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Everything posted by stevehoyt

  1. Just to let you know I had the same issue again with 2.7.13. Let me know if there is any test you want me to run.
  2. Hi Just wondering if you have any thoughts on this? Thanks
  3. Michel Can you comment on the implications of increasing the retry count you mention above. Would there be any serious side effects by raising it to say 5...... I am still seeing random communication errors, very few maybe 1 every 2 or 3 days and was thinking of raising it after seeing your comment above Thanks
  4. Sorry I should have made this clear. I had been doing a hourly "query all" via a program just to record the current status of all devices. In 2.7.? it returned the status of all devices. In later versions, it seems to act as you describe, only returning changed statuses. If that is the preferred way, then maybe we could have a option in the program to choose whether we want all or only changed status values to be returned. Thanks
  5. I am posting this again as my problems in a similar thread have been fixed but am still wondering about this issue. In earlier versions of the ISY software, a Query All returned the status of all lights regardless of whether it had changed or not. After upgrading to 2.7.10, and you fixing some logging issues, it now returns just the status for Insteon devices whose status has changed since the last "query all". I find it useful to know the status of all lights to make sure my programming is correct, track thermostat levels and to trouble shoot communication issues. Is there a reason for this change that I am missing Thanks
  6. Just as an FYI it is still happening in 2.7.12... although the frequency of the failure has dropped now only every 2 or 3 days
  7. I am running the ISY on a Windows 7 32 bit PC using Norton. The windows firewall is off and I have configured the ISY as a fully trusted device in Norton. Steve
  8. I experienced the hang again today. I was able to clear it by exiting the admin console and clearing the Java cache. I was using safari. As I mentioned sometimes clearing Java cache fixes it sometimes I need to reboot the ISY only...not the PLM. To answer your questions I was able to turn lights on and off in the devices HTML screen. When starting the admin console it was stuck in the system busy state with the Windows 7 revolving circle. No status' appeared for any of the devices. It looked like it was stuck trying to update them. I was able turn lights on and off in the admin console and navigate the tabs, make program changes etc.. All works fine (although very slowly many seconds between clicking anything and a response) except no status appears, ever, even when I bring the MY lighting screen up in the admin console. The log has hundreds of these entries. 0 null Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5012 0 null Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5012 0 null Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5012 0 uuid:00 Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Sat 2010/02/27 05:00:04 PM System -5011 I hope this helps narrow it down. Steve
  9. Just reboot the ISY not the PLM. PLM is version v.85
  10. Hi I just wanted to let you know that I am experiencing periodic hangs in the A-10/X-10 module. My commands will work for a day or two and then suddenly stop. The command appears to issued in the log but does not control the light. Rebooting the ISY fixes the problem. I will provide more details as I figure out what is going on. Steve
  11. Hi Sometimes clearing Java cache fixes it sometimes not and I have to reboot the ISY. Sometimes it will fail in IE and work in Safari. Sometimes if I wait and hour or 2 and try again it will work. I suspect it is a browser/ Windows 7 issue.....I will keep seeing if I can narrow done exactly what causes it Not a big deal just wanted to let you guys know. Thanks also Michel for the help with my scene problems and Smarthome. I have made great strides...we are 90% there. I will send you an email when I resolve the issues as to what I had to do.
