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Everything posted by gviliunas
@markv58 I added three additional temperaturec nodes and everything appears to be working perfectly! Thanks for your hard work in bring this fantastic NS to life. ? ? ?
@markv58 My Polyglot version is 2.2.9-5 running on Polisy ISY is 5.0.16C 2020-07-24 08:10:31,668 MQTT polyinterface INFO polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,) 2020-07-24 08:10:31,777 NodeServer polyinterface INFO Virtual:start: Started Virtual Device NodeServer v1.0.17 2020-07-24 08:10:31,783 NodeServer polyinterface INFO polyinterface:addNode: Adding node temperaturec 155(155) If I click "Reset Statistics," Previous, Highest, Lowest and Average are all = 0 degrees C and Current is showing the correct temperature. I am using a temperaturec node.
@markv58 Ah Ha! With the parseDelay =0, I updated to v1.0.17 The error pattern that I was seeing previously is not occurring now. BUT, before Virtual NS made its first pull from State Variable 154, I set the variable to a large number to verify the calculations were working. I think the problem may be with the "Highest" temperature calculation or with the temperaturec conversion. The other values are changing, as expected, but Highest is always = 0 degrees C All other displayed values seem correct and are updating. Virtual_logs_2020-7-24_081905.zip
@markv58 I tried v1.0.16. This version seems to work and updates the State Variable correctly and the NS Does NOT crash but I am still seeing errors in the log. First, I tried without a parseDelay then I increased the delay in several steps to finally 4 seconds but still see this error pattern: 020-07-23 21:06:48,320 Controller polyinterface INFO Virtual:pullFromID: ['b\'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><var type="2" id="154"><init>0</init><prec>1</prec><val>-16</val><ts>20200723 11:55:36</ts></var>\''] 2020-07-23 21:06:52,398 Controller polyinterface DEBUG Virtual:pullFromID: Parse delay: 4 2020-07-23 21:06:52,399 Controller polyinterface ERROR Virtual:pullFromID: An error occured during the content parse: list index out of range Virtual_logs_2020-7-23_210925.zip
I have only 1 variable configured in this NS in my Polisy. I have 10 other NS and short and long polling for each NS is at default.
@markv58 You are too dedicated. Take your time. ??
No Joy with version 1.0.15 2020-07-23 16:19:50,881 Controller polyinterface DEBUG Virtual:pullFromID: b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><var type="2" id="154"><init>0</init><prec>1</prec><val>-16</val><ts>20200723 11:55:36</ts></var>' 2020-07-23 16:19:50,887 Controller polyinterface INFO Virtual:pullFromID: ['b\'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><var type="2" id="154"><init>0</init><prec>1</prec><val>-16</val><ts>20200723 11:55:36</ts></var>\''] 2020-07-23 16:19:50,888 Controller polyinterface DEBUG Virtual:pullFromID: /2/ 2020-07-23 16:19:50,903 Controller polyinterface ERROR polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Controller: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 854, in _parseInput self.longPoll() File "./Virtual.py", line 57, in longPoll self.nodes[node].getDataFromID() File "./Virtual.py", line 805, in getDataFromID self.pullFromID(_type, self.action1id) File "./Virtual.py", line 825, in pullFromID if command1 == '/2/' : _newTemp = int(_value[3]) IndexError: list index out of range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just to be sure I have this configured correctly... My temperature sensor is updating State Variable 154 with a Fahrenheit temperature. This NS is configured with a temperaturec node associated with State Variable 155 The NS configuration is to pull from SV 154 and push to SV 155 after converting from Raw and Converting to degrees C Is this correct? Virtual_logs_2020-7-23_162507.zip
