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Everything posted by pjjameso

  1. Thank you for your response, i have sent eden a note asking if they have a public api.
  2. Curious, I have an Eden bluetooth water timer where i can set frequency, time to water etc using an app on ios. How would one go about integrating this in Polisy? How would one create a Node server for this. Of course what i would want to do is combine with my ambient weather station to turn off watering when rains x amount in a week. Just curious but would pay for the Node server if anyone so inclined.
  3. Thank you for the quick response. Query fixed the Node server Online question. I have resynced twice and restarted nodesever for good measure and still seeing the UOM Suffix is null. Any other thoughts?
  4. When using the UD Mobile app when I inspect the ELK Controller the ELK M1EXP Connected shows True, yet the Node server Online shows Disconnected. Is this expected? When I inspect n003_area_1 (Area Node) it throws and error UOM Suffix is null. How do I fix this issue? Finally, understand arm/disarm is currently broken in the app but when it was working where would I find the button to push to arm or disarm. Just want to be on the lookout for the option when available. Thanks in advance.
  5. So I thought i would try the zooz zen17 universal relay, good choice as everything is working as expected.
  6. Solved the secure add issue my moving closer to zooz. Still having issue where the second relay and sensor are not showing in Polisy. Have updated Zooz to 7.17 removed and added ForentzZ several times with the same result (yes i realize thats the definition of insanity... expecting a different result). Attached is the log of the last attempt and the documentation for the FortenzZ which again was working perfectly on the 994i. The fail message in the log is Thu 04/14/2022 05:07:54 PM : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Fail uid=12.0 cmd=0x8E.02 MULTI_CHANNEL_ASSOCIATION. Probably just my vision but appears while installing second relay and sensor its using the same name? Cursor highlight appears to be flipping back and forth in the node tree. Thanks for the assistance in advance.. ISY-Events-Log.v5.4.3__Thu 2022.04.14 05.09.15 PM.txt User+Manual+MIMO2++8May2017+removed+MI+address.pdf
  7. I keep getting an unable to securely add device which limits me to one relay. This worked in 994i as im just trying to migrate to polisy. Any thoughts?
  8. pjjameso


    Is this possible from the UD Mobile app?
  9. Figured it out, my error naturally, was pointed to ISY994 vs Polisy on dashboard
  10. Just tried buying the version and same issue as unable to load uuid. Shows purchased but unable to install. P
  11. New to Polisy and trying to install ELK in Polygot 3. When I try to install after purchasing TRIAL I am not able to populate the uuid hence I get a fail. Also when i go to the purchases tab it nothing shows in the tab... What am i doing incorrectly, first installed in poly 2 but have deleted that node.
  12. Thanks everyone, Polisy is dead, Michael is sending boot chip. Must admit I should have been more careful instead of just just assuming rj45 from 994 would plug into ports on Polisy. Would have thought db9 ports long ago unused/deprecated and followed 994 mode. Dumb me… Appreciate the help on my journey form insteon to…. Well at least i have two spares of PLM’s and keypads!
  13. Dang, missed that point... was using rj-45 port as done with 994. Now issue is it wont boot, just the right most light is lit. Next steps?
  14. Elapsed 00:00:05.368 : Loading Variables Elapsed 00:00:05.710 : Loading Node Definitions Elapsed 00:00:06.441 : Loading Nodes Elapsed 00:00:06.540 : Creating Widgets Elapsed 00:00:07.717 : Creating Widgets Complete Mon 04/07/1952 04:17:55 PM : Starting Subscription Mon 04/07/1952 04:17:55 PM : Completing initialization Mon 04/07/1952 04:17:55 PM : Refreshing Status Mon 04/07/1952 04:17:55 PM : Refreshing Views Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:00 PM : [ZWAVE-SERIAL ] Using serial port [/dev/ttyU0] Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:01 PM : [ZW-SOFT-REBOOT] START - zwaveSoftReboot 0x7fffffffb950 Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:06 PM : Restarting the Z-Wave dongle Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:13 PM : [ZW-SOFT-REBOOT] FINISH - zwaveSoftReboot 0x7fffffffb950 Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:14 PM : [ZWAVE-FW ] Unrecognized Z-Wave firmware version/library [7.15] Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:15 PM : Z-Wave Node ID : 0x01 (1) Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:15 PM : Primary : true Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Mon 04/07/1952 04:18:16 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent
  15. Sorry wrong nomenclature.... not db9 but rj-45. Have factory reset with PLM powered up and plugged into the Polisy. Triple checked that insteon and z wave are enabled after boot up. Still no communication with PLM; not connected PLM connected to middle rj-45 jack.
