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Everything posted by larryllix

  1. Careful. Amazon Alexa apps contain conditional operations that start to approximate Home Automation somewhat. Cloud based though, and they haven't thought of doing complex boolean logic ...yet. It seems like these companies haven't come up to the logic required for real Home Automation so they are trying to redefine "Home Automation" to just simple remote control, so they don't have to. It seems to be working for 90% of the lay newbies out there. vive la difference...non?
  2. This was thought to be a clash of two or more signals and then some Insteon device decodes it as an All On signal and starts echoing it around your system. This was thought to be common in devices like the multibutton wall switches where there were many nodes inside one device that all use the same Insteon ID. For example: when a signal is received from a push button, ISY could immediately set the LED for that button on as an indicator of state. This should have a Wait 1-2 seconds before activating the LED. This situation can be aggravated by battery operated wireless Insteon devices that do not follow the power line protocols to avoid signal clashes. They have no way to detect the signal clash and in order to ensure success of transmission, repeat their commands several times. While the signal is being echoed by Insteon devices, your ISY device can start sending response signals simultaneously. It was never known or revealed exactly why this was happening or from where but the work-around seemed to be, not to fire signals immediately after a wireless device sent out a signal. This ALL ON signal appears to be an Insteon Scene style signal whereas no responses are ever sent so that ISY can detect any status change. This is according to Insteon protocol definitions. I had one OnOffLinc plug-in device drive me crazy with random Ons and partial Ons (dims) for about a year. One occurrence I recognised the a pattern of lights as a scene that I had programmed and found the logs showing the device in question not responding with an ACK signal when it was commanded on or off. A simple unplugging the device and plugging it back i solved that problem and it never returned for many years now. Remember these devices contain a CPU running firmware and can run amuck, just like any other computer.
  3. Your nickname in your router is not used by the Finder. Many do not even name their devices in their routers for it to work. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  4. I see @Michel Kohanimhas been hard at work to make the wiki a much better resource over the last years. There is actually many directory links now. 👍 BTW: I never noticed a link the the Launcher until I copied the text to my post. Then it was underlined and an apparent color. Going back I see they use a very small icon symbol beside the link but the color scheme on a dimmed LCD screen is just not apparent. I attempted to brighten the link color but it just isn't apparent. (ooops...I guess there is another def. for a used link, also)
  5. See my update above. The links were not apparent in my Firefox browser. Thanks again. I have bookmarked the wiki information. I have not been able to find it in the past.
  6. Unfortunately that wiki link contains nonsense. You cannot use the file that you don't have to run the launcher. It's about finding the Launcher, not the admin console. "Installing the Admin Console Icon on Your Desktop It's always best to use the Admin Console application which is browser independent. To do this: Clear your java cache Use the ISY Launcher to launch the Admin Console. This should put an icon on your desktop once you run the downloaded start.jnlp file. Click on the discovered 994, Polisy, or eisy and you will see this menu UPDATE: This is a browser problem. Links do not appear underlined anymore unless you know they are existing and hover over them. Also the default link colour is not distinctly different from the normal text, making it hard to discern.
  7. Thanks. I kept that file and changed the name to protect it last time. After restoring it when I ran it it reported there was a mismatch between versions, indicating v5.5.8 and v5.5.9 and would not install anything. I guess we will see next time again. It still would be nice for the automatic updating to install, or ask to install the Launcher, if possible. I have spent a lot of time for the last 30 upgrades looking for instructions how to get it back. Previously it would be found under the java app menu, sometimes on the desktop, other times hidden in a download folder and most of the time, nowhere I could find. Thanks
  8. I clear my java cache and there is no start.jnlp. It was cleared out when I clean out my java items and there is nothing to launch. Then I spend at least 15 minutes searching the forums and wiki for something that doesn't seem to exist anywhere.
  9. I am on Windows 11. What issue? How does the launcher link get installed on your desktop?
  10. Not java related problems. These are problems with people operating the launcher. It isn't perfect and sometimes gives problems installing it as well as finding your ISY device.
  11. I would like to see some automatic method to add the IoX Launcher to my desktop. I have been upgrading through almost every version put out since ISY994 v3.x and it still takes me 15-30 minutes of hacking away at different commands to make the ISY Launcher to show up somewhere on my laptop with a matching version to the ISY version.
  12. What is the problem with java you are having?
  13. That sounds like a great idea and sounds simple to keep a complete duplicate system, to me but... ...if there are bugs there may be no recovery back to a previous version to the controls system to recover may be crashed.
  14. Maybe it should be reported on a ticket about the support ticket. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  15. I was all against forced updates but after the bug complaints on old versions comment...now I am undecided. Maybe the usual forced push update load but user time decision when to install. Only danger I see is being half way around the world and an introduced bug shuts me out and there is no remote fix. Been there, done that previously with other problems on ISY Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah..how many times has. ...'that's good enough for now' ... been regretted by people with real life experiences? Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  17. You mean your admin console has On and Off buttons on it? I haven seen those since ISY version 4. I saw them once but they were too small to read. Now I only use temporary programs to see what is on the pulldown menus and try not to look at the device controls. Hey somebody could write a NS with an admin console on it???? Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  18. But the four channel record player styluses have disappeared. IIRC there were a few pressings that supported the depth channel that controlled switching. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  19. I'm still standing back to see what happens by the end of the year. We've seen too many of these "revolutionary new ideas that everybody is backing" just adding to the box of junk along with discrete 4 channel audio equipment.
  20. I don't see any brand working with LED bulbs and two wire devices. However there are dummy loads you can wire inside the light fixtures / connection boxes that will likely make them work. If you have a chain of bulbs you could also use one with a small incandescent bulb in the chain.
  21. I think you will find that LED lighting killed all 2-wire smart switch installations. LEDs just cannot leak enough current for the electronics to talk WiFi or any RF or powerline protocol reliably without lighting up the LED bulb.
  22. Amazon has a fabulous air quality monitor. It records and displays air temperature, VOCs, humidity, P)articulate M)atter, and CO. It displays on an Amazon Echo screen when asked to, and via the amazon Alexa app. It would be fantastic to see this written into a NS for ISY. It is very quick to sense anything and sets off my air quality alarm routines within seconds of pushing the bread down to make toast from across my apartment. Hairspray at the other end of the apartment drives it nuts until you open a window for ventilation. I have found no calibration settings for humidity which is typically within 50-60% accurate according to all 15 other sensors I have for humidity.
  23. @MWaremanhad posted some programs he developed to map the results of this onto a graphic chart, all running from internal ISY code, and I had developed some ISY recording techniques from that to shape the graphic charts into better looking displays, along with dynamic file names that refreshed each month. This all seem to have been deleted from the archives now, according to the wiki forum link.
  24. Where I am we end up going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. I would rather be switched to DST all year 'round so that we go to work in the dark but still have a few minutes of light later when we get home. This can be a real problem for people living at the far reaches of their time zone. Friends of ours, in Thunder Bay Ontario, complained about trying to get their kids to sleep, while the sun was still shining on their beds at 10:00 PM each night, using DST. The real answer is to retire and stop going to work at all.
  25. Yeah. Click the ADD button and type the URL in manually. If found it will remember it.
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