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Everything posted by EricK

  1. Roomie is asking for the node to be able to run the program. Ill give the code a try. Thanks
  2. I guess I do not understand this issue or terminology. It seems that what is wanted is what I have working. What I have set up in my movie room is two KPL buttons, scene 1 and scene 2. I do not want these buttons to be on, however, both are set to non-toggle on. I created another scene, Movie Scene KPLs off, added both kpls buttons as responders, and then set the on level for the KPLs to off (although I think on would work). Then there is a program. If kpl scene1 or scene2 is pressed, then turn scene "movie scene kpls off", and the button that was pressed turns off, despite being a non-toggle on. I think I posted this before, and did add a delay of a few seconds in the program. I do not have the kpl backlight completely off buttons are off. Eric
  3. Thanks for the help. Was hoping for just a list of scene names and numbers but this is good. How about the node code (A1 B2 C3) for a program? Eric
  4. Taking a break from programming my new ISY so i can work on my Roomie Remote. Last night I hit watch BluRay and my lights didnt dim, had to get out of my seat to press a kpl. Big bummer. Roomie asks for scene numbers which can be found in the admin console by clicking on the scene name and checking under the scene name in the status window. Is there a way to pull a report of the scene names and numbers in a list? Thanks, Eric
  5. Shannon, I am making the move from hl, which I am very familiar with. I have a kpl at my bedside and its backlight turns off at 11pm or if I hit the sleep button. I have another Kpl that is controlled by my new isy and have adjacent buttons that are both set to non toggle on. However, I do not want these buttons on. The advice I got was to create a scene "kpl leds off" with the kpls buttons as responders. I set their response to on. (On or off should not matter, but in hl I always used on). Then write a program. If Kpl button a is pressed (you can add or b, etc) For then use the drop down and choose insteon, select the LEDs off scene, set it to off. I don't have the isy open in front of me so not sure of the exact terminology. I was advised to add a wait of a few seconds before the then to allow whatever scene was triggered by the button press to trigger. Works for me. Eric Edit: I am completely new to the isy so take the advice with caution.
  6. Hello, At 9pm I would like our hall stair lights to go to 50%. The lights are controlled by a switchlinc dimmer (load), also by a kpl button. Both devices are set as controllers in a scene for the lights and all work fine. I initially tried this to adjust the scene to bring the lights down from 90% to 50%, which did not seem to work: If From 9:00:03PM To Sunrise + 59 minutes and 57 seconds (next day) Then In Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Stairs' Set 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs' 50% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program which just triggers the scene, which is set for the lights to come on at 50% works and is obviously the correct move: If From 9:00:03PM To Sunrise + 59 minutes and 57 seconds (next day) Then Set Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Stairs' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This issue is that at Sunrise and Sunset the lights are supposed to go to 90%. So I can set the load controller to bring the lights to that level, but how to I get the scene to go to 90%, which would also turn on the other KPL button. Do I need to make another scene with the lights at 90%, or am I just not using the adjust scene properly. Example for the morning, adjusting the scene: If Time is Sunrise + 1 hour Then In Scene 'Hall and Foyer / Stairs' Set 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs' 90% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Or just try the load controller: If Time is Sunrise + 1 hour Then Set 'Hall and Foyer / Hallway Stairs' 90% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Sorry for the long post. Thanks for the help/ Eric
  7. Lee, Great advice on the delay for the program to trigger the scene. I set it up but I'll have to see if this works. In HL I usually set the responders to my all off scene to turn on. The scene was then triggered by a non-toggle off KPL, so all responders turned off. A little counter intuitive, but anytime I recommended this to other users it worked for them. Thanks, Eric
  8. Michel, Thank you for your help. The issue with renaming the buttons was maybe more simple, too many characters. I tried to add onto this name "KPL Basement Steps (DB) - D". After clearing the cache, accessing the ISY via your link, rather than via "y.universal-devices.com/99i", I checked traffic which was fine. Last week I developed a problem with my system, not sure what happened, but a couple of my non dual band kpls buttons lost their toggle modes, and I had some communication problems with half lincs showing on a houselinc report for my smartlinc and PLM. I think the PLM is the problem. Last night in the movie room the kpl buttons that I programmed with the ISY were not holding toggle states. With the changes I just made, they now work fine. Please help with this code. When either scene 1 or scene 2 is turned on by a kpl press (Non-toggle on for both buttons) I want the kpls to turn off. I made a scene, "movie scene KPLs off" with both buttons included and set the on level for both to be off. Do I set the scene on or off in the program: If Control 'Theater / Theater Devices / KPL Movie Steps - A - Steps / KPL Movie Steps - C - Scene 1' is switched On Or Control 'Theater / Theater Devices / KPL Movie Steps - A - Steps / KPL Movie Steps - D - Scene 2' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Theater / Movie Scene KPLs off' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The ISY is great. Not so hard to use, a move I wish I had made a long time ago. My favorite thing so far is the program. I set the landscape lights to be on during a certain time, else off. With HL, there would be two events, a trigger on and a trigger off. If the trigger time was missed because HL crashed, then the lights would not be in the correct state. Thank you for your help. 13 devices added so far so I have a ways to go. Eric
  9. Lee, 4.1.0 for both firmware and UI. I have an older 8 button Kpl in the movie room that has been added to multiple scenes for which I can still change Kpl button names. For the newer 6 button dual band I cannot Rename the buttons. This was the case before I added the buttons to scenes. E
  10. I just upgraded to 4.1.0, but it still does not hold. I made a scene, and am trying to delete it. I removed all devices, but I do not see anywhere to delete it. I guess I can just rename it and use it for something else. Edit: Once a device is added to a scene I do not see how to change its controller/responder status. E
  11. Hello, I added an 8 button KPL, non-dual band and was able to rename the KPL buttons. I tried this for a new 6-button dual band KPL and after renaming each button there is no update to the new name. Advice please. Eric
  12. Lee, Important to keep the name scheme for the kpl buttons in alphabetical order. I'll just make a scene for the two kpl buttons as off responders with a program triggered by an on press of either button. The movie room is a good start for me since I have a variety of devices with scenes and programs so I can get familiar with the isy. Then I'll expand room by room. Since I have kpl buttons in adjacent rooms I'll have to then work backwards add them to scenes. Still having some communication problems with my once perfect system.
