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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Thank you. Anything which helps replicate a crash is appreciated, much easier than trying to isolate issues from Apple's crash reports.
  2. Thanks, this may be a bug. If the backup was from the same mobile platform (iOS, Android), and backup was created with app version equal to or less the version importing the backup, then it should not crash. If you have a copy of the backup which crashes please send to me as a PM and I'll try to replicate. Backup does not contain passwords, or oAuth-tokens, so we will not be able to connect to your system. Backups do contain URLs, UUIDs, Wifi-SSIDs, and node data (names/address/ect.). If there are concerns about the data available in the backup please ask in a PM and I will walk through clearing specific values.
  3. Yes. Each device can have different favorite configurations, there is no synchronization of favorites between devices.
  4. Hi @kenrok1, Currently this is the only way to add favorites, adding from the home tab is on our list. After you set up favorites on one device you can backup and import onto another device, as long as it is the same platform. All iOS devices are compatible with iOS backup. All Android/Amazon devices are compatible with Android/Amazon backup.
  5. Hi @Kentinada, The ISY will work without a PLM, but you may need to manually update to the Z-Wave only firmware or it will remain in safe mode. This is a simple process of downloading the firmware file, then point the ISY to the location of the downloaded zip file from the Admin Console -> Help -> Manually Upgrade ISY.
  6. Hi @asbril, Unfortunately I made an assumption on availability as I do not own a W11 computer. Microsoft/Amazon have not yet opened the full app store and are still testing a small number of apps. Amazon/Microsoft promoted 2022 to developers, so hopefully it will be in the coming months.
  7. Hi @borg3814, Please open a ticket as we may need the unique UUID of the device to assist you.
  8. Thanks for checking. There is an additional self check you can perform below but at this point I would suggest opening a ticket. Go To https://www.universal-devices.com/my-account/ and login There is a button for tickets at this site. Optionally click the My Products tab, then click the Modules button on the left side of your ISY. Verify the ISY Portal Module is active. If not active activate the module (Add to Cart). Finally click Manage Modules again and reboot.
  9. I understand the worries, but I think there is a misunderstanding as to what this will look like. Saving/deleting/refreshing must be better in mobile development because of constraints in connectivity, screen size, and limited memory/storage/bandwidth resources. I can not allow a user to change multiple programs before saving, so saves must be a micro as possible. Adding 2 UD Mobile screens to a single view for larger screens will look similar to the current AC, with one side having a list of devices/programs/variables/network resources and the other side containing the commands/trigger/conditions. This will also allow keyboards on devices with keyboards. I'll take a look sometime next week, it's possible I forgot to check a box somewhere.?
  10. Thanks. Regarding variables, this is possible in UD Mobile in a few configurations using commands and display node. Press Commands and the Display node can be separate node-entities (nodes/variables/programs/network-resources). Options include: 1) Variable can be the display status which can be mapped to on/off/% suffix/names and icons/colors. A program can be the Command when pressed (i.e. if pressed when var is 0 change var to 100 else change var to 0). 2) Similar to #1 but using UD Mobiles native program toggle as trigger and status. I must amend my previous statement, to include that your system must meet the minimum requirements. However from most of the information I have read the Amazon App Store will already be installed on most newer PC out of the box. I believe most users who can afford Polisy are likely not purchasing low end PCs. If I understand the information correctly, Microsoft is having difficulty luring developers to windows, so they are pushing to use something that already exists. This makes since in my observations of the public school system in my area. Most are using Chromebooks so many of the students have little experience with Windows, this after a pandemic that forced many of them to use laptops for the first time in their lives. The following link should give most of the information needed for adding the Amazon App Store if not already installed. https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-run-android-apps-in-windows-11 Understood, we have features for larger screens on our list. For example side by side node-list and node-dashboard.
  11. Thanks @asbril! We are working on add/edit/view for programs/network-resources/variables. Program/Variable/Network-Resource execution is currently available for both platforms. In the last few months we have added Alexa add/edit for both platforms, Insteon/Zwave add/edit both platforms, and PG3 add/edit on Android (coming to iOS in the future). We will also be working on customized screens for larger displays. When thinking about AC replacement we must consider current trends in personal computing. Windows 11 and the entire new lineup of Apple products support mobile apps, bluestacks should only be used for older windows systems. Looking at statistical personal computing usage, mobile usage has now surpassed PC usage in many areas. From personal observations of younger acquaintances/family more than half do not own a PC. So, if trends continue, we should be looking less at desktop applications and more at mobile first applications. While considering mobile first we must also consider privacy/cpu-usage/storage permissions which are becoming increasingly restrictive for web browsers from mobile devices. These restrictions make native iOS/Android application more appealing as we can request permissions, manage permissions, and have much more control over data persistence. This allows our native apps to be faster than a mobile web browser, especially in cases of low network connectivity or frequent disconnects. I understand the UI/UX is subjective and we will not please everyone. We assist other developers with bugs/questions, including Home Assistant Devs, so our users have more options. We have an android websocket template app to assist any Android devs with basic setup if they choose to make their own interface. We have not had requests for iOS templates, but are open to creating a basic template upon request. The issue with iOS templates is they still require an Apple Developer subscription to run on a real device.