  12. I am not sure if it is firewall software and will keep watching to see if there is something I am missing. I am running the ISY on a Windows 7 PC using Norton. The windows firewall is off and I have configured the ISY as a fully trusted device in Norton. It is connected on a local LAN with a D-Link router with, as far as I can tell, no restrictions between devices on the LAN. Steve
  13. Every now and then the admin console does not seem to start. I see system busy at the bottom of the screen, but no device status appears. It seems to be trying to initialize them but is caught in a loop. Oddly though I can still do certain things such as read the log, modify programs etc. Viewing the log file shows hundreds of the entries. 0 null Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5012 0 null Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5012 0 null Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5012 0 uuid:00 Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5011 0 uuid:00 Thu 2010/02/18 04:29:25 PM System -5011 Sometimes clearing the Java cache will fix the problem, but sometimes not and I have to reboot the ISY. Any thoughts as to why this is happening. It has happened over the last few versions. I am running 2.7.11 currently Thanks Steve
  14. Yes that is correct.....first is a scene command, the backup sends direct commands. I realize the scene is failing and am still trouble shooting what is causing that.....that is a whole other topic that I have partially documented in another thread. I'll finish that thread when I have found the problem.. I believe what I am seeing, is what I think I saw written about in another post. Namely the ISY sees the scene as OK unless it receives a NACK from the PLM. So I am wondering if that is true? Why the scene fails and the incorrect status is not reported. If that is true, are my lingering Comm issues causing the NACK to be lost.......or perhaps I have a bad PLM or something else. Thanks for any help Steve
  15. I am still fighting on going reliability issues. I have made progress but saw this last night and am confused. Can someone explain what I saw and what to do? See comments and log below....Comments in CAPS AT 6:00 A SUNSET SCENE DOES FAST ON OF 5 LIGHTS Scene:Sunset Fast On 0 Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM Program Driveway Lights Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM System Pool House Timerlinc Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM System Family Room Big Lamps Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM System Family Room Small Table Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM System Front Door Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:00:35 PM STATUS REPORTS 100% FOR ALL LIGHTS YET 2, POOL HOUSE AND FAMILY ROOM BIG LAMPS DID NOT TURN ON AT 6:10 I RUN A QUERY PROGRAM OF ALL 5 LIGHTS. THE 2 THAT REPORTED 100% AND DID NOT TURN ON NOW SHOW 0% THE OTHER 3 SHOW NOTHING WHICH I ASSUME IS OK. STATUS IS 100% SO NO CHANGE IS REPORTED System Driveway Lights Status Query Sat 02/13/2010 06:10:35 PM Program Family Room Big Lamps Status Query Sat 02/13/2010 06:11:05 PM Program Family Room Big Lamps Status 0% Sat 02/13/2010 06:11:15 PM System Family Room Small Table Status Query Sat 02/13/2010 06:11:35 PM Program Front Door Status Query Sat 02/13/2010 06:12:05 PM Program Pool House Timerlinc Status Query Sat 02/13/2010 06:12:35 PM Program Pool House Timerlinc Status 0% Sat 02/13/2010 06:12:35 PM System AT 6:13 I THEN RUN BACKUP PROGRAM TO TURN THEM ON ONE BY ONE. I HAVE 30 SEC DELAYS BETWEEN TO ENSURE NO COMM ISSUES. THIS WORKS AND THE 2 OFFENDING LIGHTS REPORT CORRECT STATUS AGAIN AND IN FACT ARE ON THIS TIME Driveway Lights On 255 Sat 02/13/2010 06:13:05 PM Program Log Family Room Big Lamps On 255 Sat 02/13/2010 06:13:35 PM Program Log Family Room Big Lamps Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:13:36 PM System Log Family Room Small Table On 255 Sat 02/13/2010 06:14:05 PM Program Log Front Door On 255 Sat 02/13/2010 06:14:35 PM Program Log Pool House Timerlinc On 255 Sat 02/13/2010 06:15:05 PM Program Log Pool House Timerlinc Status 100% Sat 02/13/2010 06:15:06 PM System Log
  16. Hi Thanks for your help. A couple further points/questions. 1)I look forward to replacing the defective switches. At this point, I am planning on paying Smarthome the difference to upgrade all but one of the offending switches to keypadlincs rather than deal with anymore of these problems. I assume this will not cause any problems. 2) Just as an FYI (not that you need any more info but it may be of help to others) last night with 30 second delays between commands I still had one light that did not turn on. I had a backup program that ran 5 minutes later that queried all the subject lights with 30 second delays and then turned them all on again with 30 second delays. The second attempt turned the light on that was off and failed to return the status on a different light that was already on. 3) I neglected to tell you that I have been running the Scene test multiple times with almost 100% failure on those tests. I had read in another post due to the nature of the scene test (hop count 1) that it was a worst case test and might fail when in fact the network needed multiple hops. I plan on running it again when I replace the offending switches. 4) On the log issue, am I understanding you correctly, that in a future rev I will see the status of devices in the log when a "Query all" or for that matter a query is done a particular device. 5) Regarding removing access points. Four of my 6 access points are dual band lamplincs. I would like your opinion on the effects of keeping them in my network. Thanks again for your help.
