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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. A program executing when a button is pressed has stopped working. I checked the KPL in the Device Tree and it had the red circle logo adjacent to all 5 nodes. I control-clicked the first node intending to do a Query but the Query option was not available. I then tried a soft reset without success. The KPL nodes are in a folder and when I tried to remove them from the folder in preparation to delete them I was unable. I then tried to delete the folder itself and could not. All the buttons on the KPL but one still perform their intended purpose. I am stuck. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Thanks.
  3. I have about 15 SwitchLinc/ToggleLincs controlling Christmas lights. I plan to remove these devices from the outlets following the holidays. The devices are included in 3 scenes and 2 programs. When I remove these devices from the outlets should I also erase them from the ISY along with their scenes and programs? I hate to do that because of the lost work.
  4. Xathros/Stusviews: You have never steered me wrong so I will be ordering the thermostat and the plug accessory. Thanks.
  5. After a bit of research, the Smarthome kit is poorly rated. The Insteon Wireless Thermostat seems like it would work, but a quick read of the manual indicates that programming/setup appears extremely complex for the "simple" task I have in mind, i.e., send me an email if the temp. setpoint is less than 60 degrees. Any additional ideas/suggestions will be appreciated.
  6. Thanks, I will continue my research with these ideas in mind.
  7. I have a small vacation home heated with a Rinnai LP Gas Heater (1004FA-III Propane Direct Vent Heater). The heater has a built-in thermostat. I heat the home in the winter to prevent freezing. I have an ISY 994I at the location. My current makeshift solution is to periodically use a Smarthome camera to look at a strategically located thermometer. Works, but is a pain. Is there a device that will continuosly monitor temperature, report to the ISY and. through programming, notify me when a low setpoint is exceeded?
  8. Thanks. My mailbox is about 50 feet from the house but it faces away from the house and is enclosed in a brick structure. I have serious doubts that a signal can be transmitted successfully from there. I may give it a try anyway since the sensors are relatively inexpensive.
  9. Off topic, but how far is your mailbox from your house? Does the door of the mailbox face your house when open? Sounds like something I would love to do.
  10. Are you backing up from a Mac?
  11. The scene has a KPL button programmed as a controller and non-toggle-off. When that button is pressed it turns off, let's say, devices A, B, C & D which were included in the scene as responders. The problem, the KPL buttons which displayed ON for KPL buttons A, B, C & D continue to display their status as ON despite the fact that the scene ran successfully and turned them OFF. I would like for their displayed button status to reflect their true status, that is, OFF. I hope this clarification helps.
  12. They are programmed as responders to the KPL button which is programmed as a controller.
  13. I have 3 separate KPL buttons set to turn off several devices (different at each KPL). The buttons are set non-toggle-off. When a button is pressed the devices are turned off as programmed, however, their KPL button status continues to display as ON. How can I get their correct status displayed?
  14. My profound thanks to all of you. Two new programs in place and working perfectly. More importantly, additional programming knowledge acquired.
  15. Xathros: It is a 6-button KPL. I don't understand what you are suggesting. Keep in mind that I want to delay turning off the chandelier for 5 minutes while leaving the bedroom light on. Then, I want to somehow turn off the ROG Other KPL A. Could I impose on you to be abit more specific as to what the scene includes and how I use it with the exiting program? Thanks.
  16. When It try the "brute force" method, the only option I get for KPL A is to chenge its LED level, not turn it OFF.
  17. If Status 'ROG Other KPL / ROG Other KPL A (Bedtime)' is On Then Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' On Set 'Mom's Bedroom KPL / Mom's Bedroom KPL 1 (Light)' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' Off Else Set 'Chandelier (Upstairs)' Off The foregoing program allows my wife to press KPL A in the ROG and turn the upstairs chandelier and her bedroom light on. After 5 minutes, the chandelier cuts off. The program works as designed, however, the KPL A button remains lit following execution of the program and must be pressed twice for the program to run next time. What do I need to do to have KPL return to its OFF state, ready to run with a single tap next time?
  18. I will get back later and start a new thread when I better understand and describe the problem. Thanks.
  19. The following program for the back door sensor and its duplicate for the front door sensor are enabled by an On command to the X-10: If Status 'Door Sensors / Back Door Sensor / Back Door Sensor' is 100% Then Send Notification to 'Donnie' content 'Wolf Creek (Back Door)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The program runs as designed and I get the email messages when the doors are opened. The status of the x-10 displays but the staus of each f the sensors is blank. Also, I never get any information about battery statuses.
  20. I use an X_10 module to execute the following program: If Status 'Door Sensors (On or Off)' is 100% Then Enable Program 'Back Door (Open)' Enable Program 'Front Door (Open)' Else Disable Program 'Back Door (Open)' Disable Program 'Front Door (Open)' The X-10 properly displays its On/Off status. however, the devices display neither an On or Off status. The program executes correctly. The second problem,involves display of the heartbeat. I never see anything. Thoughts?
  21. Thanks, Teken. I have enjoyed learning to use the ISY, but I still consider myself a novice. Help from this board has proven invaluable. Reliability of the Insteon products, in my experience, has been less than desirable, but the company quickly and relatively painlessly replaces defective products when within their warranty.
  22. One location has utterly stable power; the other has frequent short-term oiutages. Air gap rarely fixes the problem. Usually a factory reset is needed. The devices are between one and two years in age. The remote location is a problem since I am there infrequently and thus unable to do the reset. The reponses, or lack thereof, suggests that I am in a minority with this problem.
  23. I have ISYs at two separate locations. They have different souces of power and internet service. Recently, I have expreinced a significant increase in need for factory resets of ToggleLincs and KPLs at both locations. Have others experienced the same?
  24. Thanks for the encouraging feedback.
  25. I owe all of you who have tried to help me an apology. After deleting all the scenes I did a careful review of my procedures and found that I had been doing the factory reset of the KPLs incorrectly. I had not deleted them from the ISY before the reset and then link them with the ISY. After I had done that correctly and rewritten the scenes all worked perfectly. I am unaccustomed to work in an environement where such a basic error does not result in an error code and message describing the error. I trust this egregious mistake on my part will not deter your willingness to help as I will surely need it in the future. Thanks.
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