless you have the latest firmware
  2. The ISY supports either Z-wave or Zigbee, but not both at the same time.
  3. Try removing power from the PLM and the ISY, then first power up the PLM then the ISY. Are you getting any error lights on the front of the ISY?
  4. Can you disable the firewall for a couple of minutes?
  5. rmanaka it's possible that java 8 is not yet supported by UDI. its official release is scheduled for early 2015. you may want to check with UDI tech support to see if this is causing your issue.
  6. smokegrub it's always a good idea to have a dual band device located within close proximity of a RF only device in order to improve reliability of the RF device. Techman
  7. The Togglelincs are not dual band. You should probably replace at least one of them in the garage with a dual band Switchlinc, or if you have an extra dual band on/off module or dual band Lamplinc you could plug either into an outlet and it will act as an access point.
  8. Kevin Connolly The Fluorescent and CFL's can be problematic as their ballasts can generate powerline noise that can interfere with Insteon signals. Try the CREE led bulbs sold at Home Depot. They are well priced and compatible with the Insteon dimmers. Some of the other LED brands have a tendency to buzz and flicker when dimmed. Techman
  9. a fire door made out of dense material? are the two dual band switches located in metal boxes?
  10. Try turning off the lights then testing your device. It's possible that the ballasts in the lights are creating RF interference.
  11. smokegrub Do you have any fluorescent lights or CFL's in the garage that could be creating radio interference?
  12. Waketech, There's no disadvantage in using your ISP unless it's unreliable or difficult to configure.
  13. The default email server is UDI's server, you can always configure your ISY to use your ISP's mail server which may be more reliable.
  14. Battery operated devices "sleep" until they are locally activated, this prolongs their battery life.. The ISY cannot wake up, or query, a battery operated device that is sleeping. This is why they have to be put into the linking mode in order to either link them or program them from the ISY.
  15. Check your error log to see if there are any communications errors, also check your ISY configuration to make sure that all the email parameters are correct. Whose server are you using for emails?
  16. You should see log entries every time the temperature or humidity changes. if you're not seeing those in the log and a factory reset doesn't correct the problem then I would try a replacement unit.
  17. https://www.universal-devices.com/sales/ Scroll down to the bottom of the page. The upgrade is $99, or $149 for the pro unit.
  18. If larryyllix's suggestion doesn't work then you may have a defective unit. Does the humidity update?
  19. Waketech, Have you tried doing a factory reset on the device?
  20. You'll probably need to upgrade the 99i to a 994 as the 99i is no longer supported with firmware updates. The newer firmware for the 994 supports HamWeather which is where the climate module gets its data.
  21. What devices do you have in your Island scene?
  22. If you click on "Hello World" what do you show in the body of the message. I don't think it can be left blank
  23. A while back I had a similar problem, a factory reset on the KPL fixed it.
  24. Clearwater1957 The following is from an earlier post regarding the ISY not showing up in your network window. Hope this helps Techman Hello don4628, I am so very sorry to hear. Due to security concerns, we disabled UPnP by default. If you would like ISY to show up in your Network window, then you need to go to Admin Console | Configuration | System | Network and check UPnP. Or, you can simply use: http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/admin.jnlp With kind regards, Michel
  25. If you put 24 volts on a system that is a millivolt system you'll most likely burn out the coil in the gas valve. (a millivolt system uses a thermocouple which is heated by the pilot light and produces a low voltage that opens the gas valve). If the heater has only two wires running to the thermostat then it's most likely a millivolt system.
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