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Everything posted by GPG
Michel, I powered up the ISY and the TX and RX leds both remain on. I am able to run the shell via Hyperterminal and get no errors when logging in. I can get the time and version number (1.0). When I request a reboot (RS) I receive the following: Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Configured IP = Configured Mask = MAC Address= 00:03:f4:02:25:e7 Configuring Network Services Failed to get DHCP address Configuring the File System File System init failedà I checked and DHCP is enabled on the router and the DHCP Active IP Table shows an item with the ISY IP of and the correct MAC address, but the Client Host name is blank. Is there anything else I need to check?
Thanks for the fast reply. I won't be back on site until later today. However, last night I did reboot the ISY and it came back up with the TX & RX leds on. I was still able to get in using Hyperterminal and I do not recall getting any error messages. I will try it again tonight and let you know.
Michel, Thanks for the instructions. I gave it a try last night and I seemed to be able to make all the necessary changes. Somewhere along the way I must have missed something, because I locked up the ISY. The ISY now has the TX and RX leds constantly on and I have lost the connection to the router. I am able to get to the ISY via Hyperterminal and reversed the settings I had made. I also deleted the Port Forwarding settings I had made on the router. Before I send it a Factory Reset (FR), I there anything else I need to verify or change?
I would like to try accessing the ISY remotely. My router is a Linksys befsr41, so I understand I have to configure it manually. My ISP issues dynamic IP's (possibly as frequently as daily). I have read the 'ISY behind NAT' post. Questions: 1-What steps are required to manually configure the router for internet access? 2-How do you know, if it has been configured correctly? 3-Would upgrading to a router currently supported by UD provide advantages? 4-For me would remote access be somewhat limited because of the dynamic IP issue? Michel, This might be a good candidate for a "Remote Access 101" for those of us not familiar with accessing their systems remotely.
I agree and frankly I wouldn't expect to hear from them until they post the announcement that 2.3 is available.
kcshipley, That's a very good example, and I especially like the idea of color coding the buttons to indicate the group. I have kitchen lights with a mixture of full on, all dim and some dim. I have the KPL in 6 button mode, because I wanted the Large On button to represent All on full, which is the most used selection. Unfortunately, I couldn't use the A button in the group with B and C. What I did was group B and C and use triggers to maintain the status with the A button, which does not control a load, but instead is linked to an In-Line link. There may be a better way, but this is the best method I have come up with so far.
I was having trouble getting an In-LineLinc Dimmer to dim properly in a scene. After reading this post I did a Restore Device and sure enough, the problem was solved. This should probably be the first thing to try when any device is not acting properly.
As Heatvent suggests. a 101 would be very useful. I still have my PLC running, because I need it to run timed events on an x10 devices that I still have working. I wasn't sure, but just to be safe, I deleted all other links using Houselinc. It would be helpful to better understand any implications of using both the PLC and ISY at the same time, along with any impact of using both Houselinc and the ISY software.
Got it! Thank you.
I tried to do this, but it did not seem to save the changes I made. I dragged button g to buttons group 1 and button h to buttons group 2. In the groupings window the buttons were moved under each grouping. I clicked OK and the busy progress bar showed up. When I went back to the groupings window, the buttons no longer appeared under the buttons group 1 and 2 where I dragged them. I tried this for buttons already controlling another device and also for buttons not used yet and it did not make a difference. Is there a step or procedure I am not doing? Thanks
I posted a "never", but to be fair, I have really only taken a quick look at it, since I have been mainly working on links, triggers and schedules. It might help, if there were more examples as to how it can be used and the benefits.
I ran into the same problem regarding one KPL button not being able to control another one, which is described in detiail in the "Is it better to use a scene or a trigger for all on/off? " thread. Another suggestion for triggers would be to provide for an ELSE response, maybe via another window. The point being to allow for a trigger like: If CONDITION then RESPONSES else RESPONSES. This would also eliminate having to use two triggers.
I started this thread, because triggers seem to be the solution to keeping the KPL LEDs in sync. It always annoyed me that the PLC would not update the KPL LEDs for timed events. My ISY is v2.1. I set up an 8 button KPL and Lamplinc to test. The two lower buttons I set up as scenes KPLg and KPLh. They have no links to any other device and it seems you have to have them in a scene for them to show up in the Trigger Response drop down list. I created two triggers: (1) If the LL is >OFF turn button KPLh on and KPLg off, (2) If the LL is OFF, turn off KPLh and turn on KPLg. I then set up two scheduled events: the first to turn the LL on and the second to turn the LL off. Sure enough, the KPL buttons correctly indicated the state of the LL. I'll be working on a more practical and complex setup later today and will report my results, but here are some of my initial observations: 1-The trigger interface is fairly easy to figure out. I spent around an hour getting the first test to work the way I wanted it to, at which point I had a pretty good idea how to setup, edit and delete triggers. 2- Local control of the LL, does not update the KPL buttons. However, performing a query on the LL does update the LEDs. I tried to set up a schedule to perform a query on the LL every 5 minuts, but so far I haven't gotten it to work (there should probably be a separate thead for shcedule problems). 3-The trigger conditions are ON, Off On/Off, but no 'changed since last query'. If I'm correct here, it then would take 2 triggers to control one KPL button on/off status. As someone else already suggested, the current limit of 20 triggers probably needs some upward adjustment.
Execellent questions and answers. In particular, I have a simiar setup to Sloop's Question #3, and will be working on it over the weekend. Are there any quick tips or limitations using triggers that would be helpful when first setting them up?