  17. Thanks Michel for your reply you guys sure work long hours. I will BOLD my issues as this is such a long post.... I guess I spoke too soon as last night the V.35 switch problem reappeared along with some new ones i.e a different light that would not turn off.... I will attempt to describe what I am seeing. I have tried using scenes and in some cases not all the lights go on or off and in other cases the lights go on but not all the status's are returned correctly. I then tried turning on each of the lights individually in a program with no delays between commands with similar results. My last attempt was to put delays of 30 seconds between each of the commands. This seems to be the only approach that works close to 100%..... not enough days running yet to reach any conclusions...And of course defeats the point of Scenes So my guess at the moment is that I am still having communication issues and am bowing to your wisdom and feel that the V.35 switchlincs ( I have 5 switchlinc's 4 of which are V.35 1 is V.37) may be contributing to my problems. I am also bowing to your wisdom and not going to add anymore access points until I do further trouble shooting. I have 6 AP's and have made sure they communicate across phases within each sub panel and across phases between each sub panel. Last night as I mentioned above, the V.35 switch that is turned on by a controlinc using a scene went back to its usual problem. The scene turns it on OK. The scene OFF executes and the switchlinc reports OK but the light does not turn off... see below log entries Fam Rm Goose Necks Status 100% Sat 02/06/2010 06:01:14 PM System Clink 1-3 Goose Necks Status 100% Sat 02/06/2010 06:01:14 PM System Fam Rm Goose Necks Status 0% Sat 02/06/2010 06:01:23 PM System Clink 1-3 Goose Necks Status 0% Sat 02/06/2010 06:01:23 PM System A new issue showed up These lights were supposed to go on for 2 minutes then turn off. It has worked without fail for about 10 days. Last night the light did not turn off and as you can see from below apparently the status came back bad. Family Room Big Lamps On 255 Sun 02/07/2010 12:00:00 AM Program Log Family Room Big Lamps Status 100% Sun 02/07/2010 12:00:01 AM System Log Family Room Big Lamps Off 0 Sun 02/07/2010 12:02:00 AM Program Log Family Room Big Lamps Sun 02/07/2010 12:02:04 AM System -2 Lastly, sorry for the post being so long, my log file does still not seem correct to me. When I did a "Query all" in 2.7.0 I used to get entries in the log for each device queried. Now I get none. I only see query requests for the X-10 devices which are non 2 way so I expect no responses. See below "Query All" at 7:40 Scene:My Lighting Status Query Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:18 AM Program Log X10 D3 Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:47 AM Program Log X10 D3 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:47 AM Program Log X10 B5 Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 B5 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 D2 Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 D2 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 M5 Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 M5 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 B16 Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log X10 B16 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 07:40:50 AM Program Log As I mentioned, I would have expected above to see the status of all my insteon devices in the "Query All" done at 7:40 as It was in 2.7.0 I then turned on the driveway lights at 7:51 Driveway Lights On Sun 02/07/2010 07:51:30 AM Web Log Driveway Lights Status 100% Sun 02/07/2010 07:51:30 AM System Log I let the query run at 8:40 and again did not see the status of the Driveway lights showing on. Shouldn't I see all Insteon status in the log? Scene:My Lighting Status Query Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:18 AM Program Log X10 D3 Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:42 AM Program Log X10 D3 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:42 AM Program Log X10 B5 Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 B5 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 D2 Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 D2 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 M5 Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 M5 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 B16 Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log X10 B16 Status Request (10) Sun 02/07/2010 08:40:45 AM Program Log Smarthome has refused to replace my switches until I did the work on making sure my Access points were ok which I have done and if that failed Switch 1 of my other Switchlinc's with the failing one and see if the problem persists. I will Email you and will appreciate any help you can provide me with dealing with Smarthome Thanks again for your help Steve
  18. Hi I just upgraded to 2.7.10 and the log file now has entries for Insteon devices whose status has changed since the last "query all" and status requests for all X-10 devices. I have the X-10 add on. This is a bit different than 2.7.0 was as you used to get the status of all devices whether it had changed or not. The issue that I have, which I thought the "query all" might help with, is that I am seeing incorrect status values in the ISY. I turn a light on and the light goes on but the status reply is lost and hence an incorrect status is reflected in the ISY. I know that it is likely due to messages getting lost in my network. I have spent 2 days tracing every breaker in the house (70 in all on 3 sub panels) and mapped their phases. I have moved my 6 Access Points and done extensive work to make sure the phases are all linked properly. I suspect, at this point, I may need even more access points but that is another issue. Since I did this, my network is performing 1000% better almost perfectly. My Switchlinc problems which I attributed to V.35 issues have gone away and I rarely if ever see "can't communicate" issues. I am very pleased I took the time to do this. I was forced to do it as Smarthome would not replace the switch until I did it .......... I am still having issues at sunset, when I switch 7 lights on at the same time, that a status reply may not get back to the ISY. I am trying various approaches to fix this. I am adding scenes and adding delays between each command, if I turn each light on individually, to see what effect that has. It will take a few more days to see if any of these approaches helps. Now to the 2 questions. 1) Could we not have the "query all" return, in the log, the current status of all devices so that I can check to see what it thought was the status versus what I saw in real life? 2) Does the "query all" really poll each device? I was hoping by running a "query all" hourly that when I had the mismatched status between the ISY and the devices actual status that I could get the 2 in sync again. Thanks Steve
