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Everything posted by Techman

  1. what is your probe connected to? If it's an Insteon wireless thermostat it won't display negative numbers as it's designed as a room thermostat.
  2. Hi johnmsch, The upgrade process is laid out in the UDI Wiki, make sure you have a good backup of the 99i http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:Migrating_To_Your_ISY-994i
  3. By unplugging the PLM you take both the PLM and the ISY out of the equation. If you were to only unplug the ISY the PLM would still be able to send a command to devices.
  4. edokid, take a look at this page http://www.bluelineinnovations.com/my-meter-match
  5. Hi Michel The Inglewood station (East of LAX), MID_E0482, has been showing rain for the last several days. Other Los Angeles stations have incomplete reporting. Seems the only accurate stations are those located on an airport. HamWeather just isn't making the grade.
  6. edokid, Your variables should all be "state" variables, not "integer" variables.
  7. oronomus, Click on the scene name, not the togglelinc and post a copy.
  8. In your program "dim to off" you need to delete the "If" line in that program. The "then" in your first program should read Wait 20 minutes Run then program dim to off
  9. barkster The UDI Wiki has a helpful article on setting up the interface for the smartmeter. http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  10. Most of the smartmeters use a Zigbee radio. You should check with your utility provider to verify its radio and to see if they will provision your meter to allow you to read its radio. You would then need to purchase the Zigbee module from UDI which will add Zigbee compatibility to your existing ISY.
  11. jbferg Can you post a screenshot of the KPL scenes. Are the KPL buttons listed as a controller in all the scenes? Have you tried a factory reset on the KPL?
  12. Open your ISY error log and take a look for possible SMTP or other errors around the time you had the email failures. Also try increasing your email time out value in the ISY configuration settings. Who are you using for your mail server?
  13. Paulbates The extension cord would be for testing purposes only, just to try to isolate your issue by moving the PLM away from equipment that may be interfering with your powerline signal. Use a cord that has a ground.(3 prongs).
  14. Depending on what else you have plugged into the same circuit as the PLM, it's possible that something (in your rack?) is interfering with the PLM powerline signal. A UPS or computer close to the PLM will have an adverse effect on your PLM signal. Try using an extension cord and plug the PLM into a different circuit if possible. Keep in mind that the I/OLinc is a powerline only device. If that resolves your issue then you need to isolate the device that's interfering with the PLM with a FilterLinc.
  15. Tellijcl Take a look at your error log about the time you didn't receive an intended email. That will help you narrow down the problem. Also try increasing the timeout in your email configuration. If you're sending out several emails at the same time try putting a few seconds wait in between the notifications.
  16. It's very simple If Module Climate (parameter) is xx Then send notification Else do nothing
  17. Not sure what else to suggest. If no one else has a solution then you should submit a ticket to UDI and they will get you squared away.
  18. Are there any devices showing in the folders below "My Lighting? If so, try moving them out of the folders
  19. I don't think there's an Insteon module that will work with your setup. The chime most likely doesn't draw enough current to trigger a Insteon Synchrolinc 2423A5, but you may want to look into it.
  20. It was mentioned in the 4.2.5 firmware release. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13501-release-425-rc-is-now-available/
  21. Input a city name rather than a zipcode. You'll also need to have the latest ISY firmware.
  22. Michel When I query the "CO2 Detected" node I don't get a response, same with the "Clear" node, and the smoke detected node. All the other smoke bridge nodes respond to the query. The "current state" for these three nodes is blank, the rest of the nodes all show as off. Is this correct?
  23. Seems it could best be used to send out an email indicating that the ISY is back up after a power failure
  24. This is what I get if I type in Riverside (see attached). In the ISY Help > About, Make sure that both your firmware and UI are both 4.2.8. Are you running the latest Java version 1.7 update 67 (the update may vary depending on your browser)
  25. What displays when you type a city name into the find box? If an acceptable station shows then click on save. I'm using Internet Explorer, not sure if there's a Firefox issue.
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