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Everything posted by Waketech

  1. I will give the leviton option a try. The wire is romex and there are other wires that are physically grouned to the box via the grounding screws at the back of the box. I would assume that the screws of the switchLinc would also act as a ground (carrying through to the ground wires of the other cables) but I could be wrong.
  2. Paul, Thanks, up here in Canada metal box's is all that is installed unless it's structured wiring (Ethernet, Coax, speaker wire, etc). What do you use to stand the device off from the box or does the Levition plate come with something ?.
  3. I have mounted a few of these and it seems that I cannot get this to sit flat against the box, the culprit seems to be the ground wire going from the device to the box. Have any of you had this issue and if so what have you done to fix it. I would prefer not having to notch the metal box with a dremel tool, etc.
  4. Mike, Has the ability to point a PWS to the ISY via HAM been completed ?.
  5. All, When you get a lot of rain (30 - 50 mm) and your IR requirment is 13 mm, the IR requirment the next day will go to -30 to -50, does it make sense to wait to water/turn on the sprinklers until the IR requirment reaches 13 again or can a person assume that after 13 mm that the rest of the rain is run-off (max IR requirment is -13) ?. TIA
  6. All, Need some help on the following. After I ran my sprinkler based on the irrigation requirement being exceeded and my program resetting the IR requirment I still had a non-zero number. My log looked something like this. Thu 07/10/2014 12:00:49 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 23] 148129.000000 Weather - Irrigation Requireme = 14.8129 mm Sprinkler sequence started at approx 6:00 am Sprnkler system stopped and IR rest at approx 9:50 am Thu 07/10/2014 09:50:18 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 23] 46529.000000 Weather - Irrigation Requireme = 4.6529 mm Should this have not been set to zero ?
  7. Interested if anything has been implemented on this yet ?
  8. All, Just wondering what personal weather stations people are using in conjunction with HAM. I don't really want to do any guesswork, just want to use what others are using. Thanks
  9. I will give this a try. On a side note I just looked at the status again and it last ran at 12:30, obviously there was enough light, any ideas ?
  10. I am happy with the light level when it works on its own, however I want to combine the two for darker days. Currently my sunrise is at 5:08 am and the lights turn off at 7:45 not at 4:38. So I am not sure what is going on. The intent is to turn off based on time (sunrise) or light level. I have determined that the lights are turning off based on the last run time, I assume this is ok as nothing else should be triggered and/or trying to run this program ?
  11. All, I have the following program If From Sunset +30 min To Sunrise - 30 min (next day) or Module climate light <=5 Then Set lights on Else Set lights off The issue is it looks like to light turn off all the time based on light level rather than 30 min before sunrise, any help would be appreciated.
  12. Sorry to jump in, just wondering what the irrigation requirement is set on. For example I have the following setup.... Water Available/Type = Silty Loam Root Depth = 4" Allowable depletion = 50% Calculated Allowable depletion = 0.4" The above calculates a water applied per cycle value of 0.5" What would one set in the program for an irrigation requirement less than ? Thanks
  13. All, I have done some searches and came up empty, I am trying to program my sprinklers etc but need so clarification on a few things... Evapatorisation I assume this is the amount of water taken from the lawn per day, when is this reset (time) Irrigation Requirement I assume this how much water is required to replenish the moisture, how does this get reset ? Yesterday's water deficit I assume this is a mirror of the Evaporatisation ? Through the irrigation module i have entered the following info.. Soil Type = Silty Loam Root Depth = 1" (new sod only a year old, not sure if this number is correct) Managed allowable depletion = 50% Calculated deletion = 0.1" Based on this my water applied number is 0.125" (Does this seem normal and what does this mean) I used the Wiki to calculate the run times so this is straight forward, however all is based on the data above. What to I program to turn on the sprinklers ?(Irrigation requirement, etc) ?. Also what is the cycle complete for ?. Thanks
  14. Hello, Just wondering how i would order this to have the ability to control both insteon and zwave. Also if required could you add x10 (probably not likely though). Thanks
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