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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. I am currently running firmware 4.2.2 on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.9.4). My ISY is a 994i IR Pro. I recently received and linked one of three Hidden Door Sensors. The procedure was successful and as I continued the setup I learned that nodes for the device required firmware 4.2.3 or higher. As I have researched updating the firmware I have taken note of posts that indicate that Safari does not play well with the firmware. So, I have installed Firefox and made it my default browser. I have also ensured that I have the most recent JAVA update (JAVA 7 Update 67). All my devices are Insteon or X-10 (I have the module installed). I am a novice at such matters so please take that into account as I ask a couple of questions. With Firefox set as my default browser does that ensure its use rather than Safari and resolve the problems mentioned in the aforementioned posts? I plan to use Appendix D: Upgrading Your Firmware from the User Guide to proceed with the update. Are those procedures up-to-date or are there other factors I need to take into account? Which firmware update is recommended as solid and dependable and will supply the nodes needed for the Hidden Door Sensors?
  2. Thanks, Xathros. I amended my registration to request the firmware notifications. Please note the edit I made to my original post. Senior moment!
  3. Please note the edit to my initial post. I made an error. I am running 4.2.2 not 4.2.10!
  4. I am currently running firmware 4.2.2 on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.9.4). My ISY is a 994i IR Pro. I recently received and linked one of three Hidden Door Sensors. The procedure was successful and as I continued the setup I learned that nodes for the device required firmware 4.2.3 or higher. As I have researched updating the firmware I have taken note of posts that indicate that Safari does not play well with the firmware. So, I have installed Firefox and made it my default browser. I have also ensured that I have the most recent JAVA update (JAVA 7 Update 67). All my devices are Insteon or X-10 (I have the module installed). I am a novice at such matters so please take that into account as I ask a couple of questions. With Firefox set as my default browser does that ensure its use rather than Safari and resolve the problems mentioned in the aforementioned posts? I plan to use Appendix D: Upgrading Your Firmware from the User Guide to proceed with the update. Are those procedures up-to-date or are there other factors I need to take into account? Which firmware update is recommended as solid and dependable and will supply the nodes needed for the Hidden Door Sensors? I have also noticed elsewhere that I should be getting automatic notices of updates. I have received none. Is there a setting I must make to get these? Please note that I have made a clone of my harddrive and a backup of the ISY. Sorry that my initial post said in error I was running 4.2.10.
  5. I resized the window and typed in the away IP and no problem. The window retained its original size. Go figure!
  6. Andy10 and Xathros: A reboot of the OS resolved the problem but the away IP has disappeared. It will be interesting to see what happens when I resize the window to add the away IP. Thanks for your feedback.
  7. With help from Wes at MobiLinc, I created a new profile in MobiLinc and synced with the ISY. Voila! The device appeared.
  8. The problem remains. I have resized the window manually and closed. I have resized it using the green button. I have tried everything I know how to do. I know Xathros is a Mac user. I hope he chimes in.
  9. Mac OS 10.9.4; Safari 7.0.5 Never have had this problem before.
  10. I traveled to a secondary location with an ISY and had to type in the address of the primary location in order to access the ISY located there. To do this I had to reduce the size of the opening screen to input the address (something I have done many times previously). Now, when I open to either ISY the input screen is in the altered position and the window its reduced size. I have opened and resized the window but when I close and reopen it is in the reduced size. I am stumped.
  11. I have now tried to sync with MobiLinc Pro on my iPhone and the OutletLinc does not show as a device. I have deleted it from the ISY, relinked it and synced with MobiLinc--it still doesn't appear on the MobiLinc!
  12. I checked the wiring connections and they were fine so, instead of spending a lot of time chasing the signal strength problem, I moved the device to another location. It linked and is working properly at least for now.
  13. I used an extension cord and powered the PLM from the controlled outlet and it linked, indicating a signal strength issue. That is really weird because I have used ApplianceLincs there every year at Christmas but now one of those will not link either! Weird. I am going to have the wiring for the OutletLinc checked out by the electrician who installed it yesterday before proceeding further with my investigation.
  14. Thanks for the reply, Xathros. I am rapidly coming to the same conclusion except I will return to a standard outlet at this location and use an ApplianceLinc. The OutletLinc seems extremely fragile. I had an electrician install it both times at $25 a pop plus all the hassle of getting a replacement and traveling to a drop off point for the return. All-in-all the device has cost me out of pocket at least $70, not including the cost of the device! I hope Smarthome gives me a refund and doesn't insist on another replacement.
  15. I posted the following two messages on the Smarthome Forum...awaiting a reply. "I had an OutletLinc installed for a few months, and it worked well. It failed and was replaced under warranty. The replacement was installed yesterday morning and by evening it was no longer accessible from my ISY. I deleted/unlinked it and began a factory reset. However, tapping the reset button does not restore the load! Sounds like this one has failed as well. Any thoughts before I call Smarthome? I enlisted my wife to man (woman) the breaker, and we did the factory reset. We were successful in the reset with power restored to the controlled outlet. I then tried to relink the device to the ISY. When I pressed and held the button I got a solid light. If I waited a few moments the light went out. If I pressed it again and held the button I got the blinking light signaling it was ready for linking but the ISY could not "see" it. I then tried to have the ISY autodiscover it by entering its device number...nothing. Now when I reboot the ISY I sometimes get a message with something about nodes. I take it that the ISY may be trying to communicate with the device but can't. I await hearing from you." Do any of you have a suggestion?
  16. Thanks.
  17. smokegrub


    I powered down the ISY and rebooted; problem solved.
  18. smokegrub


    Actually it may be an a10. I looked at the icon for name given the device by the ISY and it has a10 on it. How do I stop the ISY from attempting to initialize this device? I have tried deleting it and it disappears but the ISY continues trying to initialize the device. Help!
  19. smokegrub


    I downloaded the x-10 module and started initializing the first device. J now have an initializing screen for a device A1 that is running in a loop and has been for about half an hour. How do I stop this?
  20. How do I safely empty the cache in this version of Java (Mac 10.9.3)?
  21. The remote IP is unchanged. If the problem is port forwarding I cannot identify what the problem is. Could you possibly give me a call and use a remote connection to sort this out?
  22. No, I cannot access it by typing the URL in a browser.
  23. My second ISY is at a location remote from my primary address and the other ISY. My setup at the secondary location is complete and devices linked. When I double-click on the Java Icon on my desktop the local IP for the ISY at the primary address has changed to the local IP for the remote location, and I can load the Admin Console. However, when I try to add the away IP to the Admin Console it is rejected. My research indicates that the fact that both ISY's do not have the same firmware may be the problem (primary address firmware is 4.1.2; remote ISY firmware is 4.0.5). I am unable to update the firmware at the secondary location using the instructions at WIKI. It may also be that my port forwarding may be wrong. It is imperative that I have remote access to both ISY's. I am running Mac OS 10.9.3. Any help will be appreciated.
  24. Thanks.
  25. How do I change the location that serves as the basis for sunrise/sunset?
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