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Everything posted by garybixler

  1. Unfortunately I keep getting this error. All the latest updates and procedures have been done. Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. I have 2 Chamberlin wall mounted openers with MyQ capability using the included ethernet hub. Even though they have a smart wall switch they will still operate using a momentary close/open relay across the smart wall switch wires just as the older openers.
  3. All good. Thanks Michel
  4. Try clicking on "Admin Console (Cloud)". I'm doing that for now to keep the launcher from locking up. It works for local.
  5. I have the same issue where the PLM shows not connected. All updates and upgrades are up to date. The PLM that I have is a smartlabs dual band 2413u version 1.0. It can be seen by an app that runs on the PC. 'Simplehomenet Utility Suite' Thanks Gary
  6. All good here. Just one small issue. I need to use Admin Console (Cloud) from the launcher even though it is using the local IP address. If I use Admin Console (Lan) the launcher just hangs and needs to be restarted. Using port 8080. I did reinstall the launcher but no difference. Also just ordered the 2413u. Thanks Gary
  7. @MrBillThanks. The upgrade seemed to go well. I did have one causality however. The NS WEMO can't fine file splite3. I'll check with WEMO on that problem. Thansk Gary
  8. I did the update and upgrade but it seems that the polisy stays at version 12.2. (FreeBSD polisy 12.2-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p6 r369564 POLISY amd64) Suggestions on how to get to 13 welcome. Thanks Gary
  9. I am not only concerned about the lack of Instron support but also no Network module. Some network devices are not supported with a node sever and may never be. Also some NSs may not cover all the desired commands that can be supplemented with the Network module. Thanks Gary
  10. I think maybe the port number. 5010 is what I use to access my ISY. You would use the port that you use to access your ISY. Default is 80 I think or what ever is configured on your config page. Hope that is the solution. Also authorization needs to be added. Just click on the the add button half way down and select authorization from the pull down. It will ask you to enter your user id and password.
  11. @IT Solutions You would need to use a REST command on your Network Resources page. This example puts ELK zone 9 temperature into var1able 1/9. The other example is for voltage.
  12. Same problem as @gviliunas but also would add that the 'Settings Polisy Configuration' never loads. However all works fine after a Polisy power reset. Reboot from the menu doesn't seem to work either. Thanks Gary
  13. For me it would be convenient to be able to ignore a line or lines in a program especially when trouble shooting or creating a new program. Perhaps the '#' character in front of the line in which you would like to be ignored. just a convenient factor. Thanks Gary
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  14. Just for comparison the CA 302 R is a 2.2 uf capacitor.
  15. This is what I had put together to dramatically reduce the noise coming from my single phase to 3 phase variable speed well pump controller. I couldn't say if it would have the same effect on your setup or not. I was able to see on a scope the ongoing reduction of noise as I added and rearranged components. The CA 302 R's were essential in the noise reduction more so than the FN2410-45-33 which didn't seem to have much of an effect. Also there was no GFCI involved so I wasn't worried about having that trip. My ground and neutral are bonded in the main breaker box 3 feet away. The big problem was that the components are large and I had to put them into a separate electrical box. It might be worth trying one CA 302 R to see if it has any effect at all. Unfortunately they are about $45.00. Hope this might be of some help.
  16. Thought these may be of interest. ELK-912 or ELK-912B. They are passive and need no external power.
  17. I see now. Running Polyglot on the RPi?
  18. Not sure if I understand but if you just want to copy a tag temperature to a variable you would need to do this. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $Tag_Temp = 'Polisy Nodes / Tags / Home / 0 Test' Temperature °F Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Also if you wanted to save it so that it won't be lost on a reboot you could add this line. Then $Tag_Temp = 'Polisy Nodes / Tags / Home / 0 Test' Temperature °F $Tag_Temp Init To $Tag_Temp Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  19. I would be concerned using a relay directly connected to the circuit without having a fly back diode especially with micro circuits.
  20. True but what I am seeing is that the 'tag voltage' can't be equaled into a variable which leads me to think that it is a non-numerical value. All the other numerical tag values can be equated. Doing the following seems to be ignored with no value entered. $Tag_Voltage = 'Polisy Nodes / Tags / Home / 0 Taga' Battery Voltage. Using different precisions has no effect either.
  21. Unfortunately I think that the 'tag voltage' is being seen as text rather than a number because a variable can't be set to equal it unlike the other numerical values. So the 'tag voltage' could never be compared to a variable. At least that is what I am seeing after doing some testing.
  22. If you just do a run using either the then or the else setting your variable to the tag voltage you may see that it is not corresponding. Temp and battery level works but it seems that voltage loads a different number. Some tag values expressed as raw don't seem to load the correct number into the variable. Else $Tag_Voltage = 'Polisy Nodes / Tags / Home / 0 Taga' Battery Voltage
  23. Having a similar noise problem generated from a single phase to a three phase variable speed controller for a well pump I ended up using this filter before the controller as that is where the noise was being generated. Delta CA302-R 2-Pole 125/250V Single Phase Surge Capacitor. The noise may be a low frequency with harmonics but overwhelms the Insteon traffic. I was able to observe this on a scope. Also the neutral on the pool sub panel may not be grounded.
  24. @kewashi I did the git pull for the update. Worked great. Just put the shades in an icon and they look great. Thanks so much. Gary
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