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Everything posted by Envirogreen

  1. I’m thinking that I’ll wait for the next version of tomaha to come out instead of MyLink as I understand that is the somfy go forward platform id certainly be willing to pay when the store is available. No idea what pricing is going to be for different offerings
  2. Is there a polyglot to connect to MyLink I’m hoping there is enough people that use somfy for someone to develop this (if it doesn’t already exist). my alternative is Lutron with a ra2 controller. Is there integration for this?
  3. Michel One other item that will help get developers excited is an existing Consumer base That means making sure all existing users have an easy path to adoption...selling a rPi preinstalled plus a couple of node servers should generate revenue and accelerate adoption
  4. builderb - larryllix describes the exact issue that I was asking about. larryllix - it sounds like there is no easy way to do this with ISY (e.g., max / min setting)...instead it would need to be programmed. How does you code work? I'm wondering if it replicates the trimming capability of the Radio RA.
  5. Is there a way to set a minimum and maximum level for the dimming (I think its called trimming), so that there is no drop out when dimming the LED lights. I see that Radio RA has this ability and am hoping its something that folks have figured out how to implement using the ISY.
  6. Paul - got it and thank you...now I get the plan...I think I'm going to get started on doing this in my current place while the other is being built. Teken/Scott - a lot of good information. I am already doing a sump batter backup, an NG backup generator. The hot water tank is split (?) so it operates as a boiler for the infloor heating. HVAC is lennox (with their custom thermostat, but I'm assuming I can swap it out if needed...is this a good assumption?)...I'll be doing a printout of this thread so I can walk through these items with the builder (it is custom so I do have flexibility)
  7. Taken That is a lot of great information...I'll need to take this to the builder. I know we have some of those items already agreed to but not all. Really appreciate your input!
  8. Paul - this makes a lot of sense...I'm going to move forward with you suggested approach. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions on the details as I move through this...but for now one simple question. I'm assuming you can have only one ISY running at a time, so to use the test ISY I take the PROD system offline upgrade the TEST ISY to v5.x...and let the TEST ISY run ,..if there are any issues you take TEST down and put PROD back up. Is that correct?
  9. I like the idea of two ISYs. I think your "flat in the pan" comment is most applicable...as the answer might be that there isn't a better alternative. Given the commercial side is strong doesn't mean that they will have an unlimited bucket to invest on the residential side and that is the crux of my concern. I haven't seen the pathway to marketing 5.0 and polygots (although I'm sure they have one). Given the the length of time its taking (which appears to be significantly longer than anticipated) do i invest in ISY (and associated ELK, Insteon, zWave) given this risk. I'm looking at this in a similar fashion to Homeseers move from v2 to v3 (I believe that was the one that almost destroyed the company).
  10. Hi, I'm a long term user of ISY with ELK, Insteon and zwave...and I love it. I'm now building a new house and I'm looking for anything I should change. The first question is on the ISY - this forum has been a wealth of information and help over the years - better than most other forums (especially with people from the company participating directly and very actively). That said, over the last several months activity on the forum has really slowed down (at least thas my impression) t'd that has me question if I should look for an alternative. I know there has been a lot of work on version 5.x and polygots, and i like the direction. That said, I'm concerned that this has been a more difficult/costly path than was anticipated and I'm wondering if the company has the legs to get these out the door (and if so how soon...that is a question of risk). I would really appreciate people's thoughts opinions. Cheers
  11. I thought I'd figured out, but only partially... need to create a Sonos Playlist called rsq#2....but now I want to be able to create multiple playlists and create different network resources for each...but changing the rsq#2 in the resource doesn't seem to be enough of a change (I tried rsq#1, and created a playlist with the same name and that didn't wok) Suggestions?
  12. Hi - a quick question (hopefully) I have all the basics of the integration working and trying to understand how to get this to work. SONOS.AutoPlaylist.NightMusic.Volume8 Do I need to set something up in Sonos? I've created a playlist named NightMusic and that didn't work. Right now all that I get when I run the program invoking this is the queue empties, but nothing else
  13. First off a huge thank you for this - this is a simple and fantastic solution A couple of comments 1. This is fantastic! You should be shouting from the rooftops that the ISY has this integration...It definitely would push sales of the Networking module 2. It would be helpful to include a link for purchasing the Networking module to the first post 3. it would be helpful to include a simple description on how to find the Sonos URL in the first post. 4. It would also be helpful to post the link to the custom etched buttons (maybe there is a way of setting it up so that the OP could make a few bucks or the ISY team)
  14. That's a good workaround Good for some scenarios. Eg House all off leverage floor all off scenes Thank you
  15. looks like I would need Hub Pro for home kit , and doesn't look like this has been done yet...but may be the best/only route forward. Will need to look at the hub integration further to see if it will also do the honeywell total home comfort, my alternative there is iRule (no cross device integration, but at least 1 UI)
  16. exactly. Apple HomeKit. That's unfortunate. It seems that Apple home kit will be a popular bridge across multiple HA devices.
  17. I've been trying to follow the posts on this, but I'm not clear on what I should be expecting. Is home kit expected to be a new module as part of 5.x? Will these modules require deep development skills to implement or will a casual user be able to use these? The two things that I am particularly interested in is Honeywell Total Comfort integration and HomeKit. I'm hoping these both come in 5.x
  18. that's how I'm doing it now. Unfortunately it means more management (and potential for error) when you have many instead/zwave devices and scenes with devices in multiple scenes. Thank you for your quick reply
  19. In order to simplify things I would like to be able to call a scene from a scene. E.g., Scene 1 - on/off button A + lamplink 1 Scene 2 - on/off button B + lamplink 2 Scene 3 - on/off button C + Scene 1 + Scene 2 Is this possible? Jeff
  20. I need an outdoor motion detector (battery) that will integrate with the ISY. The idea is to use the motion detector to turn on outdoor lights based on certain rules. I can only find the indoor instead motion detector and haven't seen any wave options (not sure if I have enough zwave nodes to support an outdoor wave module anyway. Any suggestions on alternatives (I know I could go with Optex or something similar and attach to the Elk, but I'd have to pay someone to do this, and I'd prefer to avoid this path if possible). Thank you
  21. Hopefully very simple. I want to be able to send an email with certain parameters from the weather module. Thank you,
  22. it would be good if they could post the fix online, so that everyone with the problem doesn't need to contact them
  23. Entering toronto,on,ca into the location ID seems to have worked for me. Find is still not working. Seems that there is a defect in the Find part of the application.
  24. I was having the exact same issue. Entering toronto,on,ca into the location ID seems to have worked for me. As per the other thread I'm on version 4.2.8. Seems that there is a defect in the Find part of the application.
  25. checked and confirmed UI and firmware are both 4.2.8
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