I think that I am seeing the same thing as @Teken State variable 155 is certainly defined in my ISY and also is to only one I'm using in this NS 2020-07-23 12:07:16,349 Controller polyinterface DEBUG Virtual:pullFromID: Pulling from 2020-07-23 12:07:16,382 Controller polyinterface DEBUG Virtual:pullFromID: b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><var type="2" id="155"><init>0</init><prec>1</prec><val>-16</val><ts>20200723 12:05:30</ts></var>' 2020-07-23 12:07:16,388 Controller polyinterface INFO Virtual:pullFromID: ['b\'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><var type="2" id="155"><init>0</init><prec>1</prec><val>-16</val><ts>20200723 12:05:30</ts></var>\''] 2020-07-23 12:07:16,401 Controller polyinterface ERROR polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Controller: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 854, in _parseInput self.longPoll() File "./Virtual.py", line 57, in longPoll self.nodes[node].getDataFromID() File "./Virtual.py", line 805, in getDataFromID self.pullFromID(_type, self.action1id) File "./Virtual.py", line 822, in pullFromID LOGGER.info('Init = %s Prec = %s Value = %s',_value[1], _value[2], _value[3]) IndexError: list index out of range
On my 2x4s, I just tie +5v terminal to the I3+ terminal. The I3- terminal goes to one side of a door Reed switch. The other side of the door Reed switch goes back to the GND terminal on the 2x4. Here is the quick start guide: http://cache-m2.smarthome.com/manuals/31274-qsg.pdf Edited: Sorry for the confusion. I'm reading the OP asking about I3/I4 and I'm incorrectly writing about I1 and I2. Must be getting very old Hmmm For I3 and I4 I just use a 470-ohm pull-up on each to +5 and then my reed switch connect between I3 (or I4) and back to GND
Okay, not creating the folder structure you expect might be a problem but I think there may be a larger one looming.... If ISY System-A has 4 devices referenced in the programs, Say, A, B, C, and D. If ISY System-B has 7 devices, E, F, G, H, I J, K, then how do the copied programs reference the correct devices on the new ISY? Will this work?
Are you connected to AT&T U-Verse? Possibly this article may apply: https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/208276903-How-do-I-bridge-my-eeros- Other things to check: 1. Are the lights on the Linksys switch port connected to ISY flashing? What is the lED pattern on the ISY? 2. Did your ISY previously have a static IP or was this assigned by DHCP? If the IP was static, is it in the same range as the addresses that your other working devices are receiving? This may be worth looking into. The information online is sketchy but it seems the default DHCP scope for Apple may be 192.168.1.x/24 while the eero may be 192.168.0.x/24. If your ISY somehow had a 192.168.1.x address, you would not be able to reach it from the eero. One thing to try is to connect a laptop/desktop to the Linksys. Give the computer a static IP that was in the same range as ISY when it was working. Open the ISY Launcher and see if it can be discovered. Good luck
@apostolakisl Thanks for the suggestion! I use folder conditions in very limited situations. Someone else on this forum, possibly @larryllix, warned long ago to be aware of special considerations when using folder conditions.... Folder conditions can be confusing to troubleshoot, especially with nested folders, since right-clicking to manually run Then or Else doesn't work. Also, when the conditions disable the folder, any currently running programs will stop abruptly instead of running to their termination(s). I'm old so don't want to cause myself too many problems ?.
As a test, with the LampLinc plugged in, I stopped Program 1 (above) and manually ran the 3AM Query All and unplugged the LampLinc. As expected, the 3AM Query All caught the non-responding LampLinc and Program 2 set the variable correctly. If only a 1 per day check is okay then you only need Program 2. So, this method of detecting a circuit breaker trip can be used.
@MrBill I think that I was not giving enough time for my query to run (to timeout) before testing if the LampLinc is Responding. The following pair of program now works: Program 1 - Periodically test the circuit // Start this program by right-clicking and selecting Run Then If: Then: Repeat Every 15 seconds // I set this to 15 seconds for testing. I expect that a reasonable test frequency might be every 8 hr.? Set 'Test Lamplink' Query Wait 10 Seconds Run Program 'Program 2 - Test LL Responding (If) Else: Program 2 - Test LL Responding If: 'Test LampLinc " Responding is False Then: $i_Test_LL_Responding = 1 Else: $i_Test_LL_Responding = 2 When the LampLinc is plugged-in, the variable is set to 2. When unplugged, after the Query times-out, the value reverts to 1. This is Correct.