  12. Hi @borg3814, I'll try to clear up the instructions for adding an ISY to Portal from UD Mobile soon. The setup flow was intended for new users who have not connected the app to an ISY. So, it is possible something is being triggered incorrectly if ISY was added to Portal then removed from Portal or there is a bug in setup for Polisy. Based on your description it appears the ISY is being added to portal, but the module is not being installed. Until we have a chance to retest the onboarding process please try the following. Add your ISY to Portal, it should now say awaiting approval. Then click manage modules from Admin-Console or UD-Mobile -> Admin Tab. Now reboot ISY from Admin-Console or UD-Mobile, reboot is required for the portal module to be installed. After reboot you must allow Portal connection from Admin-Console or UD-Mobile, this is a security measure which prevents unauthorized access to your ISY. Allow portal connections can be done from Admin-Console -> Configurations-Tab -> Portals or UD-Mobile -> Admin-Tab -> Configuration-Portals. Please note that Manage Modules, reboot, and Configuration Portals will only work from UD Mobile if you have already established a local connection. To anyone else reading this: If the setup flow from the web based Portal or UD Mobile is not automatically installing the Portal Module please open a ticket so we can locate the issue.
  13. It's on the list for UD Mobile, although no ETA.
  14. The error is that the App is not getting the /rest/config file, which is odd because it request /rest/time before /rest/config and /rest/time appears to have worked. We have noticed that the /rest/time call will accept things like //rest/time and a few other variations. All 3 errors are related. SQL cannot insert as there is no data, is the same reason the features array is empty, and the same reason the current firmware is shown as "NULL". If you can determine the exact character(s) causing the issue we will add an additional check to the app. Adding a network to the app only instructs the app to use the Local Connection settings when it is on that network. This was added as the app can read a WiFi network instantaneously by requesting the current network from the Mobile OS. This check eliminates checking both URLs which could add many seconds at startup. Anyway, just as a test you can select only use local connection, then try synchronization. If it works then uncheck only use local connection and add your WiFi SSID, sync should work again. If sync does not work in the first scenario there is a URL or port issue.
  15. Hi @raymondjiii, The error is likely due to an invalid Local IP Address, maybe an extra space or character at the end of the address/Port. Can you please use the search icon next to the IP Address for automatic population. The app will need the WiFi association. After that check the connection with the button at the bottom of Local network Connection Settings. Do you get an error? Does synchronization succeed?
  16. I see them in the screenshot you posted, but agree they are hard to see. Maybe change the AC colors.
  17. Try clicking the chevron icon to the left of the folder to expand.
  18. I think you are close, the packets look similar. As @kzboray mentions If this is your first time using WireShark, you are doing fantastic! The telnet packet shows an \r following the command "ASPECT 30 \r", so this must be replicated in ISY. As @mwester mentioned the packets from the ISY are reaching the device but the ISY can not read the response, which is not necessarily an issue unless the command is not functioning. Finally as Michel mentionions when using binary you will need to encode "\r". Have you tried another mode with "ASPECT 30\r" , "ASPECT 30\n" , ""ASPECT 30 \r\n", ect. I did a quick search of the forum for telnet and this came up this which may help.
  19. Hi @dbencivengo, Unless you are routing the ISY connection through the computer running Wireshark will not pick up direct connections between 2 other devices, i.e. you computer is not part of the conversation between the other 2 devices. There are some exceptions to the previous statement, but this is generally how packets are routed. I only mentioned Wireshark to capture the raw data being sent from the program on your computer to give insight to what is actually being sent by terminal. The possibly using the capture to to replicate a raw or binary resource.
  20. It is likely that one of the commands is not terminated or being encoded properly. This can be operating system dependant, so something that works in terminal may be different on a different OS The easiest way to find the raw string would be to sniff using Wireshark. Filter to the IP address of the device then send the command from terminal on the same computer. Click the packet, usually the first if filtered, others may be response or acknowledgements. On the bottom window scroll to the bottom line. The last line usually contains the raw request.
  21. Beta 0.7.7 Fixed Insteon liking when started/stopped by another client/instance when app has multiple ISYs. Zwave progress dialog will now show when started/stopped by another client.
  22. I added setup instructions to the Wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994i:INSTEON_Device:FanLinc-KPL_FanLinc_KeypadLinc_Configuration#Firmware_5.x
  23. This already works well, the issue is manual control of the FanLink from Alexa/UD-Mobile and keeping the KPL in sync.
  24. This allows users to select the fan motor as the device for alexa, so it has native fan controls. Also syncs UD Mobile if controlling the fan motor.
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