  19. I was originally thinking that I had a bad switchlinc (the oft commented on V.35 version problem) as the switchlinc would report the light as being off when queried but the light was not off. The original issue was a Clink would not turn off lights connected to a v.35 switchlinc. There is one scene with switchlinc responder and Clinc as controller. From the Clinc light would turn on but not off. If I try to turn light off from ISY half the time would not work and got communication errors. Sometimes would work using fast off. I did power reset on Switchlinc deleted scene and remade all to no avail. The status reported to ISY for the light would be off indicating command was received but not executed I assumed. I have had intermittent problems also with my sunset scene where lights do not go on as expected. That seemed to be improved when APs were moved. Yesterday I moved some Access points. I have 2 APs and 4 dual band lamplincs. Essentially one in every other room on the main floor of the house and at least 2 on cross phases though I have not checked the others yet. Last night my sunset scene went crazy again and 2 of the 5 lights to be turned on, did not go on. I had added extra code to check if all lights were on 5 minutes after sunset and retry the scene if it saw that some lights were not on. It did not kick in and turn on the lights. I just checked the log and below is what I saw Scene:Sunset On 255 Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12 PM Driveway Lights Status 100% Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12 PM Pool House Status 100% Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12 PM Family Room Big Lamps Status 100% Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12 PM Family Room Small Table Status 100% Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12PM Front Door Status 100% Mon 02/01/2010 05:47:12 PM The status shows all 5 lights on yet the big lamps and Driveway were not on. I now think I do have communication issues but am at a loss as why status is reported correctly but lights are not on.. Can anyone provide any insight Thanks Steve
  20. In anticipation of my new smart meter from our local CA Utility being installed, I turned on the flex your power polling in the electricity tab. I just noticed in my log file that an entry was made It had 0 in the Device column and Flexyou in the Control column. I was wondering if this is correct or should they be reversed so that device would be flexyou and control would be 0 or 255.. Not a big deal just wondering
  21. FYI I just upgraded to 2.7.7 and the problem went away.....
  22. Just to make sure that I have described my issue correctly, my understanding of why I would run the query all "MY Lighting" was to make sure the status of the devices was correct in the ISY. I understand that the ISY does not change the status of a device unless it receives a status change off the network. What is happening is that I have device(s) that have changed status and the ISY has received the status change correctly off the network and displays it correctly in the admin console. If I then run the query all program the status of all devices (even those that show ON in the admin console ) is shown as zero. Thanks Steve
  23. Hi I have just purchased and installed my 2nd ISY with version 2.7.0. and am running Windows 7. In the course of programming it, in the past few days, I noticed that the Query all program was always returning a status of zero for all devices in the log file even when they were turned on. My network is working fine I have no communication issues, the devices work as programmed. In the admin console, I can turn devices on/off/dim them etc, and do queries and all is as expected. When programs turn them on and off status's are also received as expected. It is only when I execute a program to do a query that I have a problem with the log file status always being zero. I have modified the query program, to in addition to querying "My Lighting" to query a scene I created and to query individual devices and I always get zero for the status. I also created a new scene and queried it via a program with the same results. I have cleared my Java cache and rebooted the PLM and the ISY. I am out of ideas as to the cause. Any suggestions? Thanks Steve
  24. Before I was running windows Vista SP1 and had no issues clearing the log file or reading it with the Excel option ( after enabling macros in Excel of course ) After upgrading to Windows 7 I was initially misled into thinking the log file was not being cleared, as each time I cleared it and then viewed the log file in Excel the file appeared to not be cleared. and contained data from 3 months ago the last time I cleared it. After further research I found the if I did not chose the Excel option and instead saved the log file locally in "my documents" and the opened it manually in Excel all was working as expected in ISY and the issue was somehow related to my PC. It appears that where ever the temporary data is being saved that becomes the file name UDReport in Exel is not able to be overwritten. The sequence of events is: 1) Open remote admin 2) Select log file 3) Do you want to read in Excel yes and enable macros. 4) Data loads in excel but is out of date My guess was the the file the file UDReport in the directory c:\users\myname\appdata\locallow\ is the cause of the problem. It appears it can not be overwritten,as I deleted it and then redid the sequence and got valid data. But trying it a second time it did not update the data......But this is only a guess...... I hope this explains the problem clearly... Steve
  25. Would you explain the issue to me? The files being written, which worked fine before with Vista SP1 are in my user area to which I have admin permission. Is there something I am missing or do I need to change file permissions somehow Thanks
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