@MrBill I tried that also. After the initial test, the Responding condition is always True. If I test for Responding = False, the Else section fires.
So I thought this would be a simple exercise but this turned out not to be so. I can see the importance of being able to monitor this type of critical remote circuit. I had two ideas to solve this problem: Option 1. Connect the coil of a relay (Or possibly just a wall-wart if I/O Link can handle this) to the 120V circuit to be monitored and then use an I/O Link (Plugged into another circuit) to trigger the circuit-down notification. The down-side of this is the extra hardware required. Option 2. Since ISY offers a Status of "Responding," this seems a more simple option. The idea is to plug a LampLinc into the monitored circuit and then just periodically check if the LampLinc responds. I used a spare LampLinc and wrote the two programs below to test: Program 1 - Periodically test the circuit // Start this program by right-clicking and selecting Run Then If: Then: Repeat Every 10 seconds // I set this to 10 seconds for testing. I expect that a reasonable test frequency might be every 8 hr.? Run Program 'Program 2 - Test LL Responding Else: Program 2 - Test LL Responding If: 'Test LampLinc " Responding is True Then: $i_Test_LL_Responding = 2 Else: $i_Test_LL_Responding = 1 This method using the two programs above FAILED. Why???? I started Program 1 with the LampLinc plugged-in and saw the variable change to "2" as expected. When I unplugged the LampLinc, the variable never changed to "1" ☹️ No I even added a "Test LampLinc Query" line to the Then section of Program 1. Still, with the LampLinc unplugged, Program 2 failed to detect the not responding condition. It appears that with ISY, the Status of Responding = True seems to work quickly but ISY doesn't seem to be able to detect Responding = False. Is there some minimum time that a device needs to be uncommunicative before the Status of Responding is set to False?
How True! On the surface, ISY programming is simple however, there are case-specific tricks and traps. Several of my enabling programs have both a State and an Integer variable set and reset. Sometimes it is more appropriate to use State variable in other programs to cause a trigger when the enable variable is changed and other programs just use the Integer variable and trigger only when Control XXX or other State variables change value. Good catch. Thanks! Program 1a: Night lights Enable If From 8:00 PM To 4:00 AM (next day) Then $i_Night_Lights_Enable = 1 // Integer variable set to 1 each day at 8:00PM $s_Night_Lights_Enable = 1 // State variable set to 1 each day at 8:00PM. Any programs using this condition will also run Else $i_Night_Lights_Enable = 0 // Integer variable set to 0 the next day at 4:00AM $s_Night_Lights_Enable = 0 // Integer variable set to 0 the next day at 4:00AM. Any programs using this condition will also run.
I agree with @larryllix that using time conditions along with other trigger conditions can be tricky and can produce unexpected results Over the years, to make things easier, I have used time ranges to set and reset "enabling integer variables" and then use these in other programs to achieve the correct result. Eg. Program 1: Night lights Enable If From 8:00 PM To 4:00 AM (next day) Then $i_Night_Lights_Enable = 1 // Integer variable set to 1 each day at 8:00PM Else $i_Night_Lights_Enable = 0 // Integer variable set to 0 the next day at 4:00AM Program 2: Night "Any Trigger" detected If any trigger AND $i_Night_Lights_Enable = 1 Then runs if any trigger between 8:00 PM and 4:00 AM Else runs if any trigger between 4:00 AM and 8:00PM each day --------- Doing it this way, I avoid those "sneaky" possibly unwanted extra triggers at 8:00PM and 4:00AM
Have you checked your network connection between computer and ISY? I've had Java problems preventing me from logging into ISY but once I was in, I don't get repeated login prompts..... unless I do something like reboot my router or unplug the network cable. To check the memory situation, you can select to show the "Java Console" from the advance tab of the Java control panel. After doing this, try connecting to ISY and you will see the Java status in a separate console window. Good luck!!