  13. Going thru the movie room. Not sure what happened when I tried to write to devices bu the ISY seemed to hang for a long time. Maybe trouble writing to a device, not sure. Why are some devices under scenes in the tree red? Is that because they are on? Eric Edit: Must be a controller Additional Questions: I have two scenes, 1 and 2 each controlled by a separate kpl button that are set to non-toggle on. When the button is pressed I want a program to turn them off, so essentially they are never on. To keep light down in the room. What should I select for the backlight level. I do not think it matters as long as off is 0, since the button is never on. Do I need 0/0. If Control 'Theater / Theater Devices / KPL Movie Steps - A - Steps / KPL Movie Steps - D - Scene 2' is switched On Then Set 'Theater / Theater Devices / KPL Movie Steps - A - Steps / KPL Movie Steps - D - Scene 2' On 15 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Also, I have a very long name for a KPL button since I put theater devices in a folder, in the theater folder. The drop down in the program is not wide enough to show the entire name. Is there a way to expand it. Thanks, Eric
  14. Hi, My ISY arrived yesterday so last night I added one appliance linc that controls my landscape lights. It does not require a scene, but I did set a program. Nice because I only needed one program not two hl events. I will try to add some more devices today, maybe the movie room which has 4 devices. Where is the batch setting to save changes. Thanks, Eric
  15. Thanks for your help so far and in advance for all of the help I am goon to need. I should hopefully have the isy before the weekend so I can get started. Eric
  16. Hard to do a room at a time since my set up includes a lot if keypads so I can control lights in the next room. However, that is what I'll try to do and just add the additional kpl buttons when those rooms go online. I watched the isy video on the smarthome product page. It shows that a device can be a controller or responder. In Houselinc a device can be both. With the isy if I set a kpl button as a controller of a scene will it's led light up if the scene is triggered by a switchlinc. Meaning will it also respond to the scene. Thanks. Eric
  17. I think I am going to make the switch to the isy. Regarding the Kpl LEDs I use events in houselinc to turn off a Kpl button after it is pressed. For example, in the movie room I don't want too many Kpl LEDs on, so if I hit a button for a scene, the scene is triggered, then the event turns off that Kpl button. Is this behavior possible with an isy program. Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I can run houselinc without the plm so I will have all of my addresses up. I'll have all of my event and scene info as well. I use roomie remote which works with my smartlinc, but even better with the isy so I can use that for network control of my lights, which I rarely do. Why do I need the pro version? Thanks, Eric Edit: I just pulled the trigger on the pro/ir from smarthome. I could have bought just the pro for less, but I trust smarthome and recently had a huge hassle with a defective elk wsv I bought from someone else in order to save some $. I think it may take me a few days to set everything up in the isy. is it possible to add all of my devices without removing the lincs. Then create my scenes and events/programs, then write all of this to the devices. This way I can essentially flip a switch and move from houselinc to the isy. I want to avoid a situation where I have things half set up and my wife can't turn lights on like she is used to.
  19. I have been a very big supporter of houselinc, but even the latest version is still buggy. My smartlinc (4th) which I have had for at least a year is not going to last forever. So I am thinking of making the jump to the ISY. I have about 40 devices not including leak sensors that I hope to get working. I have a ton of scenes with up to 5 cross linked controllers for some (ex: kitchen lights can be controlled from multiple kpls. I have a lot of events for timers to turn scenes on or off at certain times and for what I call corrections, if the TV watching scene KPL button is pressed, then the dinner KPL LED goes off and vice versa. When I press exit on the KPL at my vanity the vanity lights (X10) go off, the shower fan goes off, the under cabinet lights and pantry lights in the kitchen turn on, and then the shower light goes off on a delay so I have light to get out of the bathroom. Do I just need the regular ISY not the PRO. What is the best way to make the switch. The video on the smarthome page for the ISY shows using a device to find other devices, but not preserving links. If I run a HL diagnostic and make sure I have no half links can I have the ISY keep existing links. I would have to eliminate all smartlinc links. I have been concerned about the learning curve of the ISY and don't want to get into a situation where I need a few days to get everything working and have buttons that don't work. I know that I will have to spend some time recreating my events. I will have some days off after Jan 1 so maybe I'll have time for this. Any advice is appreciated. Eric
  20. I am sending back 8 leak sensors that have not been working properly. I did my trouble shooting with houselinc. They worked fine when put on metal, but not when placed in water. In water they would show wet in the bug log then immediately show dry. Events were not triggered from this brief wet detected state. Well see what happens with the replacements. I do have one that seems to work fine. Considering the isy again since I may have time over the holidays to set it up. E
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