  16. Didnt make a difference booting up with PLM plugged into Polisy DB9. Are the lights on the db9 port suppose to indicate any activity on PLM, if so then Polisy must be the issue.
  17. Does the PLM need to be plugged into the Polisy prior to the Polisy boot up? If thats the case I plugged in after the boot up. Will give that a try...
  18. Just received my Polisy and having an issue setting up using previous 2413s PLM. I have insured that insteon and zwave are enabled and have rebooted ISY on Polisy. Restored my 994 backup, but keep receiving comm errors, with PLM unconnected. Have factory reset Polisy, repeated the procedure to no avail. Reconnected my plm to the 994 and all works fine. Just cant get the Polisy to connect to the PLM. Have tried both db9 ports far left and middle with same results. Using same db9 cable that I was using with the 994 What am i doing wrong?
  19. Thank you for pointing to the templates and instructions, will give it a go! Will most likely be back with more questions.
  20. Thank you to all.....
  21. Would like to have an if statement as such; IF $sAQI >= 50 And $sDEQ < $sAQI Then .... Is this possible? Testing indoor Air Quality whereby if indoor is greater than 50 and the outdoor Air Quality is less than the indoor, then turn on ventilator, else do nothing. Currently posting values from IFTTT/Portal
  22. Oh boy! Been reading the documentation…..think I will need to pay someone to create the node server at some point. Probably too old at this point to learn how to write the code. ?
  23. Dang, just read your second paragraph.... so how would one make an api call to a website to retrieve data and then populate state variables? Currently using IFTTT, but the polling is only once per hour, was looking for something a bit more robust.
  24. Just tried your SNI suggestion, no luck so far.
  25. Im sure its my not understanding how the network resources works so seeking some advice. My test curl command works and sends back the correct information as seen below . However when i try and set this up in the network resources all I get is an Request Fail, N/A, what am i doing wrong? Of course my next question will be how do I parse the information returned and populate state variables with the data....? C:\Users\Virtual Reality>curl -v https://api.kaiterra.com:443/v1/devices/25afddd1-51d4-4ed5-ac76-39c3c7a5b8eb/top?key=NzIzZDMzNWNiZTNjNDRkOTk? * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to api.kaiterra.com ( port 443 (#0) * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 1/3) * schannel: checking server certificate revocation * schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 187 bytes... * schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 187 bytes * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 2/3) * schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 2/3) * schannel: encrypted data got 2760 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2760 length 4096 * schannel: encrypted data length: 2658 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2658 length 4096 * schannel: received incomplete message, need more data * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 2/3) * schannel: encrypted data got 387 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3045 length 4096 * schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 93 bytes... * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 2/3) * schannel: encrypted data got 51 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 51 length 4096 * schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.kaiterra.com port 443 (step 3/3) * schannel: stored credential handle in session cache > GET /v1/devices/25afddd1-51d4-4ed5-ac76-39c3c7a5b8eb/top?key=NzIzZDMzNWNiZTNjNDRkOTk? HTTP/1.1> Host: api.kaiterra.com > User-Agent: curl/7.55.1 > Accept: */* > * schannel: client wants to read 102400 bytes * schannel: encdata_buffer resized 103424 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424 * schannel: encrypted data got 773 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 773 length 103424 * schannel: decrypted data length: 744 * schannel: decrypted data added: 744 * schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 744 length 102400 * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424 * schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 744 length 102400 * schannel: schannel_recv cleanup * schannel: decrypted data returned 744 * schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 102400 < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 < date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:39:06 GMT < content-length: 551 < access-control-allow-origin: https://api.kaiterra.com < vary: Origin < {"id":"25afddd1-51d4-4ed5-ac76-39c3c7a5b8eb","data":[{"param":"rhumid","units":"%","span":60,"points":[{"ts":"2021-11-17T15:38:25Z","value":43.99}]},{"param":"rpm10c","units":"µg/m³","span":60,"points":[{"ts":"2021-11-17T15:38:25Z","value":0}]},{"param":"rpm25c","units":"µg/m³","span":60,"points":[{"ts":"2021-11-17T15:38:25Z","value":0}]},{"param":"rtemp","units":"C","span":60,"points":[{"ts":"2021-11-17T15:38:25Z","value":21.56}]},{"param":"rtvoc","source":"st03","units":"ppb","span":60,"points":[{"ts":"2021-11-17T15:38:25Z","value":78}]}]}* Connection #0 to host api.kaiterra.com left intact
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