Polyglot weather station node servers
gviliunas replied to bpwwer's topic in Weather Station - Various
Hi Bob, After two days, my Forecast 0 was again having trouble obtaining a good set of data from Open Weather and was stuck several days behind. At that point, I took your advice and tried WeatherBit instead and this has been working perfectly! Maybe the data for my location is sporadic causing the problems with Open Weather data. In any event, this is fixed now. Thank you for all your hard work writing and supporting these node servers!! -
Polyglot weather station node servers
gviliunas replied to bpwwer's topic in Weather Station - Various
Thanks for your reply Bob, I just checked and all of the forecasts (0-4) now look reasonable. I don't know how Forecast-0 became stuck five days behind but I know how to check for this now. Thanks for your help in sorting this out and setting me straight. -
Polyglot weather station node servers
gviliunas replied to bpwwer's topic in Weather Station - Various
Hi Bob, Thank you for your response. The plot thickens.... I believe my problem has to do with the current day forecast (Forecast 0). It is Monday and yet I noticed that Forecast 0 is still saying Sunday. Okay, I deleted the NS completely and then re-added it back to the same slot. Immediately after doing this, I noticed all five forecasts were populated with zero data and all stated Sunday. I expect that this is correct. After a few minutes, Forecasts 1-4 all updated to reasonable days and values but Forecast 0 still contained zero values and was still saying it was Sunday. I found the line below in the log: DEBUG owm:query_forecast: Skipping update for forecast_0 because it lacks 8 records. Maybe this has something to do with my location or the Open Weather Map server I am connecting to (Vancouver, Canada). I attached a log package in hope that this will shed some light on the issue. Thanks for your help!!!!! Greg OpenWeatherMap_logs_2020-4-27_170119.zip -
Polyglot weather station node servers
gviliunas replied to bpwwer's topic in Weather Station - Various
Re. Forecast Data from Open Weather Map Hi Bob, I am experiencing the same issue as Patrick regarding the Forecast 0 data presented. In my case, it is Sunday, Forecast 0 is reporting as Tuesday (From last Tuesday?), and Forecast 1 and 2 are reporting as Monday and Tuesday. Now, Alexa is telling me to expect a high temperature of 14 degrees C but Forecast 0 is only predicting 5.2 degrees C. My question is, "How much can I trust the current day forecast, (Forecast 0)?" Is any of the data correct on this page or has none of it been updated since last Tuesday? If none of it has been updated since last Tuesday, maybe it would be better to break-out Forecast 0 into eight separate 3hr forecasts. Maybe a "x-minutes since last updated field" would be good to show on the forecasts pages as well. Currently, I think my only other option if I want a forecast for today, is to store the next days forecast values (Forecast 1) and then tomorrow compare the day field in Forecast 0 with the current day. If these are not equal then not enough data was received and I should use the 24-hr old data from yesterday's Forecast 1. This is also not ideal but probably better than using a days-old forecast. See attached screen shots -
Adding August Smartlock Pro Z-Wave
gviliunas replied to saphotoexpress's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
I'm using 5.0.16C with the 2nd generation Z-Wave dongle and have my August deadbolt successfully connected. 1. I'm not sure if this lock is supported under ISY version 4.x. Others may need to chime-in here. 2. How close is the lock to your ISY? Do you have other Z-Wave devices connected? -
The need for a better user interface for ISY. Does it exist?
gviliunas replied to madcodger's topic in Product Requests
FWIW... I replaced all of my generation-1 Insteon motion sensors ~ 5 years ago. Before doing that, I experienced the "All ON" problem ~ monthly. Since retiring those sensors, I haven't experienced any "All ONs." I still have 17 other battery devices and 2 KPLs in my system.