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Everything posted by Envirogreen

  1. just rebooted the unplugged plm and polisy, plugged plm in and then polisy and got this error when trying to restore the plm
  2. I am using the rj45 to db9 cable that came in the box..the db9 is plugged into the back of the polisy. Double and triple checked the seating of the rj45 to the plm, and db9 to the polisy...still no luck
  3. thank you f thank you for that - I've now upgraded the IOP, and I have the 2413S PLM attached (using the ethernet to DB9 cable, however, it doesn't seem that the PLM is working (it was working a couple of mins ago on the ISY99) I followed the instructions, including restore PLM. When I click on Restore PLM in the admin console I get the following: Any suggestions?
  4. I just started the migration from ISY to Polisy, using the steps from the thread - Migration to ISY on Polisy: An attempt to collect, organize and share Simplified Directions. Couple of questions 1. Is that the best place / instructions to follow? 2. i see a number of threads warning not to SSH into the Polisy and see this step. Is this correct or should I do this some other way? Add Polyglot 3 (PG3) to Polisy. PG3 is the future development site for node servers. Support for PG2 appears to be ending as developers look to move to PG3. To install PG3 on Polisy, create a SSH and enter the following: sudo pkg install pg3 sudo service pg3 enable sudo service pg3 start 3. Assuming its correct - when I SSH in using Putty, the IP from the IOX finder for Polisy, and port 22 and try to login (password has no special characters), my login fails. Suggestions? thank you
  5. Thank you for testing. It let me know that my logic was right. With some more experimenting it looks like the ISY was losing the status which caused the problem so I added a stop and play before each volume and it worked! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. @carealtor restartingthe nodeserver partially helps. I can now stop/start, but then I'lll loose the status. Also, I don't seem to be able to change the volume. Here is a screenshot for a couple of those
  7. I confirmed there is a song and it works if I select the play command directly in the ISY or ud mobile It doesn’t work when I try and play in the ISY program In the polisy I only see one Sonos polyglot option. Are there others? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I know this should be easy, but for some reason its not working. I can control the sonos (play, pause, volume, etc) on UD mobile and directly in the ADMIN dashboard. However, when I try to link the node to a program it doesn't work. I've tried both pressing the keypad button and running IF THEN...and nothing works. Any suggestions?
  9. Sent
  10. Will do thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I had Sonos and Harmony Hub polygots that showed up in the ISY when I first installed. I made changes to each of these on the apps (outside of isy/polisy) and polisy did not update. when I tried querying the polygots in the ISY interfacce I got the message request failed. I deleted both on the POlisy the ISY still has both showing up I reinstalled the Sonos and in the polisy it shows the correct nodes (one question does it only show S2, as I have S2 and S1, and am not seeing S1 nodes). Still in the ISY it shows the old Nodes, and Harmony is also there. I've rebooted the polygots, polisy and isy with no change. Suggestions?
  12. Yes that is exactly what I’m thinking about. Also agree can make it work with current functionality . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It would be amazing if ud mobile allowed the devs of node servers to create a module for ud mobile I’d be the first in line! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hi Can ud mobile show an elk M1 display. It would be fantastic to show the basic buttons on the elk keypad. Similarly would like to do the same for the tv remote (eg harmony remote) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. #1 - no zwave #2 - Harmony hub is in slot 4. #3 - ticket submitted
  16. iOS. Lots of sync errors (attached) That said I just needed to update to get it working. any view on the errors or if they matter?
  17. that did the trick...one question, how do you change the default username / password when you ssh into polisy?
  18. Upgrading polisy
  19. Hi, I get the message that update failed when I try to update the Polisy. Log attached - any help would be appreciated. polyglot_2020-11-1_173049.txt
  20. Hi. Wondering how things are progressing with porting house panel to polisy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Are you able to create multiple pages with this? I had irules before and had the primary page much like a control 4 layout and hoping this fills the bill I’ve been looking for an irules replacement (without cloud) and really hope this is it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. As was asking about house panel. But yours looks like a nice app
  23. Are you able to create multiple pages with this? I had irules before and had the primary page much like a control 4 layout and hoping this fills the bill I’ve been looking for an irules replacement (without cloud) and really hope this is it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. This is helpful is there an isy/polisy—> Rts option. No somfy hub?
  25. I thought the somfy hub was needed to connect to the ISY if not that is even better
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