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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Delete All is on the list, will add mark-all to list.
  2. Will look into this, I think the grouping issue is related to the modifications for Android Auto. Time is added in the next release (parameter was just added this week). Disable what? Yes, To guarantee the fastest delivery of notifications Android requires Notification Channels, which include a sound, to be setup prior to notification receipt. Will add to my list.
  3. To send a notification to a group of devices instead of all devices. or Although not included on the wiki you can send a notification to an individual device. The issue with this is when you change phones the device id changes, so you would have to change all the notification to match the new id. If you create a group for your device, when you get a new phone you will just have to add the device to the group instead of changing all notification to match the new id.
  4. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Group_Setup Basically you add a group in the groups section (bottom of the settings page), then click on one of the devices (devices section is above groups section), then enable membership in the group from the Device page.
  5. Added delete all to the list, on iOS there is also a third option of swiping all the way to the left which takes it down to one step. @Steve L's issue is common, for this reason history exists. Notifications older than 3 months will be deleted automatically. There is also an acknowledgement parameter, if the notification in the list has a filled circle by the icon the notification has not been acknowledged.
  6. There is a PG3 Node Server which requires Polisy, there is/was a PG2 version if you are already running PG2. Note that PG2 is depreciated so will not be getting additional updates/features. I do not believe adding the node server interferes with existing Module, but I would ask on the ELK forum topic. This only if using the 994i with Polisy and not IoP (ISY on Polisy). Alternatively you could use programs/variables to work around the limitation in UD Mobile. If mapping elk status to variable values the variables values can be mapped to text using Individual Status Mappings to show text values (i.e. armed/disarmed/ect.) and icons. Programs as Favorites Command Type commands could allow arm/disarm on button press similar to the Favorite Custom Toggle Example.
  7. @Blackbird, At this time we plan to support modules included in Polisy, others as Node Servers.
  8. Beta 0.7.9 Fixed Favorites launch type crash on M1 Mac. Fixed backup for in memory database Beta: 0.8.0" Fixed Favorites folder title save on favorite click, Added notification sounds. Beta: 0.8.1 Fixed multiple Notification Settings windows opening. Added Notification Badges. Changed notification list order. Fixed notification settings showing multiple windows. Bug Fixes.
  9. Hi @MrBill, Thanks. The issue is at the OS level for notifications, .wav is the only file type supported for notifications on both platforms when the apps are not in the foreground. There are legal issues to consider if the file is altered/converted. I doubt anyone would report us but it is easier to have unaltered/licensed files. We will try to add the ability to insert custom sounds in the future, but it has a lower priority to some other features.
  10. Thanks to All, I really liked @MrBill's suggestions of animal sounds, but could only find rooster and hawk sounds, on shutterstock, without background noise. Sounds (please note app version numbers) : https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Sounds Setup: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Sound_Setup
  11. Great. I think the delay of device addition may be related to the original issue of expired portal credentials. We'll add a test for this in a future build.
  12. It looks like it was sent, please check the notification tray. There is a bug in the current version of UD Mobile, notification are not shown in app until refresh (click another tab, then return). Also verify the device is working by clicking notification settings -> device name -> send test notification
  13. Use Mode "Raw", update, save , then save all network resources before testing.
  14. The program you have is the solution. This is a specific use case, which has a working solution. So, I'm not sure it is a good fit for inclusion in firmware.
  15. Hi @Steve L, This is usually caused on devices which are using the Local Connection settings and have not logged into ISY Portal in quite a while. Please go to Settings-Tab > ISY Portal Accounts > Your Account, the app should prompt for login. We will try to push to the login page in the future when this error is encountered.
  16. Thanks All. I'll give these a look over on Monday, maybe we'll have some more votes by that time. With regards to making/accepting non-licensed or altered sounds it increases probability of litigation. A $5 dollar license can save a lot of headache down the road.?
  17. Hello All, We are looking for a few ShutterStock licensed sounds to include for notifications. Please post requests in this topic along with links. Sound files are large so we will only include 6-10. Files must be available .wav and less than 30 seconds, preferably less than 10 seconds. Currently included: https://www.shutterstock.com/sound-effects/sound-20354-horrible-clock-radio-alarm
  18. iOS Notification sounds should be working now.
  19. Does the test Network Resource look like the image below with x-api-key value replaced with your key? I was able to replicate a 400 error by using Mode: URL-Encoded instead of Raw Text. NOTE: The image below shows timeout at 500 this should be increased to 5000 to avoid failures.
  20. They are used for MobiLink and Alexa/Google Assistant. The user should be able to change this if they are not set. They are not required for UD-Mobile/Admin-Console. In my opinion there are too many parameter variations for this to work well to set UI Views and we should have a param for widget type (i.e. seekbar, toggle, default) for a command instead of assuming parameters with Hints. The Nodes should be available, have you tried restarting the ISY/Polisy? If they are set then I think the issue is portal is not seeing the nodes, let's see if a reboot corrects the issue.
  21. Favorites launch type for M1 Mac should be fixed in version 0.7.9 which should be released to beta sometime this week. Still looking into SQL in memory database. In memory database backup fixed in 0.7.9.
  22. Thanks, I think our server missing the sound parameter when sending to Firebase , will update as soon as the sound param is added. With regards to sound, I'll see what we can do in the future.
  23. Hi @mbking, Appears to be a bug, will look into this later this week. Hi @hart2hart, When implemented in a Node Server it will use the "Emails/Notifications -> Customizations", so these can be shared between email and push notifications. The destination ("Emails/Notifications -> Settings/Groups") is specific to Email Settings so would require firmware change. We are moving away from modules included in firmware to modules as PG3 Node Servers. Email in firmware causes issues as it requires a firmware update when the CERT expires, so I would not be surprised if this module moved to PG3 for Polisy to allow CERT updates without firmware update requirement. With that said, I can foresee a Node Server which combines Email/Push/Text as a group.
  24. Hi @DennisC, Thanks for the report, should be fixed in 0.150.
  25. Production 0.150 Reset home fragment query to top most query on home tab reselection. Pop fragments on same tab on tab reselection. 0.149 Added Edit lock to notification settings. Bug fixes. 0.148 Updated Navigation Controller, bottom tab click will no longer reset fragment on selected. Added notification shortcut. Added error message for devices which do not support notifications.
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